Event Planning
We invite you to use the links below to explore upcoming events at Richmond Law, or to plan your law school event. For a more detailed guide to planning events, please refer to our Event Planning Guide.
If you have any questions, please contact the Budget and Events Specialist, Will Thompson, at wthompso@richmond.edu.
Scheduling Your Event
For every event, the very first steps to take are (1) submitting the online Event Request Form and (2) checking your organization’s budget to confirm that the event is part of the approved budget. It is extremely important to complete these steps prior to planning any other details pertaining to your event.
Event Request Form
Prior to planning any other event logistics, you are required to submit the online Event Request Form. This form will prompt you to share information about your event, including preferred event date(s), room, and description of your event. Submitting the online form is simply a request, and nothing is confirmed until you’ve received confirmation from the Dean’s Office.
It’s extremely important to fill out the Event Request Form prior to extending invitations to speakers and other guests.
Once the Event Request Form has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the Dean’s Office. They’ll review the details of your requested event, examine the current calendar to identify any potential conflicts, and ensure that space is available. Based on these findings, you’ll be contacted via email with information regarding your confirmed event, or they’ll discuss alternative scheduling options.
Online Events Calendar
Check General Space Availability Using EMS
Before filling out the Event Request Form, consult the consult the online Events Calendar to see other events that may have an impact on selecting preferred dates. This will minimize double booking, scheduling competing events, and low turnout. Also consider campus-wide events (such as Homecoming, Family Weekend, etc.) and major holidays.
You can also check general space availability through the online scheduling service (EMS). Once you log into EMS using your NetID and password, you can browse available rooms on any particular day by clicking on “Locations” on the left side of the page. Select “University of Richmond School of Law” under “Add/Remove Locations.”
Finances & Budgeting
Prior to planning any event, you are expected to check your organization’s budget to confirm that the event is part of the approved budget. You should also create a detailed budget and list expenses for all elements of your event, such as marketing, printing, speaker fees, transportation, lodging/accommodations, food, entertainment, taxes, service charges, audiovisual equipment, and production costs.
Budget-related questions can be directed to the Budget and Events Specialist in the Dean’s Office, or to the SBA treasurer.
For more information on student organization budgets, including payments, reimbursements, etc., refer to the Student Organization Handbook.
Publicity & Communications
Publicizing Your Event Online
Once an event has been approved and confirmed by the Dean’s Office, you will receive a link to submit the Approved Event Publicity Request Form. This form collects information about your event including the formal event name, exact event time, *event description, registration URL (if applicable), etc. *Please note that the event description may be edited slightly to keep a consistent voice/format across all calendar listings.
Once the Approved Event Publicity Request Form has been submitted, the event will be published to the following outlets:
- Online Events Calendar - The Law School maintains an up-to-date calendar listing online.
- The Docket - The Docket is an email newsletter distributed each Sunday evening and Thursday morning that contains a list of events arranged by week with links for more information. Submit your publicity request by Friday at 9 a.m. or Wednesday at 9 a.m. for inclusion on Sunday or Thursday (respectively).
Student organizations are encouraged to post flyers on bulletin boards around the building. Note that taping flyers to wall or doors is not permitted. Be sure to remove flyers in a timely manner after your event has concluded.
Digital Flyers (D-Flyers)
You may submit a digital flyer (d-flyer) for display on the digital monitors by sending an email to the Budget and Events Specialist. You can also use a standard PowerPoint slide with a 16:9 ratio. If you’re using a design program, the slide should be 1280x720 pixels. The final d-flyer should be saved in a JPEG/JPG format. Be sure to include your contact information (email address is suitable) on any d-flyer designs.
Reserved Parking/External Directional Signs
Parking and external directional signs can be purchased from the Campus Print Shop. These signs can be placed on campus to direct event attendees. It is your responsibility to put these up prior to your event and remove them no later than 24 hours after your event has concluded.
Emails to Alumni
If you would like to share information about an event with the alumni audience, please send it to the Director of Communications and Marketing for inclusion in our e-Connections alumni newsletter, which is distributed every month during the academic year. The newsletter is distributed around the 15th of every month; the deadline for submission is the 5th of every month.
If you’d like to explore additional alumni outreach, please contact the Director of Alumni Relations.
Online Registration
If you plan on requiring registration for your event, contact the Budget and Events Specialist for assistance in setting up an online registration site.
Social Media
Student organization events will be publicized via social media when appropriate.
Community Emails
Each student organization is permitted one email broadcast per major event. Exceptions may be granted upon request through the Director of Student Affairs. Refer to the Event Planning Guide for listserv information.
Print Invitations
If you would like to issue print invitations to potential event attendees, contact the Budget and Events Specialist.
Printed Materials for the Day Of
Discuss the printing of event materials with the Budget and Events Specialist. Please note that advance notice for printed materials may be required, depending on the complexity of the request.
Prior to securing any catering for your event, it is important to familiarize yourself with all food and beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) policies set by the University.
There are three primary catering options for events taking place on campus:
1. UR Catering
2. Food from a vendor on the Approved Vendors List
3. Food from a vendor not found on the Approved Vendors List (pickup ONLY)Option 1: UR Catering
The University offers full-service and drop-off catering options through UR Catering. All requests for university-provided catering must go through the Budget and Events Specialist. This request should include the date, start and end times, number in attendance, and a general idea of catering needs (for example, boxed lunches or a continental breakfast). Because UR Catering tends to book up far in advance, it is recommended to make your request at least four weeks prior to your event.
After a request has been submitted through the EMS room reservation system, it is forwarded to the Catering department’s scheduler. Based on UR Catering’s calendar and staff availability, the scheduler will mark the request as approved or denied.
- If approved, a catering event manager will reach out to you to discuss an exact menu and other logistics.
- If denied, you will be instructed to choose from vendor on the Approved Vendors List.
Option 2: Food from a vendor on the Approved Vendors List
The University maintains a list of approved vendors who can be used for catering events on campus. Vendors found on this list have already been vetted by the University and have specific certificates on file that permit them to come onto campus. The Approved Vendors List can be found online. Note that this list is updated monthly, so a vendor found on the list now may fall off the list if any of their certificates expire and are not renewed.
After choosing an approved vendor, you must fill out a Food Waiver Request Form and submit it to the Budget and Events Specialist at least five business days prior to the scheduled event. Once submitted, it will be sent to the University for approval (which can take several business days to process).
Option 3: Food from a vendor not found on the Approved Vendors List
If you choose to source food from a vendor who is not found on the Approved Vendors List, it must be picked up from the vendor. Because they are not on the Approved Vendors List, they are not permitted to come onto campus to deliver.
You must submit a completed Food Waiver Request Form to the Budget and Events Specialist at least five business days prior to the scheduled event. Once submitted, it will be sent to the University for approval (which can take several business days to process).
Multimedia & Audiovisual Needs
General AV Assistance
To arrange multimedia/AV assistance, contact the Multimedia Production and Technology Specialist.
Photo/Video Release Form
Any speakers participating in your event that will be photographed or recorded must submit a Photo and Video Release Form prior to the event. This form gives permission for photographs and/or video recording of the event.
Event Recording Request Form
To request your event be recorded, please fill out the Event Recording Request Form. You must receive permission from the event’s organizer and from the event participants in order to record. Please reach out to the event organizer and/or event participants to receive permission to record prior to submitting this form.
Event Setup & Day-Of Logistics
For more information about event setup, including information regarding tables/linens, parking, and security, refer to Section F of the Event Planning Guide.
Event Speakers & CLEs
Guest Speakers
Prior to contacting any potential guest speakers and/or securing dates, you must consult with the Dean’s Office for approval.
Before inviting a speaker, you should do some basic research on the person. If the speaker’s views or positions are likely to be controversial within our community, you might consider whether it would be appropriate to use a format that includes the presentation of an opposing view.
Once you have identified the speaker or speakers, you should determine how best to reach them. Determine if your organization members have a contact to the speaker. If a faculty member or dean has a relationship with the speaker, use those connections. If the speaker is an alumna/us of Richmond Law, contact the Director of Alumni Relations. Regarding scheduling, you should contact the administrative assistant, legislative assistant, etc., to determine if the speaker’s calendar is open and how scheduling decisions are made.
Remember, events and event dates are not finalized until you have received confirmation from the Dean’s Office. Do not extend an invitation to a speaker for a specific date until you have received formal approval.
Refer to Section G of the Event Planning Guide for details on how to extend invitations to speakers, handling responses, speaker gifts, transportation/travel arrangements, etc.
CLE Credits
When planning an event, consider Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit opportunities. Please contact Prof. Joyce Manna Janto for assistance in the application process. The application process should begin about 12-16 weeks prior to your event.
Important Policies
As a student organization at Richmond Law, you are expected to comply with all University of Richmond policies. Failure to comply with University policies may result in disciplinary action, reimbursement requests being denied, or other serious consequences.
Alcohol Policy
The full University policy regarding alcohol served at on-campus events can be found online. See below for key takeaways.
- Alcohol purchases and bartending services must be sourced from UR Catering or through an approved vendor. Student organizations are not permitted to purchase alcohol, nor are they permitted to have a member of their organization serve as a bartender.
- A law school staff member must serve as an “Event Manager” at every on-campus event where alcohol is served. The Event Manager is responsible for monitoring entrances/exits to/from the event, checking photo IDs (regardless of what age a person may look) and issuing wristbands, and overseeing the event. Because a staff member must be present at on-campus events where alcohol is served, it’s very important to plan in advance.
Non-Alcoholic Beverages
The University of Richmond has a contract in place with Pepsi for exclusive beverage representation on campus. Therefore, only Pepsi products are to be sold, dispensed, served, or sampled on campus. Per this agreement, products must be purchased through the University’s retail outlets (ETC or the bookstore) or Heilman Dining Center. The purchase of Pepsi products from any non-campus retailer is not permitted. Pepsi products include soft drinks, bottled water (Aquafina), Gatorade, Starbucks coffee, Izze, Naked Juice, Bubly, and more.
If you plan on purchasing beverages using University funds, you are required to purchase them through the University. To order, call (804) 289-8512 (Monday–Friday, 9 am.–4:30 p.m.) at least three business days prior to your event.
Students and student organizations are prohibited from soliciting financial support from alumni or any outside sources including foundations, corporations, or law firms without the prior written consent of the Director of Student Affairs. See Section H of the Event Planning Guide for more information about fundraising and donations.
All contracts and contractual agreements must be entered into an online system that is monitored and reviewed by the University. Once reviewed by University approvers, contracts are submitted to Dean Perdue for review and signature.
Students, faculty, and staff are not permitted to sign contracts. This includes, but is not limited to, catering contracts, hotel/room block agreements, facility rental or event space agreements, event/event equipment rental contracts, speaker agreements, etc.
You must contact the Dean’s Office to begin the contract review and approval process. Keep in mind that this process may take several weeks, depending on the terms and conditions of the agreement. Contracts must be submitted to the University for approval prior to any deposits or payments.
Alumni Outreach
Student-alumni collaboration and communication is welcome and encouraged. If you’d like to reach out to any alum on behalf of your organization (for purposes including, but not limited to, making a presentation, or filming a video), you must contact our Alumni & Development Office first. The best way to do this is to reach out to the Director of Alumni Relations.
Logo Use and Licensing
All logo use requests should be submitted to the Director of Communications and Marketing. Any items ordered with the school’s logo or the school name (such as t-shirts or other promotional products) must be ordered from an approved vendor and approved by Collegiate Licensing.