The school has taken a number of steps to keep a Richmond Law education affordable – starting with the fact that our tuition is among the lowest in the country among top private law schools. Even still, Richmond Law students graduate with an average debt of $100,000.
Given the cost of legal education, the amount of scholarships offered weighs heavily on the decisions of students about where to attend law school. The generosity of alumni and friends like you allows us to attract the exceptional caliber of student for which Richmond Law is known: Students who stand out, not only for their intellect and curiosity, but for those intangible human skills that make truly outstanding lawyers: empathy, the ability to listen and work with others, diligence, and just plain common sense.
We’re committed to ensuring that a Richmond Law education is accessible for qualified students from all backgrounds, and can’t do it without support from alumni and friends like you.
For more information about supporting scholarships, please contact Rhianna Shabsin, Assistant Dean for Development & Alumni Relations, at (804) 289-8016 or rshabsin@richmond.edu.