Azizah Al-Hibri
Professor Azizah al-Hibri is a Professor Emerita at the Law School, having served on the faculty from 1992 until her retirement in 2012. Her work has centered on developing an Islamic jurisprudence and body of Islamic law that are gender equitable and promote human rights and democratic governance. Professor al-Hibri has authored numerous book chapters, essays, and law review articles on these subjects, and her work has appeared in the highly respected Journal of Law and Religion, Harvard International Review, and University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, among other venues. In 2011, Professor al-Hibri was appointed by President Obama to serve as a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. She received the Virginia First Freedom Award from the Council for America's First Freedom in 2007, the Dr. Betty Shabazz Recognition Award from Women in Islam in 2006, and the University of Richmond's Distinguished Educator Award in 2004, and was named a Fulbright scholar in 2001. Professor al-Hibri is the founding editor of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, and founder and president of the organization KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights.
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Presenter, "Faith, Values and Lawyering in the 21st Century: Failure of the Compartmentalization Approach," Legal Ethics at a Time of Regulatory Change, International Legal Ethics Conference (July 2014)
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Professional Experience
Professor Emerita of Law (2012 - present)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAProfessor of Law (1998 - 2012)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAAssociate Professor of Law (1992 - 1998)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAAssociate (1987 - 1992)
Debevoise & Plimpton, New York, NYAssociate (1986 - 1987)
Sullivan & Cromwell, New York, NYVisiting Scholar (1985 - 1985)
Harvard Divinity School and Center for the Study of World ReligionsSummer Associate (1984 - 1984)
Davis Polk & Wardwell, New York, NYSummer Intern for Judge Louis H. Pollak (1983 - 1983)
United States District CourtSummer Intern for Judge William F. Hall Jr. (1983 - 1983)
United States District CourtVisiting Associate Professor, Philosophy (1975 - 1983)
Texas A&M University
Islamic Worldview: Islamic Jurisprudence, An American Muslim Perspective 1 (American Bar Association Book Publishing) (2015).
Sex, Marriage and Family in World Religions (Columbia University Press) (Don Browning et al., eds.) (2006).
Religion in American Public Life: Living with Our Deepest Differences (with Jean Elshtain et al.) (2001).
Hypatia Reborn: Essays in Feminist Philosophy (Indiana University Press) (Margaret Simons) (1990).
Women and Islam (ed.) (Pergamon Press (Oxford)) (1982).
Technology and Human Affairs (Mosby Incorporated) (Larry Hickman) (1981).
Deontic Logic: A Comprehensive Appraisal and a New Proposal (University Press of America) (1978).
Journal ArticlesAn Islamic Perspective on Domestic Violence, 27 Fordham International Law Journal 195 (2003).
Symposium: American Muslims and Civil Rights: Testimonies and Critiques: Opening Remarks, 19 Journal of Law and Religion 59 (2003).
Foreword, 8 Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal 1 (2002).
Introduction, Journal of Law & Religion xi (2000).
Muslim Women's Rights in the Global Village: Challenges and Opportunities, 15 Journal of Law & Religion 37 (2000).
Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing?, 1 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 492 (1999).
Faith and the Attorney-Client Relationship: A Muslim Perspective, 66 Fordham Law Review 1131 (1998).
Legal Reform: Reviewing Human Rights in the Muslim World, 20 Harvard International Law Journal 50 (1998).
The American Corporation in the Twenty-First Century: Future Forms of Structure and Governance, 31 University of Richmond Law Review 1399 (1997).
Islam, Law and Custom: Redefining Muslim Women's Rights, American University Journal of International Law and Policy (1997).
On Being a Muslim Corporate Lawyer, 27 Texas Tech Law Review 947 (1996).
The Muslim Perspective on the Clergy-Penitent Privilege, 29 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1723 (1996).
Symposium on Religious Law: Roman Catholic, Islamic, and Jewish Treatment of Family Matters, Including Education, Abortion, In Vitro Fertilization, Prenuptial Agreement, Contraception and Marital Fraud, 16 The Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 22 (1993).
Islamic Constitutionalism and the Concept of Democracy, 24 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 28 (1992).
Book ChaptersMarriage and Divorce: Legal Foundations, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Muslim World (Oxford ) (2009).
Islam, in Sex, Marriage, and Family In World Religions (Columbia University Press) (Raja' El Habti) (March 2009).
Divine Justice and Human Order: An Islamic Perspective, in Humanity Before God: Contemporary Faces of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Ethics (Michael A. Johnson et al., eds.) (2006).
The Nature of the Islamic Marriage: Sacramental, Covenantal, or Contractual, in Covenant Marriage in Comparative Perspective (Eliza Ellison et al., eds.) (2005).
Hagar on My Mind, in Philosophy, Feminism, and Faith (2003).
Redefining Muslim Women's Roles in the Next Century, in Democracy and the Rule of Law (2001).
Standing at the Precipice: Faith in the Age of Science and Technology, in Religion in American Public Life: Living with Our Deepest Differences (Jean Elshtain et al., eds.) (2001).
Deconstructing Patriarchal Jurisprudence in Islamic Law: A Faithful Approach, in Global Critical Race Feminism: An International Reader (New York University Press ) (with Adrien Wing) (2000).
Is Western Patriarchal Feminism Good for Third World/Minority Women?, in Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? (Princeton University Press) (Susan Olkin, ed.) (1999).
Islamic Law and Muslim Women in America, in One Nation Under God? Religion and American Culture (Marjorie Garber et al., eds.) (1999).
Islamic Law, in A Companion to Feminist Philosophy (Blackwell) (1998).
A Critique of Personal Status Codes in Selected Arab Countries, in United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Series of Studies on Arab Women and Development (1997).
Qur'anic Foundations of the Rights of Muslim Women in the Twenty-First Century, in Women in Indonesian Society: Access, Empowerment, and Opportunity (Sunan Kalijaga Press) (Sajida S. Alvi et al., eds.) (1997).
Marriage and Divorce: Legal Foundations, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (Oxford University Press) (John Esposito, ed.) (1995).
Book ReviewsAn Introduction to Muslim Women's Rights, Windows of Faith: Muslim Women Scholar-Activists in North America (Gisela Webb, ed.) (2000).
Conference ProceedingsIslam, Law and Custom: Redefining Muslim Women's Rights, International Conference on Islamic Laws and Women in the Modern World (1997).
Family Planning and Islamic Jurisprudence, Religious and Ethical Perspectives On Population Issues, 2 (The Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics) (1993).
Magazines/Trade PublicationsIslamic Law vs. Patriarchal Systems: A Woman's Perspective, Pers. 8 (2002).
In the News
9/11 remembered: 14 years later (MSNBC)
Fri., Nov. 20, 2015Speakers Fulfill 'Inspiration Day' (The Connection Newspapers)
Thu., May. 8, 2014Christian Minorities: Our Trust Betrayed (The Huffington Post)
Wed., Sep. 25, 2013Torture admission would help restore U.S. standing in world (Winter Park / Maitland Observer, San Fernando Valley Sun)
Wed., Aug. 28, 2013On torture, no time like the present to own up to our past (Miami Herald)
Tue., Aug. 20, 2013Barton: Complacency encourages evil (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., May. 10, 2013Muslim women lawyers aim to reconcile traditional beliefs with secular society (ABA Journal)
Fri., Feb. 1, 2013Anti-Blasphemy Laws in the Arab Spring (The Huffington Post)
Thu., May. 31, 2012No Contradictions Between the Koran and the US Constitution (New Jersey On-Line)
Fri., Jan. 6, 2012 - Links