
Giving to Richmond Law

Since the Law School’s founding in 1870, alumni and friends like you have given generously to make an extraordinary legal education possible for our students. Richmond Law’s tuition is among the lowest for private law schools in the top 100 and only covers 65% of a student’s experience. The school relies on financial contributions to help make up the difference. Each and every gift, large or small, provides a benefit to students that they would not have otherwise. Give NowThe 1870 SocietyGifts That Reduce Your Taxes

Here are some examples of gifts in action:


provides full-tuition and a summer fellowship for one year of law school, making a legal education accessible for a deserving student


enables our students to represent eight children or teenagers through our Children’s Defense Clinic


sends four students to an Olympics host city to conduct original research that strengthens Olympic anti-corruption and human rights measures


powers the Carrico Center, through which students provide thousands of hours of community and pro bono service, for two weeks


funds a Summer Public Service Fellowship, building a student’s practical skills and providing needed services to a non-profit or government agency that would otherwise lack them


enables a student team to compete in a moot court competition and develop trial skills


brings a national expert to campus to speak and interact with students


makes it possible for a prospective student to see the collegial, welcoming environment Richmond Law offers firsthand


can purchase one library book


provides snacks during the Bar Preparation Program

Gifts with Impact

Inspirational Gift
Anonymous donor makes six-figure commitment in honor of Robert R. Merhige Jr., urges others to join in!
Dean Wendy Perdue

View the Annual Dean’s Report

In the Dean’s Report, good news from the Law School is shared by the Dean on an annual basis, and donors to the Law School are celebrated for their generosity and the impact they make on Richmond Law students.

(If you have questions about the Dean’s Report, please contact Rhianna Shabsin, Assistant Dean for Development & Alumni Relations at (804) 289-8016

"I am incredibly grateful to all the donors who made this scholarship possible. Thank you!"
headshot of <span>Lily Goodman, L’27</span>
Lily Goodman, L’27