Intellectual Property Institute

Intellectual Property Institute

The mission of the Intellectual Property Institute at the University of Richmond School of Law is to maintain a dynamic and respected center for the study of contemporary intellectual property issues, to increase curricular and other learning opportunities available to law students interested in intellectual property law, and to encourage widespread awareness and understanding of the role that intellectual property plays in fostering a creative and innovative culture.

Rebecca Crootof
Crootof Publishes War Torts

Prof. Crootof, War Torts, 97 New York University Law Review 1063 (2022).

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IP Faculty


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Recent Scholarship

Prof. Osenga, "Efficient" Infringement and Other Lies, 52 Seton Hall Law Review 1085 (2022).

Prof. Crootof, War Torts, 97 New York University Law Review 1063 (2022).

Prof. Osenga, Striking the Right Balance: Following the DOJ’s Lead for Innovation in Standardized Technology, 54 Akron Law Review 605 (2021).

Prof. Osenga, Structuring Techlaw, 34 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 343 (with BJ Ard) (2021).

Prof. Cotropia and Prof. Gibson, Convergence and Conflation in Online Copyright, 105 Iowa Law Review 1027 (2020).

Prof. Gibson & Prof. Cotropia, Convergence and Conflation in Online Copyright, 105 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (2019).

Prof. Crootof, “Cyborg Justice” And the Risk of Technological-Legal Lock-In113 Colum. L. Rev. F. 233 (2019).

Prof. Osenga, Institutional Design for Innovation: A Radical Proposal for Addressing Section 101 Patent-Eligible Subject Matter, 17 68 Am. U. L. Rev. 1191 (2019).

Prof. Crootof, International Cybertorts: Expanding State Accountability in Cyberspace103 Cornell L. Rev. 565 (2018).

Prof. Gibson & Prof. Cotropia, Higher Education and the DMCA, 25 Rich J.L. & Tech. No. (2018). 

Prof. Gibson, Boilerplate's False Dichotomy, 106 Geo. L.J. 249 (2018).

Prof. Cotropia, Who Benefits from Repealing Tampon Taxes? Empirical Evidence from New Jersey, 15 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 620 (2018) (with Rozema).

In the News

Prof. Gibson,  Five Star Fakes (NBC12 / Investigate TV) Mon., Oct. 17, 2022 

Prof. Gibson, Is it Illegal to Use Pirate Streaming Sites? (Torrent Freak) Tue., May. 17, 2022

Prof. Osenga, Effect of Contracts on Patent Reviews Ripe for Fed. Cir. Guidance (Bloomberg) Mon., Sep. 20, 2021

Prof. Osenga, We Must Win the Race to 5G (Inside Sources) Fri., Jun. 4, 2021

Prof. Cotropia, Using A.I., Researchers Seek To Improve Legal Practice, Administration of Justice (ScienceBlog) Mon., Dec. 14, 2020

Prof. Crootof, The Guardian, Nov. 2019: AI is making literary leaps - now we need the rules to catch up

Prof. Crootof, NBC News, June 2019: How Concerned Should We Be That Deepfakes Will Mess With 2020?

Prof. Osenga, The Washington Times, April 2019: Op-ed: When the patent system works

Prof. Osenga, Free Lunch Podcast, April 2019: The Songwriting Industry and Antitrust Consent Decrees

Prof. Cotropia, NPR, March 2019: Tampons: That Bloody Sales Tax

Prof. Cotropia, Virginia Mercury, March 2019: In 2020 Virginians could pay less for tampons and diapers


Prof. Osenga, "“Hit the Road Jack: The Auto Industry as the Next Vehicle for Predatory Infringement”," Symposium on The Impact of the Patent System on Markets for Technology, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, Classical Liberal Institute at NYU Law (February 2023)

Prof. Osenga, "Patent Eligibility– After More Than a Decade since Bilski v. Kappos, Where and How Do We Find the Talisman for Fixing the “Validity Goulash”?," The Naples Roundtable, LEAHY Institute of Advanced Patent Studies (January 2023)

Prof. Skalbeck, "Intellectual Property Implications of Artificial Intelligence Tools," GRIPLA: Greater Richmond Intellectual Property Law Association (January 2023)

Prof. Crootof, "National Security AI and the Hurdles to International Regulation by Ashley Deeks," Innovation & Technology Colloquium, Institute on Innovation, Law and Technology (December 2022)

Prof. Cotropia, "Gender Discrimination in Online Markets," Law and Economics Seminar, Washington University St. Louis School of Law (November 2022) 

Prof. Cotropia, "Political Ideology and Judicial Administration: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic," Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Society of Empirical Legal Studies (November 2022)

Prof. Gibson, "Three Aspects of Free Speech in Comedy," Perspectives: Free Speech in Comedy, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (September 2022) 

Prof. Gibson, Moderator, "Algorithmic Justice: Between Process and Impacts," SEALS 2022, Southeastern Association of Law Schools (July 2022)

Prof. Dobbs, Presenter, "Does Art Want to Be Free? Copyright Law and Burning Man Principles," Plaisance (August 2022) 

Prof. Skalbeck, "The Future of Artificial Intelligence and what it Means for the Legal Industry," Ignite: Legal Tech Innovation 2021, Case Western Reserve School of Law (July 2021)

Prof. Cotropia, "The Hidden Value of Abandoned Patent Applications to the Patent System," Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Society of Empirical Legal Studies, Claremont McKenna College (Nov. 2019).

Prof. Crootof, "New Technologies and the Law of Armed Conflict," International Law, International Arbitration, University of Richmond School of Law (Nov. 2019).

Prof. Osenga, "Price Controls in the Creative & Innovation Industries," The IP Bridge: Connecting the Lab & Studio to the Market, Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, George Mason Antonin Scalia Law (Oct. 2019).

Prof. Gibson, "Against Reputation," SEALS Annual Conference, SEALS, Boca Raton, Florida (Aug. 2019).

Prof. Dobbs, "Law and Ethics in Business," WIBO: Assuring Lasting Success - Ethics and the Law, RVA Works, Sacred Heart Catholic Church Community Center (Aug. 2019).

Prof. Skalbeck, "From Conversation to Conversion: Getting Lawyers to Use New Tools," American Association of Law Libraries, Online Webinar (April 2019).