Headshot of Joyce Manna Janto

Joyce Manna Janto

Director of Public and Instructional Services
  • Profile

    Joyce Janto is the Deputy Director of the Muse Law Library and teaches legal research in the first-year program, as well as professional responsibility. Ms. Janto served as President of the American Association of Law Libraries from 2010-2011, President of the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries from 1995-1996, and President of the Virginia Association of Law Libraries from 1991-1992. She is also an active member of the Virginia Library Association.

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    • Awards

      American Association of Law Libraries/Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section Fredrick Charles Hicks Award (2022)

      American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) AALL Hall of Fame Award (2017)

      Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (SEAALL) Service to SEAALL Award (2005)

    • Presentations

      Speaker, "Exploring Advanced Legal Research," SEAALL Annual Meeting, (April 2022)

      Speaker, "Legal Research & Ethical Considerations in 2021," Virginia CLE Presentation, Virginia CLE Foundation (October 2021)

      Panelist, "Coffee Talk: Making Meetings Matter," AALL Annual Meeting, American Associaiton of Law Libraries (June 2021)

      Presenter, "Teaching Technology and Information Ethics," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2019)

      "Ethics for Supervisors and Subordinate Attorneys," CLE Event: Topics in Labor and Employment Law, University of Richmond Animal Law Society/National Lawyers Guild/Public Interest Law Review (April 2019)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "Getting Students into the Right State of Mind: Teaching State Specific Legal Research for Information Literacy," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (April 2018)

      "Library Metrics," VALL Spring Meeting, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (March 2018)

      Coordinator and Speaker, "Funding Professional Development," VLA/VALL Annual Meeting, Virginia Library Association/Virginia Associaion of Law Libraries (October 2017)

      Coordinator and Speaker, "Show Me the Money: Funding Professional Development," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2017)

      Speaker, "Ethical Considerations in Advising the GLBT Client," Virginia Equity BAr Spring CLE Symposium, Virginia Equity Bar Association (March 2016)

      "Non-Legal Databases: Finding News and Statistics," VALL Fall Meeting, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (October 2015)

      Speaker, "Workplace Privacy," VLA/VALL Annual Meeting, Virginia Library Association/Virginia Association of Law Libraries (October 2015)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "Nuts and Bolts of Hiring: Best Practices," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (April 2015)

      Speaker, "Workplace Privacy: Oxymoron or a Reality," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (April 2015)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "The Lifecycle of the Employment Relationship: From Hiring to Firing," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2014)

      Speaker, "Coffee Talk: Having Difficult Conversations," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2013)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "Anatomy of a Failure: When You Need to Fire Someone," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (March 2012)

      "The Founding of a Law Library Association," Inaugral Meeting of the Chilean Law Librarians Association, Chilean Law Libarians Association (April 2011)

      Speaker, "Hollywood vs. Reality: An Ethics CLE," VWAA May Meeting, Virginia Women's Attorneys' Association (May 2009)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "How to Manage Your Boss," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (March 2008)

      Coordinator and Speaker, "Legal Resources and Research for the Non-law Librarian," VLA Annual Meeting, Virginia Library Association (November 2007)

      Speaker, "What to Do When Your Budget is Put on the Adkins Diet," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries (April 2005)

      Speaker, "Email Privacy in the Workplace," VALL Fall Meeting, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (November 2004)

      Speaker, "When Did You First Realize Your Email Was Not Private," VLA Annual Meeting, Virginia Library Association/Virginia Association of Law Libraries (October 2004)

      Coordinator & Speaker, "Create Powerful Web Presentations Without an Internet Connection," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2004)

      "Library Records and the Law: How the USA Patriot Act and Other Laws Affect Us," New Jersey Library Association AnnulalMeeting, New Jersey Library Association (April 2004)

      Speaker, "Library Records and the Law: How the USA Patriot Act and Other Laws Affect Us," VLA Annual Meeing, Virginia Library Association (November 2003)

      "Diverse Questions, Far-Flung Resources," VALL Spring Meeting, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (April 2002)

      Coordinator & Moderator, "Acquisiton and Control of Electronic Legal Resources in the 21st Century," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 2000)

      Coordinator, "Authenticating Electronic Evidence," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 1998)

      Coordinator, Moderator & Speaker, "Marketing Yourself: Common Job Search Errors," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 1998)

      Coordinator, "Paladin Enterprises, Inc. v. Rice," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 1998)

      Coordinator and Speaker, "30 Pitfalls to Avoid in Implementing a Madatory Laptop Program," CALI Annual Meeting, Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (June 1998)

      "Finding Legal Information in Richmond and in the World (Wide Web)," RALA Annual Meeting, Richmond Association of Legal Assistants ( 1997)

      Speaker, "Dealing with Declining Budgets," VALL Spring Meeting, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (April 1996)

      Director & Speaker, "Basic Acquisitions," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 1992)

      Coordinator, Moderator & Speaker, "To Buy or Not to Buy, That is the Question: Losse-leafs and Their Upkeep," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (July 1991)

      Speaker, "Acquiring Minds Want to Know: Realizing the Potential of Automated Acquistions Systems," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraries (June 1990)

      Coordinator & Moderator, "Into the Bramble Bush: The Pro Se Patron and the Law Librarian," AALL Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Libraris (June 1990)

      Speaker, "The Automation of Serials Control," SEAALL Annual Meeting, Southeastern Chapter of the Amerian Association of Law Libraries (April 1988)

    • Memberships

      Member, American Bar Association (ABA)

      Member, Virginia Library Association (VLA)

      President, American Association of Law Libraries (2010 - 2011)

      President, Southeastern Chapter of AALL (SEAALL) (1995 - 1996)

      President, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) (1991 - 1992)

    • Bar Admissions


    • Professional Experience

      Director of Public and Instructional Services (2020 - present)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Deputy Director of the Law Library (1991 - 2020)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Adjunct Lecturer - School of Library & Information Science (1992 - 1992)
      Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

      Associate Director for Collection Development (1989 - 1991)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Acquisitions Librarian (1982 - 1989)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

  • Publications

    Guide to Legal Research in Virginia (ed.) (Virginia CLE foundation 9th ed.) (2021).

    A Guide to Legal Research in Virginia (ed.) (Virginia CLE Foundation 8th ed.) (2017).

    Journal Articles

    A Final Heart-Felt Thank You, 15 AALL Spectrum 4 (2011).

    Professionalism and Community, AALL Spectrum 4 (2011).

    Beginnings and Endings, 15 AALL Spectrum 4 (2011).

    In Anticipation of Inspiration, 15 AALL Spectrum 4 (2011).

    Volunteering: A Two-Way Street, 15 AALL Spectrum 8 (2010).

    Professionalism and Community, AALL Spectrum 6 (2010).

    AALL Funds Initiatives, AALL Spectrum 8 (2007).

    Another Positive Year for AALL, AALL Spectrum 6 (2006).

    AALL Current Reserve Fund Restored, AALL Spectrum 6 (2005).

    Redemption: Reflections of a Life in Middle Management, 15 Trends in Law Library Management and Technology 5 (2004).

    Increased Involvement = Increased Enjoyment, 2 AALL Spectrum 2 (1997).

    Program Planning - Ideas for Improvement, 1 AALL Spectrum 24 (1997).

    Teaching Legal Research: Past and Present, 84 Law Library Journal 281 (with Lucinda Harrison-Cox) (1992).

    The Automation of Serials Control With SC350, 15 The Serials Librarian (1985).

    Book Chapters

    Legal Ethics, in Guide to Legal Research in Virginia (Virginia CLE Foundation) (2021).

    Fastcase, in A Guide to Legal Research in Virginia (Virginia CLE Foundation) (with Roger Skalbeck) (2017).

    Legal Ethics, in A Guide to Legal Research in Virginia (Virginia CLE Foundation) (2017).

    Honoring Rick McKinney and LLSDC's Legislative Source Book, in Festschrift in Honor of Rick McKinney (with Roger Skalbeck et al.) (2016).

    OMG - The Internet is Amazing, in Festschrift in Honor of Rick McKinney (2016).

    Magazines/Trade Publications

    Where There's a Will: Researching Wills, Trust, and Estate Issues, Virginia Lawyer 36 (Virginia State Bar) (June 2021).

    Research in the Age of Coronavirus, Virginia Lawyer 42 (August 2020).

    Avoiding Ethics Complaints: Finding the Rules and LEOs, 67 Virginia Lawyer 56 (December 2018).

    Building a Law Firm Library, 57 Virginia Lawyer 53 (June 2008).


    Bridging the Gap, Virginia Association of Law Libraries Newsletter 14 (2003).

    Newspaper Articles

    School is in Session for Summer Associates, Virginia Lawyers Weekly 5 (May 2007).