Sidney Fox

Q. Why are you interested in business law? What are your career goals?
A. I am interested in business law because I have enjoyed my experiences working for businesses both before and during law school. Whether it’s representing a local non-profit or a major corporation, there is so much to learn and explore in the field. I chose to go to law school because of the problem-solving aspect of being an attorney. I think the problems you tackle as a business law attorney are uniquely complex, stimulating, interesting, and rewarding.
I am still on my way to figuring out what my career path looks like, however, I would love to work at a large law firm after law school graduation. I hope to practice business law in some capacity where I can be involved with helping clients and their businesses navigate legal issues they may face or helping them stay in compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations that govern their industry.
Q. Have you worked in any positions related to business law?
A. Between undergrad at Davidson College and law school, I was a paralegal at a big law firm in Washington, DC. I spent half of my time with the Antitrust practice group, assisting primarily with an MDL class-action defense. I loved learning more about the process and nuances involved in complex litigation, especially from the perspective of representing a broadcasting company.
I spent the rest of my time at the firm with the Aviation Finance practice group. I helped with a number of sale-lease-back deals for our client, a major airline, at the beginning of the pandemic. I thoroughly enjoyed learning the nature, structure, and pace of deal work, especially in the context of aviation.
Q. Why did you join the Richmond Law & Business Forum? What has been your favorite Richmond Law & Business Forum event?
A. As a 1L, I attended just about every Business Forum event I could. I thought the events gave me an exposure to practices we did not discuss in my classes and that were more aligned with what I could see myself doing as an attorney. I joined the Richmond Law & Business Forum board to have a voice in helping organize and plan these events. My favorite event was the Spring networking event. It was a great way to meet so many attorneys in the business law field here in Richmond and beyond. I loved connecting with other students interested in business law at the event as well.
Q. What has been your favorite business law course that you have taken so far?
A. I am really enjoying my Bankruptcy course with Professor Epstein! Bankruptcy is a subject I have no background in, but I am enjoying learning the intricacies, strategies, and structure of Bankruptcy law.
Q. What is your favorite thing about Richmond Law?
A. My favorite thing about Richmond law is the professors! I have thoroughly enjoyed all my classes because of the professor's expertise and enthusiasm for the subject along with their willingness to engage with students both inside and outside of the classroom.
Q. Any fun or quirky facts about you that you are willing to share?
A. A hobby I picked up these past few years is designing (an eating) charcuterie boards! I enjoy putting the boards together, picking themes, making it look aesthetically pleasing. It’s been a fun way for me to get friends together, especially in law school.