All alumni will use their network credentials to access LawQuest. You may retrieve your log-in information by contacting the University of Richmond Single Sign On Alumni Support or by calling (866) 998-0010 or (804) 484-1477.
The Career Development Office remains committed to assisting alumni, as well as students, with the employment search process. Career advisors are available for one-on-one job search strategy sessions, document reviews and mock interviews. An advisor also can help you identify contacts, job boards and other resources to facilitate your search.
Services for Alumni
Career Advising
Our career advisors are available for one-on-one advising. We are also happy to review your resume and cover letters. To request a meeting, please visit our office, call us at (804) 289-8638, or email us. Liz Jones, L’09, is our Director of Career Development for Alumni Advising and Employer Outreach. She can be reached at (804) 287-6426 or ljones5@richmond.edu.
Employment Search Resources
We have helpful materials available in the resource section of our office, which can be checked out for review and use. Additionally, you may find resources in the employment search handbook for recent graduates.
All job postings for graduates of the University of Richmond School of Law are compiled and made available online via the career management system, LawQuest. You may access LawQuest by contacting the Career Development Office and requesting a username and password.
If you are looking to make an out-of-state move, the CDO can request reciprocity services from career services offices of another ABA-accredited law school on your behalf. If you are interested, please complete the Reciprocity Request Form.