Legal Market Insights
"Class of 2023 Shatters Records in Historic Year as NALP Celebrates 50 Years of Employment Reporting," 07.25.24.
The National Association for Law Placement (NALP) recently released Employment for the Class of 2023 — Selected Findings, which shows that the Class of 2023 set new records for the overall employment rate, as well as median and average salaries. Read the full report, press release, national summary chart, and salary distribution curve on NALP’s Class of 2023 page.
"Hidden Talent Pool in Plain Sight: Corporate America wants you — for nonlegal roles," 07.25.24.
A consultant, writing for ABA Journal, discusses the advantages of the J.D. skillset in the corporate world and asserts, "talent executives should be actively seeking to hire lawyers for open nonlegal jobs where they’d never thought of them in the past.”
"US judiciary to consider new ethical guidance for law clerk hiring," 07.15.24.
Reuters reports, "The federal judiciary is considering whether new ethical guidance on the hiring of law clerks is needed after two judges hired a clerk who was accused of racist conduct while at a conservative advocacy group and went on to land a prestigious clerkship with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.”
"How is AI affecting courts and law practice? ABA task force report has answers,” 08.08.24.
ABA Journal reports on the new report from the ABA Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence on AI’s impact on the practice of law, specifically focused on current rules for authenticating and admitting AI evidence.
"Law Firms Gearing Up For Demand Surge Following Chevron Deference Ruling,” 07.02.24. reports that “some law firms are preparing for expected demand from legal challenges to federal regulatory agencies’ past decisions following the Supreme Court’s “Chevron deference” ruling last week."