Did you know… Today is the day “tuition runs out”?
What does this mean?
February marks the passage of two-thirds of the academic year at Richmond Law. This is an important point in the year as tuition only covers about 65% of the student experience, symbolically representing the time when tuition ends, and philanthropy begins.
How is tuition not enough?
Richmond Law is proud its tuition is among the lowest for private law schools in the top 100, and has a dedicated focus on making a legal education accessible and affordable. Philanthropy is paramount to this endeavor. Those who give understand that to make Richmond Law accessible and affordable, as well as provide students with the best educational experience, funding is required above and beyond tuition dollars. This symbolic day is not meant to downplay students’ own investments in their education. Rather, it is an opportunity to recognize that in addition to their personal investments, each and every Law Spider benefits from the generosity of our alumni and supporters.
Where does the remaining 35% come from?
While the University helps close the gap, providing critical resources to the Law School, the exceptional legal education delivered to students would not be possible without the generosity of donors. Philanthropy—through both endowment support and annual gifts—provides students with opportunities they otherwise would not have, such as Summer Public Service Fellowships.
How do the University’s endowment and other resources benefit law students?
Many law schools operate independently in relation to their larger universities, generating revenue from sources such as tuition, philanthropy, or endowed funds. Here, however, the Law School is recognized as a vital part of the larger University and enjoys generous support from the University, much like the department of English or History would. Most recently, the University has funded a large-scale renovation of the Law School building and additionally, it supports the Law School in awarding financial aid to students thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends.
Where can I see my support in action?
Gifts to the Law School provide students with opportunities beyond those covered by tuition. Your annual support enables Richmond Law to provide our students with an experience that is both rich in practical offerings and professional development and also enables the school to keep pace with a rapidly changing legal sector. Philanthropy provides students with scholarships, fellowships, clinical offerings, and more.