Carl W. Tobias
Professor Carl Tobias holds the Law School’s prestigious Williams Chair and writes in a number of areas, with a particular emphasis on federal judicial selection. A prolific scholar, Professor Tobias is the author of over 120 law review articles and the author or co-author of more than 80 essays, commentaries, and other shorter works in law reviews. He has published in the country’s top law journals, including the Stanford, Columbia, California, and Cornell Law Reviews, among others. Professor Tobias is also a frequent commentator in the media and has written several hundred opinion pieces published in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, Slate and Politico, among other high-profile media outlets. He has served as a Legal Consultant to the Food and Drug Administration and the American Bar Association’s Commission on the Twenty-First Century Judiciary as well as a member of the District Court Local Rules Review Committee of the Ninth Circuit Chief District Judges Conference, the Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group for the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana, and the Study Committee to Review the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure. Professor Tobias has been a member of the prestigious American Law Institute since 1994.
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Reporter, National Confernce on Appellate Justice (2005 - present)
Member, American Law Institute (1994 - present)
Member, Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group, United States District Court for the District of Montana (1994 - present)
Reporter, Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government, Task Force on Science and Technology in Judicial and Regulatory Decision Making, Data Collection Discussion Group (1992 - present)
Counsel, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Separtaion of Powers (1975 - present)
Legal Consultant, ABA Commission on the Twenty- First Century Judiciary (2002 - 2003)
Member, Study Committee to Review the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure (1999 - 2003)
Member, District Court Local Rules Review Committee, Ninth Circuit Judicial Council (1994 - 1997)
Legal Consultant, Adminsitrative Confernce of the United States (1990 - 1995)
Director, Montana Natural Resources Clinic (Environmental Law Clinic under National Wildlife Federation auspices (1980 - 1982)
Legal Consultant, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration (1976 - 1982)
Counsel, Virginia Wetlands Study Commission and Virginia Senate Argriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee (1971 - 1972)
Professional Experience
Williams Professor of Law (2004 - present)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAVisiting Williams Professor of Law (2003 - 2004)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAProfessor of Law (1998 - 2004)
William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NVProfessor of Law (1975 - 1998)
University of Montana School of Law,, Missoula, MTGeneral Civil Litigation and General Environmental Work (1972 - 1975)
Hunton and Williams, Richmond, VA
Journal Articles
Cheers For Fourth Circuit Chief Judge Roger Gregory, 84 Maryland Law Review Online (2024).
Selecting Lower Court Judges in the Senate Lame Duck Session, 28 Richmond Public Interest L Rev 1 (University of Richmond) (2024).
, (2024).
Michigan Senators' Crucial Role in Keeping Federal Courts Full, Michigan State Law Review Forum (2024).
, (2024).
Filling the Red State Federal Judicial Vacancies, 12 Texas A&M Law Review Arguendo (Texas A&M) (2024) (12 TEX. A&M L. REV. ARGUENDO 1 ).
Appoint Judge Ana de Alba to the Ninth Circuit, 58 University of Richmond Online (2023).
Confirm Irma Carrillo Ramirez to the Fifth Circuit, 76 SMU Law Review (2023).
How Joe Biden Can Keep Breaking Records for Confirming Indigenous Judges, 55 Arizona State Law Journal Online (2023).
Confirm Rachel Bloomekatz to the Sixth Circuit, 58 University of Richmond Law Review OnlineRich (2023).
Confirm Julie Rikelman For the First Circuit, 58 University of Richmond Law Review Online 1 (Richmond Law Review) (2023).
Biden, Bennet, and Bipartisan Federal Judicial Selection, , 94 University of Colorado Law Review Forum (2023).
How Biden Can Continue Making the Federal Courts Better, 25 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol'y 43 (2023).
Filling Lower Court Vacancies In Congress' Lame Duck Session, 57 University of Richmond Law Review Online (2022).
How Biden Could Keep Filling the Federal Circuit Court Vacancies, 80 Washington and Lee Law Review Online 1 (2022).
How Biden Began Building Back Better the Federal Bench, 78 Washington and Lee Law Review Online (2021).
Filling Judge Flaum's Vacant Seventh Circuit Seat, 11 Houston Law Review Online 48 (2021).
Filling the California Federal District Court Vacancies, 11 California Law Review Online 68 (2020).
Filling the Federal District Court Vacancies, 22 N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation & Public Policy 421 (2020).
Keep the Federal Courts Great, 100 Boston University Law Review Online 196 (2020).
Selecting District Judges in the 116th Senate Lame Duck Session, 37 Yale Journal of Regulation Notice & Comment (2020).
Fact-Checking Trump's Federa; Bench Fabrications in the First Debate, 23 N.Y.U Journal of Legislation & Public Policy (2020).
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Lower Court Appointments, 115 Northwestern University Law Review Of Note (2020).
The Federal Law Clerk Hiring Pilot and The Coronavirus Pandemic, 54 UC Davis Law Review Online 54 (2020).
Fill the New York Federal District Court Vacancies, N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation & Public Policy Quorum (2020).
Filling the California Ninth Circuit Vacancies, 92 Southern California Law Review Postscript 83 (2019).
Filling the Ninth Circuit Vacancies , 27 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1113 (2019).
President Donald Trump's War on Federal Judicial Diversity, 54 Wake Forest Law Review 531 (2019).
Senator Chuck Grassley and Judicial Confirmations, 104 Iowa Law Review Online 31 (2019).
Filling the New York Federal District Court Vacancies, 76 Washington and Lee Law Review Online 1 (2019).
Curing the Federal Court Vacancy Crisis, 53 Wake Forest Law Review 883 (2018).
Marriage Equality Comes to the Fourth Circuit, 75 Washington & Lee Law Review 2005 (2018).
Senate Blue Slips and Senate Regular Order, Yale Law and Policy Review Inter Alia (2018).
Appointing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Judges in the Trump Administration, 96 Washington University Law Review Online 11 (2018).
President Donald Trump and Federal Bench Diversity, 74 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 400 (2018).
The Blue Slip Blues, 36 Yale Law & Policy Review Inter Alia (2018).
Filling the Texas Federal Court Vacancies, 95 Texas Law Review 170 (2017).
Combatting the Ninth Circuit Judicial Vacancy Crisis, 73 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 678 (2017).
Confirming Judge Restrepo in the Third Circuit, 88 Temple Law Review Online (2017).
Confirming Supreme Court Justices in a Presidential Election Year, 94 Washington University Law Review 1089 (2017).
Filling the Seventh Circuit Vacancies, 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 225 (2017).
Marriage Equality Comes to the Fourth Circuit, 95 North Carolina Law Review (2017).
Nominate Judge Koh to the Ninth Circuit Again, 74 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 64 (2017).
Recalibrating Judicial Renominations in the Trump Administration, 74 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 678 (2017).
Confirm Judge Koh for the Ninth Circuit, 73 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 449 (2016).
Confirm Myra Selby for the Seventh Circuit, 92 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 27 (2016).
Confirming Circuit Judges in a Presidential Election Year, 84 George Washington Law Review Arguendo 160 (2016).
Confirming Judges In The 2016 Senate Lame Duck Session, 19 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Online 1 (2016).
Fixing the Federal Judicial Selection Process, 65 Emory Law Journal Online (2016).
The Republican Senate and Regular Order, 101 Iowa Law Review Online 12 (2016).
Transforming the Thurmond Rule in 2016, 66 Emory Law Journal Online 2001 (2016).
Filling the Federal Court in a Presidential Election Year, 50 University of Richmond Law Review (2016).
Certiorari and the Marriage Equality Cases, 48 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform Online 28 (2015).
Electing Justice Roush to the Supreme Court of Virginia, 72 Washington and Lee Law Review Online 360 (2015).
Filling the D.C. Circuit Vacancies, 91 Indiana Law Journal 121 (2015).
Filling the Federal Appellate Court Vacancies, 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Online 1 (2015).
Implementing Marriage Equality in America, 65 Duke Law Journal Online 25 (2015).
Judicial Selection in Congress' Lame Duck Session, 90 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 52 (2015).
Marriage Equality Comes to America, 6 Houston Law Review 13 (2015).
Marriage Equality Comes to Virginia, 49 University of Richmond Law Review 1193 (2015).
Marriage Equality Comes to Wisconsin, 2015 Wisconsin Law Review Forward 81 (2015).
Considering Patricia Millet for the D.C. Circuit, 4 Wake Forest Law Review Online 11 (2014).
Filling the District of Arizona Vacancies, 56 Arizona Law Review Syllabus 4 (2014).
Salvaging the 2013 Federal Law Clerk Hiring Season, 91 Washington University Law Review 243 (2013).
Senate Gridlock and Federal Judicial Selection, 88 Notre Dame Law Review 2233 (2013).
Tips for Capturing 2014 Federal Court Clerkships, 66 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 145 (2013).
Commentary: Considering Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Bisexual Nominees for the Federal Courts, 90 Washington University Law Review 577 (2012).
Filling the Judicial Vacancies in a Presidential Election year, 46 University of Richmond Law Review 985 (2012).
Justifying Diversity in the Federal Judiciary, 106 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 383 (2012).
Saluting Judge Philip Pro's Quarter Century of Nevada District Service, 12 Nevada Law Journal 511 (2012).
Essay: Judge Thompson and the Appellate Court Confirmation Process, 91 Boston University Law Review 243 (2011).
Filling the Fourth Circuit Vacancies, 89 North Carolina Law Review 2161 (2011).
A Fourth Circuit Photograph, 45 Wake Forest Law Review 1373 (2010).
Diversity and the Federal Bench, 87 Washington University Law Review 1197 (2010).
Fourth Circuit Judicial Appointments, 61 South Carolina Law Review 445 (2010).
Postpartisan Federal Judicial Selection, 51 Boston College Law Review 769 (2010).
Filling Federal Appellate Vacancies, 41 Arizona State Law Journal 829 (2009).
Resolving Amicus Curiae Motions in the Third Circuit and Beyond, 1 Drexel Law Review 125 (2009).
Dear President Bush: Leaving a Legacy on the Federal Bench, 42 University of Richmond Law Review 1041 (2008).
FDA Regulatory Compliance Reconsidered, 93 Cornell Law Review 1003 (2008).
Reconsidering Virginia Judicial Selection, 43 University of Richmond Law Review 37 (2008).
Assessing the Revised Arizona Local Rules of Federal Procedure, 39 Arizona State Law Journal 521 (2007).
The Process Due Indefinitely Detained Citizens, 85 North Carolina Law Review 1687 (2007).
Efforts to Split the Ninth Circuit Unsuccessful in the 109th Congress, 90 Judicature 135 (2006).
Reassessing Charitable Immunity in Virginia, 41 University of Richmond Law Review 6 (2006).
Viewpoint: Legislation Without Deliberation, 189 Judicature 236 (2006).
Fourth Circuit Publication Practices, 62 Washington and Lee Law Review 1733 (2005).
Health Courts: Panacea or Palliative?, 40 University of Richmond Law Review 49 (2005).
Symposium Essay: Appellate Court Appointments in the Second Bush Administration, 39 University of Richmond Law Review 949 (2005).
The Federal Appellate Court Appointments Conundrum, 2005 Utah Law Review 743 (2005).
Brown and the Desegregation of Virginia Law Schools, 39 University of Richmond Law Review 39 (2004).
Committee to Evaluate Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, Judicature 36 (2004).
Doing Right by Charles Alan Wright, 37 U.C. Davis Law Review 1351 (2004).
Punishment and the War on Terrorism, 6 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1116 (2004).
Response: More Proposals to Simplify Modern Federal Procedure, 38 Georgia Law Review 1323 (2004).
Rule 11 and Rule Revision, 37 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 573 (with Margaret Sanner) (2004).
Detentions, Military Commissions, Terrorism, and Domestic Case Precedent, 76 Southern California Law Review 1371 (2003).
Justice Byron White and the Importance of Process, 30 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 297 (2003).
Procedural Provisions in Nevada Medical Malpractice Reform, 3 Nevada Law Journal 406 (2003).
Quirin Revisited, 2003 Wisconsin Law Review 309 (with A. Bryant) (2003).
Sixth Circuit Federal Judicial Selection, 36 U.C. Davis Law Review 721 (2003).
The Past and Future of the Federal Rules in State Courts, 3 Nevada Law Journal 400 (2003).
A Civil Discovery Dilemma for the Arizona Supreme Court, 34 Arizona State Law Journal 615 (2002).
Anastasoff, Unpublished Opinions, and Federal Appellate Justice, 25 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 1171 (2002).
Dear Chief Judge Schroeder, 13 Stanford Law and Policy Review 161 (2002).
Dear President Bush, 67 Missouri Law Review 1 (2002).
Federal Judicial Selection in the Fourth Circuit, 80 North Carolina Law Review 2001 (2002).
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress in Nevada, 2 Nevada Law Journal 59 (2002).
Judge Procter Hug, Jr. and Good Judgment, 3 Nevada Law Journal 29 (2002).
Judicial Selection at the Clinton Administration's End, 19 Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 159 (2002).
Local Federal Civil Procedure for the Twenty-First Century, 77 Notre Dame Law Review 533 (2002).
Note on the Neutral Assignment of Federal Appellate Judges, 39 San Diego Law Review 151 (2002).
The Expiration of the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, 59 Washington and Lee Law Review 541 (2002).
Youngstown Revisited, 29 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 373 (with Christopher Bryant) (2002).
A Divisional Arrangement for the Federal Appeals Courts, 43 Arizona Law Review 633 (2001).
A Modest Reform for Federal Procedural Rulemaking, Law & Contemporary Problems 283 (2001).
Charles Alan Wright and the Fragmentation of Federal Practice and Procedure, 19 Yale Law & Policy Review 463 (2001).
The 2000 Federal Civil Rules Revisions, 38 San Diego Law Review 875 (2001).
The Bush Administration and Appeals Courts Nominees, 10 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 103 (2001).
Shifting Winds: Court Whittles Away at Plaintiff's Recovery of Attorney Fees, American Bar Association Journal 43 (with Margaret Sanner) (2001).
A Preferable Approach for the Ninth Circuit, 88 California Law Review 1657 (with Procter Hug, Jr.) (2000).
Chief Judge Martin and the Modern Sixth Circuit, 49 American University Law Review 1059 (2000).
Choosing Judges at the Close of the Clinton Administration, 52 Rutgers Law Review 827 (2000).
Civil Justice Delay and Empirical Data: A response to Professor Heise, 51 Case Western Reserve Law Review 235 (2000).
Congress and the 2000 Federal Civil Rules Amendments, 22 Cardozo Law Review 75 (2000).
Filling the Federal Appellate Openings on the 9th Circuit, 19 Review of Litigation 233 (2000).
Natural Resources and the White Commission Report, 79 Oregon Law Review 619 (2000).
Rethinking Intervention in Environmental Litigation, 78 Washington University Law Quarterly 313 (2000).
The Federal Appeals Courts at Century's End, 34 U.C. Davis Law Review 549 (2000).
The Next Step for the Ninth Circuit, 73 Southern California Law Review 1407 (2000).
The White Commission and the Federal Circuit, 10 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 45 (2000).
A Federal Appellate System for the Twenty-First Century, 74 Washington Law Review 275 (1999).
A Split by Any Other Name ..., 15 Journal of Law & Politics 397 (with Proctor Hug, Jr.) (1999).
Choosing Judges at the Close of the Clinton Administration, 52 Rutgers Law Review 827-854 (1999).
Fin-De-Siecle Federal Civil Procedure, 51 Florida Law Review 641 (1999).
Leaving a Legacy on the Federal Courts, 53 University of Miami Law Review 315 (1999).
Local Procedural Review in the Eighth Circuit, 1 The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 101 (1999).
The Imminent Demise of Interspousal Tort Immunity, 60 Montana Law Review 101 (1999).
Civil Justice Reform Sunset, 1998 University of Illinois Law Review 547 (1998).
Dear Justice White, 30 Arizona State Law Journal 1127 (1998).
Did the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 Actually Expire, 31 Universtiy of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 887 (1998).
Discovery Reform Redux, 31 Connecticut Law Review 1433 (1998).
Federal Judicial Selection in a Time of Divided Government, 47 Emory Law Journal 527 (1998).
Panel Rejects Ninth Circuit Split, 82 Judicature 144 (1998).
Reforming Common Sense Legal Reforms, 30 Connecticut Law Review 537 (1998).
The Federal Appellate Study at Midpoint, 82 Judicature 44 (1998).
Choosing Federal Judges in the Second Clinton Administration, 24 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 741 (1997).
Congress Authorizes Appellate Study Panel, 81 Judicature 125 (1997).
Contemplating the End of Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 58 Montana Law Review 281 (1997).
Dear President Clinton, 19 Women's Rights Law Reporter 39 (1997).
Fostering Balance on the Federal Courts, 47 American University Law Review 935 (1997).
House Authorizes Appellate Court Study Commission, 80 Judicature 292 (1997).
Magistrate Judges in the Montana Federal District, 174 Federal Rules Decisions 514 (1997).
Some Cautions about Structural Overhaul of the Federal Courts, 51 University of Miami Law Review 389 (1997).
Some Realism about Federal Procedural Reform, 49 Florida Law Review 49 (1997).
Suggestions for Studying the Federal Appellate System, 49 Florida Law Review 189 (1997).
The Judicial Vacancy Conundrum in the Ninth Circuit, 63 Brooklyn Law Review 1283 (1997).
Why Congress Should Not Split the Ninth Circuit, 50 SMU Law Review 583 (1997).
An Analysis of Federal Appellate Court Study Commissions, 74 Denver University Law Review 65 (1996).
Congress Considers Bill to Split Ninth Circuit, 79 Judicature 198 (1996).
Continuing Federal Justice Reform in Montana, 57 Montana Law Review 143 (1996).
Filling the Federal Courts in an Election Year, 49 SMU Law Review 309 (1996).
Foreward: The Proposal to Split the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 57 Montana Law Review 241 (1996).
Intentional Infliction of Mental Distress in Montana, 57 Montana Law Review 493 (1996).
New Certiorari and a National Study of the Appeals Courts, 81 Cornell Law Review 1264 (1996).
Ongoing Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 57 Montana Law Review 511 (1996).
Public School Desegregation in Virginia during the Post-Brown Decade, 37 William and Mary Law Review 1261 (1996).
State of the Art in Montana Products Liability Law, 57 Montana Law Review 493 (1996).
Studying the Federal Appellate System, 80 Judicature 138 (1996).
The Civil Justice Reform Act Amendment Act of 1995, 164 Federal Rules Decisions 577 (with Margaret Sanner) (1996).
The Proposal to Split the Ninth Circuit, 20 Harvard Environmental Law Review 547 (1996).
Warren Burger and the Administration of Justice, 41 Villanova Law Review 505 (1996).
A Salute to Judge William W. Schwarzer, 46 Hastings Law Journal 675 (1995).
A Sixth Circuit Story, 23 Florida State University Law Review 983-994 (1995).
An Update on the 1993 Federal Rules Amendments and the Montana Civil Rules, 56 Montana Law Review 547 (1995).
Automatic Disclosures and Disuniformity in the Ninth Circuit, 41 Wayne Law Review 1385 (1995).
Common Sense and Other Legal Reforms, 48 Vanderbilt Law Review 699 (1995).
Elevated Pleading in Environmental Litigation, 27 U.C. Davis Law Review 357 (1995).
Extending the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, 64 University of Cincinnati Law Review 105 (1995).
Increasing Balance on the Federal Bench, 32 Houston Law Review 137 (1995).
Judge William W. Schwarzer and Automatic Disclosure, 28 U.C. Davis Law Review 1123 (1995).
More Modern Civil Procedure, 56 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 801 (1995).
Northern Rockies Report on 1994 Natural Resources Legislation, 35 Natural Resources Journal 185 (1995).
Participant Compensation in the Clinton Administration, 27 Connecticut Law Review 563 (1995).
Re-Evaluating Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 56 Montana Law Review 307 (1995).
Refining Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 56 Montana Law Review 539 (1995).
Stuck Inside the Heartland with Those Coastline Clerking Blues Again, 1995 Wisconsin Law Review 919 (1995).
Studying Montana State Civil Justice Reform, 56 Montana Law Review 319 (1995).
Suggestions for Circuit Court Review of Local Procedures, 52 Washington and Lee Law Review 359 (1995).
The Impoverished Idea of Circuit-Splitting, 44 Emory Law Journal 1357 (1995).
The Judicial Amendments Act of 1994, 159 Federal Rules Decisions 649 (with Margaret Sanner) (1995).
Why Congress Should Reject Revision of Rule 11, 160 Federal Rules Decisions 275 (1995).
1993 Federal Rules Amendments and the Montana Civil Rules, 55 Montana Law Review 415 (1994).
A Progress Report in Automatic Disclosures in the Federal Districts, 155 Federal Rules Decisions 229 (1994).
Evaluating Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 55 Montana Law Review 449 (1994).
Forum: Dear Judge Mikva, 1994 Wisconsin Law Review 1579 (1994).
Improving the 1988 and 1990 Judicial Improvements Acts, 46 Stanford Law Review 1589 (1994).
Manuscript Selection Anti-Manifesto, 80 Cornell Law Review 529 (1994).
Recent Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 55 Montana Law Review 235 (1994).
Some Realism About Empiricism, 26 Connecticut Law Review 1093 (1994).
The 1993 Revision of Federal Rule 11, 70 Indiana Law Journal 171 (1994).
The Transmittal Letter Translated, 46 Florida Law Review 127 (1994).
Civil Justice Reform in the Fourth Circuit, 50 Washington and Lee Law Review 89 (1993).
Civil Justice Reform in the Western District of Missouri, 58 Missouri Law Review 335 (1993).
Closing the Gender Gap on the Federal Courts, 61 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1237 (1993).
Executive Branch Civil Justice Reform, 42 American University Law Review 1521 (1993).
Finding the New Federal Civil Procedures, 151 Federal Rules Decisions 177 (1993).
In Defense of Experimentation with Automatic Disclosure, 27 Georgia Law Review 665 (1993).
Keeping the Covenant on the Federal Courts, 47 SMU Law Review 1861 (1993).
More on Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 54 Montana Law Review 357 (1993).
Opt-Outs at the Outlaw Inn: A Report from Montana, 14 The Review of Litigation 207 (1993).
President Clinton's Covenant and the Federal Courts, 71 Denver University Law Review 253 (1993).
Recalibrating the Civil Justice Reform Act, 30 Harvard Journal on Legislation 115 (1993).
Rethinking Federal Judicial Selection, 1993 Brigham Young University Law Review 1257 (1993).
Silver Linings in Federal Civil Justice Reform, 59 Brooklyn Law Review 857 (1993).
The Case for a Feminist Torts Casebook, 38 Villanova Law Review 1517 (1993).
The Clinton Administration and Civil Justice Reform, 144 Federal Rules Decisions 437 (1993).
The D.C. Circuit as a National Court, 48 University of Miami Law Review 159 (1993).
The Gender Gap on the Montana State Bench, 54 Montana Law Review 125 (1993).
Untenable, Unchristian, and Unconstitutional, 58 Missouri Law Review 855 (1993).
Updating Federal Civil Justice Reform in Montana, 54 Montana Law Review 89 (1993).
Amending the Other Party Joinder Amendments, 139 Federal Rules Decisions 519 (1992).
Civil Justice Planning in the Montana Federal District, 53 Montana Law Review 239 (1992).
Civil Justice Reform and the Balkanization of Federal Civil Procedure, 24 Arizona State Law Journal 1393 (1992).
Civil Justice Reform Roadmap, 142 Federal Rules Decisions 507 (1992).
Civil Rights Plaintiffs and the Proposed Revision of Rule 11, 77 Iowa Law Review 1775 (1992).
Civil Rights Procedural Problems, 70 Washington University Law Quarterly 801 (1992).
Environmental Litigation and Rule 11, 33 William and Mary Law Review 429 (1992).
Fact, Fiction, and Forest Service Appeals, 32 Natural Resources Journal 649 (1992).
Judicial Oversight of Civil Justice Reform, 140 Federal Rules Decisions 49 (1992).
Montana Fight Over Women's Rights, 3 Hastings Women's Law Journal 263 (1992).
Rule Revision Roundelay, 1992 Wisconsin Law Review 223 (1992).
Should Montana Adopt a Civil Justice Reform Act?, 53 Montana Law Review 233 (1992).
The Montana Federal Civil Justice Plan, 53 Montana Law Review 91 (1992).
The President and the Federal Bench, 1992 Wisconsin Law Review 1329 (1992).
The Transformation of Trans-Substantivitiy, 49 Washington and Lee Law Review 1501 (1992).
Certification and Civil Rights, 136 Federal Rules Decisions 223 (1991).
Civil Rights Conunbrum, 26 Georgia Law Review 901 (1991).
Elixir for the Elites, 76 Iowa Law Review 353 (1991).
Federal Court Procedural Reform in Montana, 52 Montana Law Review 433 (1991).
Judicial Discretion and the 1983 Amendments to the Federal Civil Rules, 43 Rutgers Law Review 933 (1991).
More Women Named Federal Judges, 43 Florida Law Review 477 (1991).
Recent Work of the Civil Rules Committee, 52 Montana Law Review 307 (with Margaret Sanner) (1991).
Reconsidering Rule 11, 46 University of Miami Law Review 855 (1991).
Rule 11 Recalibrated in Civil Rights Cases, 36 Villanova Law Review 105 (1991).
Standing to Intervene, 1991 Wisconsin Law Review 415 (1991).
An Independent Public Law, 4 Administrative Law Journal 143 (1990).
Engendering Law Faculties, 44 University of Miami Law Review 1143 (1990).
Intervention after Webster, 38 University of Kansas Law Review 731 (1990).
Reassessing Rule 11 and Civil Rights Cases, 33 Howard Law Journal 161 (1990).
Reviving Participant Compensation, 22 Connecticut Law Review 505 (1990).
The Federal Judiciary Engendered, 5 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 123 (1990).
The Gender Gap on the Federal Bench, 19 Hofstra Law Review 171 (1990).
Interspousal Tort Immunity in America, 23 Georgia Law Review 359 (1989).
Public Law Litigation and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 74 Cornell Law Review 270 (1989).
Respect for Diversity: The Case of Feminist Legal Thought, 58 University of Cincinnati Law Review 175 (1989).
Revitalizing the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 50 Montana Law Review 237 (1989).
Rule 11 and Civil Rights Litigation, 37 Buffalo Law Review 485 (1989).
Gender Issues and the Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz Torts Casebook, 18 Golden Gate University Law Review 495 (1988).
Early Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Federal Administrative Agency Context: Experimentation with the Offeror Process at the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 44 Washington and Lee Law Review 409 (1987).
Great Expectations and Mismatched Compensation: Government Sponsored Public Participation in Proceedings of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 64 Washington University Law Quarterly 1101 (1986).
Rule 19 and the Public Rights Exception to Party Joinder, 65 North Carolina Law Review 745 (1986).
Public Funds and Public Participation, 82 Columbia Law Review 906 (1982).
Of Crabbed Interpretations and Frustrated Mandates: The Effect of Environmental Policy Acts on Pre-existing Agency Authority, 41 Montana Law Review 177 (with Daniel McLean) (1980).
Framework for Analysis of Products Liability in Montana, 38 Montana Law Review 221 (with William Rossbach) (1977).
Book ChaptersCivil Justice and Judicial Selection, in Justice in Jeopardy: Report of the Commission on the 21st Century Judiciary (American Bar Association) (with Andrew Spalding) (2003).
Civil Justice and Judicial Selection, in Justice in Jeopardy: Report of the Commission on the 21st Century Judiciary (American Bar Association) (with Andrew Spalding) (2003).
Book ReviewsImproving Federal Judicial Selection, 44 University of Richmond Law Review 1173 (2010).
Unmasking Judicial Extremism, 43 University of Richmond Law Review 1175 (2009).
Has the Chesapeake Bay Tide Turned?, 40 University of Richmond Law Review 1155 (2006).
Questioning Quirin, 97 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 365 (2006).
Reconciling Pinstripes and Pearls, 14 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 471 (with Margaret Sanner) (2005).
Brown's Legacy at Fifty, 78 Tulane Law Review 2321 (2004).
The Color Line in the Cold War, 26 Human Rights Quarterly 785 (2004).
The Founding Fish Founders, 31 Ecology Law Quarterly 205 (2004).
Western Sovereignty for the Twenty-First Century, 34 Environmental Law 819 (Lewis & Clark Law School) (2004).
From a Cattle Ranch to the Supreme Court, 35 Arizona State Law Journal 1385 (2003).
Unmasking Federalism, 88 Cornell Law Review 1833 (2003).
Modern Tort Law Demystified, 3 Nevada Law Journal 188 (2002).
Charlotte and the American Dilemma, 48 University of Kansas Law Review 139 (1999).
Modern Federal Judicial Selection, 67 University of Cincinnati Law Review 527 (1999).
Losing the Littoral Zone, 22 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 693 (1995).
Blog PostsConfirm Anthony Johnstone to the Ninth Circuit, The Hill (May 2023).
Senator Raphael Warnock, Georgia's Runoff, and Judicial Selection, Georgia Law Review (December 2022).
Appoint Candace Jackson-Akiwumi to the Seventh Circuit, 6 University of Richmond Law Review (June 2021).
Newspaper ArticlesOpinion: Filling Judge Hudson's Easter District Vacancy, The Washington Post (June 2018).
Blackberry Blues, Richmond Times-Dispatch (with Jim Gibson) (February 2006) (Op-Ed.).
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Thu., Nov. 30, 2023Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court (Politico)
Mon., Nov. 27, 2023Confirm Judge Irma Carrillo Ramierez for the 5th Circuit (The Hill)
Sun., Nov. 26, 2023The One Piece of Political News to Be Grateful for This Thanksgiving (Slate)
Wed., Nov. 22, 2023U.S. Case Details Binance’s Knowledge About Criminal Users (The New York Times)
Wed., Nov. 22, 2023Binance crypto chief Changpeng Zhao pleads guilty to federal charges (The Washington Post)
Tue., Nov. 21, 2023Attorneys from Roanoke, Charlottesville recommended for federal judgeship (The Roanoke Times)
Thu., Nov. 16, 2023Biden nominates Marylander to 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals, would be first openly LGBTQ member on that court (The Baltimore Sun)
Wed., Nov. 15, 2023Bloomberg Law: Supreme Court Adopts Ethics Code (Bloomberg Law)
Tue., Nov. 14, 2023Parties shuffle leadership roles amid partisan flip of Virginia House chamber (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Nov. 14, 2023Farmworkers’ daughter survives partisan Senate vote for a seat on the Ninth Circuit Court (The Fresno Bee)
Mon., Nov. 13, 2023Why Ivanka Trump Was the Final Witness Against Her Father (Newsweek)
Fri., Nov. 10, 2023Virginia the latest state sending a message about abortion rights (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Nov. 10, 2023Ivanka Trump testimony: Why 'I don't recall' is a common legal strategy (BBC News)
Thu., Nov. 9, 2023Biden hits record for diversity on judiciary but needs vacancies to match Trump's pace (The Washington Examiner)
Thu., Nov. 9, 2023Senate confirms prosecutor McMillion for federal bench in Michigan (The Detroit News)
Thu., Nov. 9, 2023Joe Biden Has Confirmed 150 Federal Judges. 100 Of Them Are Women. (Huffpost)
Wed., Nov. 8, 2023Biden’s milestone of 150 judges includes 100 women, with first Muslim, Navajo female jurists (The Washington Times)
Wed., Nov. 8, 2023Trump tries judge's patience in historic fraud testimony (BBC News)
Mon., Nov. 6, 2023‘It’s called politics’: Donald Trump puts on a combative show in court testimony (Financial Times)
Mon., Nov. 6, 2023SBF found G-U-I-L-T-Y (Market Watch)
Fri., Nov. 3, 2023Carl Tobias: Youngkin must answer for changes, mistakes in restoring voting rights (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Nov. 3, 2023Sam Bankman-Fried trial: former crypto star facing up to 110 years after being found guilty of fraud - as it happened (The Guardian)
Fri., Nov. 3, 2023Sam Bankman-Fried Guilty of Criminal Fraud, Jury Finds (MarketWatch)
Thu., Nov. 2, 2023Biden Intends to Nominate These 4 to Become the Next Florida Federal Judges (Law.com)
Wed., Nov. 1, 2023Sam Bankman-Fried’s Trial Nears Finish as Closing Arguments Are Made (The New York Times)
Wed., Nov. 1, 2023US Senate confirms Baltimore man to be federal judge as President Joe Biden places stamp on Maryland court (The Baltimore Sun)
Tue., Oct. 31, 2023Bayer US Court Verdict Raises Prospect of More Roundup Pain (BNN Bloomberg)
Mon., Oct. 30, 2023BREAKING: This Lawyer Just Got 1 Step Closer to Becoming a Federal Judge (Law.com)
Thu., Oct. 26, 2023Facing 50,000-plus lawsuits linking Baby Powder to cancer, Johnson & Johnson mulls a third bankruptcy filing (Fortune)
Thu., Oct. 26, 2023Bankman-Fried dodges, waffles during cross-examination at trial hearing (The Washington Post)
Thu., Oct. 26, 2023Padilla’s COVID absence delays confirmation of Alameda County judge to federal bench (San Francisco Chronicle)
Thu., Oct. 26, 2023Meta sued by 33 states over claims youth mental health endangered by Instagram (The Guardian)
Tue., Oct. 24, 2023The Uncharted Territory of Pras Michél’s AI Courtroom Claims (Vulture)
Mon., Oct. 23, 2023Newly appointed California Sen. Laphonza Butler will not seek election to a full term in 2024 (AP)
Thu., Oct. 19, 2023Trump lawyer flips with plea deal in Georgia election case (Daily Mail)
Thu., Oct. 19, 2023Virginia GOP candidate hopes AR-15 giveaway offer kickstarts write-in race (The Washington Post)
Thu., Oct. 19, 2023Biden nominates acting US Attorney for Massachusetts Joshua Levy for full-time job (Boston Herald)
Wed., Oct. 18, 2023Hall Confirmed to Seat on Delaware Federal Court With Overwhelming Senate Approval (Law.com)
Tue., Oct. 17, 2023SBF Lawyers Say He Needs Adderall, Hinting That He Might Testify (Bloomberg)
Mon., Oct. 16, 2023Chief Judge in Sacramento Set to Take Senior Status Next Year (Law.com)
Fri., Oct. 13, 2023TikTok Tells Montana Judge State Ban Is 'Completely Overboard' (The Wall Street Journal)
Thu., Oct. 12, 2023Jury Awards $135 Million to 2 Men Molested by Teacher in the 1990s (N.Y. Times)
Wed., Oct. 11, 2023Report notes confidence in Virginia election process, areas for concern (The Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Oct. 11, 2023Special Counsel Interviews Biden about handling of classified documents (The Guardian)
Tue., Oct. 10, 2023'Math nerd' or crypto criminal? Question at heart of Sam Bankman-Fried's trial (The Guardian)
Sat., Oct. 7, 2023Who Is Jamel Semper? He Might Just Be New Jersey's Next Federal Judge (Law.com)
Wed., Oct. 4, 2023DeClercq confirmed as first federal judge of east Asian descent in Michigan (Detroit Free Press)
Wed., Oct. 4, 2023Senate Greenlights US Attys For Calif., Miss. After Snag (Law360)
Fri., Sep. 29, 2023Senate confirms Tara McGrath as new U.S. attorney in San Diego (The San Diego Tribune)
Fri., Sep. 29, 2023Johnson & Johnson hit by 11,000 more lawsuits linking Baby Powder to cancer after judge throws $9 billion settlement case (Fortune)
Thu., Sep. 28, 2023Kolar's 7th Circuit nomination pushes forward in U.S. Senate after approval by Judiciary Committee (The Indiana Lawyer)
Thu., Sep. 28, 2023'Rupert Murdoch is a symptom': Fox's future politics look the same as past (The Guardian)
Sat., Sep. 23, 2023Ex-Navy Counsel Atty Confirmed To Federal Claims Court (Law360)
Thu., Sep. 21, 2023Family of Virginia Man Who Died in Custody Settles Suit for $8.5 Million (N.Y. Times)
Wed., Sep. 20, 2023Texas Republican war won't end with Paxton acquittal (The Hill)
Tue., Sep. 19, 2023U.S. Senate confirms CT judge's appointment to the federal court. Many GOP senators vote 'no' (Hartford Courant)
Tue., Sep. 19, 2023Donald Trump indictment: Federal criminal trials won't be televised under updated rules (Washington Examiner)
Tue., Sep. 12, 2023US Senate confirms Illinois judge to the federal trial bench (Chicago Tribune)
Tue., Sep. 12, 2023Trump's Move to Recuse Judge Chutkan Panned by Experts: 'Ridiculous Motion' (Newsweek)
Mon., Sep. 11, 2023DC District Judge To Take Senior Status (Law360)
Thu., Sep. 7, 2023Gov. Abbott ordered to remove floating buoy barrier from Rio Grande (Houston Chronicle)
Wed., Sep. 6, 2023Biden Names First Texas Judge and Thomas Cites 'Contemporaneous Notes' (Law.com)
Fri., Sep. 1, 20233M $6 Billion Earplug Accord Risks Failure If Veterans Balk (1) (Bloomberg Law)
Thu., Aug. 31, 2023Biden Picks District Judge Posts In NY, Texas, Hawaii (Law360)
Wed., Aug. 30, 20233M Says It Will Pay $6 Billion to Resolve Combat Earplug Lawsuits (The New York Times)
Tue., Aug. 29, 20233M to pay $6B to settle hearing-loss lawsuits over military earplugs (The Washington Post)
Tue., Aug. 29, 2023Youngkin pushes back on Va. school districts rejecting trans guidance (The Washington Post)
Tue., Aug. 29, 20233M Agrees to Pay More Than $5.5 Billion Over Combat Earplugs (Bloomberg Law)
Mon., Aug. 28, 20233M agrees to pay more than $5.5 billion over combat earplugs (Miami Herald)
Mon., Aug. 28, 20233M agrees to pay $5.5 billion over defective military earplugs—about half what financial analysts expected (Fortune)
Sun., Aug. 27, 20233M DuPont Face 'Formidable' Lawyer in Forever Chemicals Cases (Bloomberg Law)
Tue., Aug. 22, 2023Biden Picks Former Obama Lawyer for White House Counsel (Law.com)
Tue., Aug. 22, 20236th Circ. Judge Julia Smith Gibbons To Take Senior Status (Law360)
Fri., Aug. 18, 2023EPA Adds Climate Change to List of Enforcement Priorities (1) (Bloomberg Law)
Thu., Aug. 17, 2023Will ruling on abortion pill mifepristone access limit FDA's authority on all drugs? (USA Today)
Thu., Aug. 17, 2023Judge Chuktan warns Trump against 'inflamatory' remarks before trial (BBC World News)
Sat., Aug. 12, 2023TechScape: Why Elon Musk is taking trying to mute anti-hate speech group (The Guardian)
Tue., Aug. 8, 2023Virginia trans sutdents, parents speak out against new Youngkin K-12 policies (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Aug. 5, 2023The 'Anti-KKK' Law That May Sink Trump's Free-Speech Claim (Law360)
Wed., Aug. 2, 20235 Things to know about the latest charges against Donald Trump (NPR)
Wed., Aug. 2, 2023The charges facing Trump in the Jan. 6 investigation, explained (npr)
Wed., Aug. 2, 2023In Latest Letter, Elon Musk's Lawyer Pushes Back on Research About Hate Speech (MarketWatch)
Mon., Jul. 31, 2023What is a superseding indictment? (Business Insider)
Thu., Jul. 27, 2023Who is Carlos De Oliveira, the 3rd defendant named in a docket charging Trump and Walt Natua? (Business Insider)
Thu., Jul. 27, 2023VA.'s trans student policies bring uncertainty, worry for LGBTQ+ students (The Washington Post)
Fri., Jul. 21, 2023Could the $18.8M Talc Verdict Threaten J&J's Bankruptcy Plan? (Law.com)
Wed., Jul. 19, 2023Youngkin's K-12 transgender policies: Sports just one area of uncertainty (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Jul. 19, 2023J&J Must Pay $18.8 Million in California Talc-Cancer Trial (Bloomberg)
Tue., Jul. 18, 2023U.S. Senate confirms Ohio's Rachel Bloomekatz as federal circuit judge (Cleveland.com)
Tue., Jul. 18, 2023A California cancer patient wins $18.8 million from Johnson & Johnson in baby powder trial (Los Angeles Times)
Tue., Jul. 18, 2023AG Miyares shows support for lawsuit challenging CFPB (WVTF)
Mon., Jul. 17, 2023Opinion| Confirm Rachel Bloomekatz to the Sixth Circuit (The Hill)
Sat., Jul. 15, 2023Ray Epps sues Fox News for Capitol riot conspiracy claim (BBC World News)
Wed., Jul. 12, 2023The Next Fight in College Admissions (Bloomberg Law)
Tue., Jul. 11, 2023Opinion| Roger Gregory's excellent tenure on the 4th Circuit bench (The Washington Post)
Sun., Jul. 9, 2023'Clone' or competitor? Users and lawyers compare Twitter and Threads (The Associated Press)
Fri., Jul. 7, 2023'Clone' or competitor? Users and lawyers compare Twitter and Threads (The Hill)
Fri., Jul. 7, 2023Carl Tobias: Roger Gregory, the 4th Circuit's trailblazing jurist, leaves a powerful legacy (the Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jul. 7, 2023Twitter threatens to sue Mweta after rival app Threads gains traction (CNN)
Thu., Jul. 6, 2023Rulings renew questions over US Supreme Court's ideology (Breitbart)
Fri., Jun. 30, 2023Progressive prosecutors won big in primary contests last week (WVTF)
Mon., Jun. 26, 2023Trump's trial in classified documents case set for Aug. 14 as federal judge sets a brisk pace (USA Today)
Tue., Jun. 20, 2023Joe Biden Scores Huge Win With Judge Appointment, Outpaces Trump (Newsweek)
Sun., Jun. 18, 2023In Big Win For Progressives, Senate Confirms Dale Ho To Be A Federal Judge (Huffpost)
Wed., Jun. 14, 2023Binance Spars With U.S. Regulators Over Asset Freeze (The New York Times)
Tue., Jun. 13, 2023Could Donald Trump go to prison over secret files? (BBC World News)
Sat., Jun. 10, 2023Could Trump go to prison? Federal charges over classified docs show momentum is building (The Guardian)
Fri., Jun. 9, 2023Donald Trump kept boxes with US neclear program documents and foreign weapons details, indictment says - as it happened (The Guardian)
Fri., Jun. 9, 2023Biden nominates new top federal prosecutor for northern Ohio (Cleveland.com)
Wed., Jun. 7, 2023Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito granted extensions to file financial disclosures (Washington Examiner)
Wed., Jun. 7, 2023Two voters in Bedford County don't have a secret ballot. The Virginia Supreme Court could fix that. (Cardinal News)
Mon., Jun. 5, 20233M Heads to Trial in 'Existential' $143 Billion Forever-Chemicals Litigation (Bloomberg)
Fri., Jun. 2, 2023J&J's $8.9 Billion Talc Deal Faces Key Test in Okland Trial (Bloomberg)
Wed., May. 31, 2023Following Rachel Rollin's resignation as US attorney, selecting her successor may be challenging (The Boston Globe)
Mon., May. 29, 2023Biden Judicial Noms Withdraw + Alternative Vetting Process (Law.com)
Fri., May. 26, 2023Justice Kagan's recusal could signal 'new practice' for Supreme Court (The Washington Examiner)
Thu., May. 25, 2023TikTok sues Montana to block the state ban (Wbur)
Tue., May. 23, 2023TikTok Sues Montana Over State's Ban of Its Service (The Wall Street Journal)
Mon., May. 22, 2023TikTok sues Montana to block ban, citing First Amendment (The Washington Post)
Mon., May. 22, 2023Biden judicial nominee Wamble withdraws from consideration, cites nearly 2-year wait for action (The Washington Post)
Thu., May. 18, 2023Elmhurst resident confirmed federal district court judge in Northern District of Illinois by U.S. Senate (Chicago Tribune)
Tue., May. 16, 2023FDA comes to agreement with baby formula factory to resume production (The Washington Post)
Tue., May. 16, 2023Opinion| Confirm Bradley Garcia to the District of Columbia Circuit bench (The Hill)
Sat., May. 13, 2023Sen. Dianne Feinstein returns to D.C. after extended absence (Los Angeles Times)
Tue., May. 9, 2023The Disney-DeSantis feud is heading to the lawyers (The Washington Post)
Sat., May. 6, 2023Biden nominates Ford attorney to federal bench in Detroit (The Detroit News)
Wed., May. 3, 2023AOC says Feinstein's refusal to retire is 'causing great harm' to US courts (The Guardian)
Tue., May. 2, 2023Cruz says Thomas subject to 'racist vitriol' in Supreme Court ethics hearing (Washington Examiner)
Tue., May. 2, 2023Disney uses Ron DeSantis's own words against him in free speech lawsuit (Financial Times)
Mon., May. 1, 2023Opinion| Confirm Anthony Johnstone to the Ninth Circuit (The Hill)
Mon., May. 1, 2023In lawsuit against Trump over rape claim, his accusers hope for vindication (The Washington Post)
Sat., Apr. 29, 2023Judge in archdiocese bankruptcy case recuses himself over donations scandal (The Guardian)
Sat., Apr. 29, 2023Senate Judicial Noms Meeting Ends Early | Judge Talks Civility (Law.com)
Fri., Apr. 28, 2023Why is Disney suing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis? (The Washington Post)
Thu., Apr. 27, 2023Disney sues Ron DeSantis in battle over control of Florida resort (The Guardian)
Wed., Apr. 26, 2023What Is a "True Threat" in Cyberstalking? (Bloomberg Law)
Mon., Apr. 24, 2023Molly Jong-Fast calls for Dianne Feinstein to resign not sexist or ageist (The Guardian)
Mon., Apr. 24, 2023How does one pay a $787 million settlement? (Marketplace)
Thu., Apr. 20, 2023Mike Lindell ordered to pay $5m to man who debunked data used to push big lie (The Guardian)
Thu., Apr. 20, 2023After $787.5m Dominion settlement, what's next for Fox? (BBC World News)
Thu., Apr. 20, 2023Supreme Court to decide abortion pill dispute less than a year after Roe reversal (Washington Examiner)
Wed., Apr. 19, 2023The Fox News defamation trial begins in Deleware. Here's what you need to know (Yahoo News!)
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023Twitter Tells Corporate Partners It's Now X Corp. Amid Switch To 'Everything App' (Forbes)
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023'The justices were kidding themselves'; Supreme Court takes up abortion after saying lawmakers should decide (Politico)
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023A $787.5 Million Settlement and Embarrassing Disclosures: The Costs of Airing a Lie (The New York Times)
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023Clarence Thomas ethics complaints from Democrats fielded by judicial committee (The Washington Examiner)
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023Fox News to face jury over election lies (Axios)
Mon., Apr. 17, 2023Abortion medication still accessible, with new restrictions (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Apr. 14, 2023Biden elevates California judge - and sets a new record for Latina judicial nominations (San Francisco Chronicle)
Fri., Apr. 14, 2023Fox News and Dominion head to trial in a potentially historic $1.6-billion defamation case (Los Angeles Times)
Fri., Apr. 14, 2023Montana is on the cusp of becoming the first state to ban TikTok completely (Daily Mail)
Fri., Apr. 14, 2023TikTok Faces Ban in Montana As US Backlash Continues (AFP)
Thu., Apr. 13, 2023In Fox-Dominion Trial, All Eyes Are on the Judge, Too (The New York Times)
Thu., Apr. 13, 2023Republicans Are Silent On The Abortion Pill Ruling, Despite Confirming The Judge Behind It (Huffpost)
Wed., Apr. 12, 2023J&J's proposed $8.9B settlement divides alleged victims (Axios)
Fri., Apr. 7, 2023Clarence Thomas faces impeachment calls after reports of undisclosed gifts (The Guardian)
Thu., Apr. 6, 2023Biden Judicial Nominations Machine Slows Amid New Hiccups (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., Apr. 5, 2023Johnson & Johnson proposes $8.9bn talc settlement (Financial Times)
Tue., Apr. 4, 2023Judge undercuts key Fox News defense as he sends Dominion suit to trial (The Washington Post)
Fri., Mar. 31, 2023Judge rules Fox hosts' claims about Dminion were false, says trial can proceed (NPR)
Fri., Mar. 31, 2023Del. Don Scott reprimanded by state bar for mishandling client fees (VPM)
Thu., Mar. 23, 2023Biden Judicial Nominee Stumbles over Brady Motion Definition (1) (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Biden Judicial Pick Flubs GOP Senator's Quiz - This Time About 'Brady' Motions (Law.com)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Sen. John Kennedy stumps another Biden judicial nominee in confirmation hearing (The Washington Times)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Youngkin appoints new superintendent; Balow will continue to be paid (The Washington Post)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Trump Fixer Cohen Is Ready for Star Witness Role (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Why Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is suing social media companies (CNN)
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023Trump-appointed judge limits information on medication abortion lawsuit (The Guardian)
Mon., Mar. 13, 2023Senate confirms two judges to San Diego federal court (The San Diego Union-Tribune)
Fri., Mar. 10, 2023'We've Got to Make These a Priority': Blue Slip Process May be 'Tested' for Emergency Judicial Vacancies (Law.com)
Thu., Mar. 9, 2023U.S. Senate confirms Justice Maria Kahn as a 3rd CT judge on the U.S. circuit court of appeals (Hartford Courant)
Thu., Mar. 9, 2023U.S. Senate fills final vacancy in Virginia federal courts (npr)
Wed., Mar. 8, 2023Koch Industries' Texas two-step bankruptcy move challenged (Financial Times)
Sat., Feb. 18, 2023Senate confirms Biden's 100th judge, but Democrats need vacancies to match Trump (Washington Examiner)
Tue., Feb. 14, 2023How Musk beat Tesla fraud lawsuit: Juror says case relied too much on tweets (ars Technica)
Mon., Feb. 6, 2023Now the Chinese 'spy balloon' is down, the question is: what was it for? (The Guardian)
Sun., Feb. 5, 2023'A Double-Edged Sword': Why Young Judges Might Not Stick Around (Law.com)
Fri., Feb. 3, 2023'A classic Case': A legal expert explains why lawsuits challenging abortion pill restrictions may succeed (STAT News)
Mon., Jan. 30, 2023J&J blocked from using bankruptcy to resolve talcum powder lawsuits (Financial Times)
Mon., Jan. 30, 2023FTX: 'Crypto King' tells judge he acted on legal advice (BBC News)
Fri., Jan. 27, 2023Brookman might be 1st in filling Indiana federal seats: Experts expect Senate to speed up confirmation of judicial nominees over next 2 years (The Indiana Lawyer)
Thu., Jan. 26, 2023Biden aims to bnurnish legacy with judicial picks (Washington Examiner)
Thu., Jan. 26, 2023Abortion-Pill Restrictions in Two States Challenged in Lawsuits (The Wall Street Journal)
Wed., Jan. 25, 20232022 Archives ()
Sat., Dec. 31, 2022Donald Trump's Chances of Being Indicted in the New Year (Newsweek)
Tue., Dec. 27, 2022Bankman-Fried agrees to extradition from Bahamas to face U.S. charges (The Washington Post)
Mon., Dec. 26, 2022For the first time, KUB Board of Commissioners has a female majority | Georgiana Vines (knox news.)
Sun., Dec. 25, 2022What's next for Caroline Ellsion, Sam Bankman-Fried's ex who helped him run Alameda Research (Business Insider)
Fri., Dec. 23, 2022We Finally Have a Confirmed Head of the White House Rebulatory Office (Government Executive)
Wed., Dec. 21, 2022Amber Heard Trial Could Deter Abuse Survivors Because of 'What She Endured' (Newsweek)
Wed., Dec. 21, 2022Biden administration doesn't appeal Texas court loss on LGBTQ protections (The Dallas Morning News)
Mon., Dec. 19, 2022Inciting insurrection: a striking condemnation of Trump - but a high bar for prosecutors (USA TODAY)
Mon., Dec. 19, 2022FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Faces 'Substantial' Jail Time if Convicted (Barron's)
Sun., Dec. 18, 2022Senate confirms seven D.C. judges after outcry from District leaders (The Washington Post)
Fri., Dec. 16, 2022Appeals court upholds FDA denial of Avail Vapor's flavored e-cigarettes (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Dec. 15, 2022Senate confirms first Black woman to 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (nola.com)
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022Year's Final Senate Judiciary Nominee Hearing Sheds Light on Private Sector Nominees (Law.com)
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022Justice Montgomery-Reeves confirmed to fed court (Delaware Business Times)
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022SEC charges Bankman-Fried with fraud as crypto scandal widens (The Washington Post)
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022Bistro Bros. in Lynchburg to close at end of month (The News & Advance)
Fri., Dec. 9, 2022Backed by Graham, SC's DeAndrea Benjamin's bid to be 4th Circuit judge goes to full Senate (The State)
Thu., Dec. 8, 2022Senate confirms Mark Lapointe as Miami U.S. attorney. He's first Haitian American in post (subscription required) (Miami Herald)
Thu., Dec. 8, 2022Trio of U.S. attorneys for Texas sails through Senate confirmation process (The Dallas Morning News)
Thu., Dec. 8, 2022US Senate Judiciary advancies nomination of SC Judge Benjamin to federal bench (The Post and Courier)
Thu., Dec. 8, 2022Trump's Criminal Nightmare Officially Begins (Vice)
Wed., Dec. 7, 2022US Senate Confirms Big Law Attorneys, State Court Judges to Pa.'s Federal Bench (Law.com)
Wed., Dec. 7, 2022Senate confirms Genesse Judge Behm for Detroit federal bench (The Detroit News)
Tue., Dec. 6, 2022Pryor garners praise, makes history as she prepares to join 7th Circuit (The Indiana Lawyer)
Tue., Dec. 6, 2022Opinion: Confirm Jamar Walker to the Eastern District of Virginia (The Virginian-Pilot)
Tue., Dec. 6, 2022Doris Pryor, IU grad, will be the first Black judge from Indiana to join Seventh Circuit (IndyStar.)
Mon., Dec. 5, 2022Tobias: Confirm Judge Robert Ballou to the Western District of Virginia (The Roanoke Times)
Sun., Dec. 4, 2022Florida federal Judge Aileen Cannon 'slammed' by appeals court in Trump case (Miami Herald)
Sat., Dec. 3, 2022Texas AG Ken Paxton's lawsuits stymie Biden agenda on immigration and health care (The Dallas Morning News)
Fri., Dec. 2, 2022Texas AG Ken Paxton's lawsuits stymie Biden agenda on immigration and health care (The Dallas Morning News)
Fri., Dec. 2, 2022CT Supreme Court Justice Maria Kahn wins committee vote, appears headed to U.S. Court of Appeals in NY (Hartford Courant)
Thu., Dec. 1, 2022UM law professor judicial nomination clears senate committee (Missoulian)
Thu., Dec. 1, 2022The Supreme Court will hear challenges to the student debt relief program (npr)
Thu., Dec. 1, 2022Senate Committee Holds Fate of Nominee for South Florida US Attorney (Law.com)
Wed., Nov. 30, 2022Schumer-tapped Colonie attorney confirmed by Senate for federal judgeship (Times Union)
Wed., Nov. 30, 2022What to know about the pause on student debt relief (The Hill)
Sat., Nov. 26, 2022Joe Biden Can Confirm Even More Judges if Democrats Win Georgia's Senate Race (Huffpost)
Wed., Nov. 23, 2022Trump Claims minorities thrived during his presidency. Advocates disagree (Yahoo! News)
Tue., Nov. 22, 2022Trump's Betting Manhattan Will Save His Business From Ruin (Newsweek)
Tue., Nov. 22, 2022Elon Musk gives Twitter staff deadline to commit to being 'hardcore' (The Guardian)
Wed., Nov. 16, 2022With Democrats' continued control of U.S. Senate, Colorado judicial nominations appear on track (The Denver Gazette)
Wed., Nov. 16, 2022Dems' Senate election outcome bodes well for Gallagher confirmation chances (The Daily Sentinel)
Tue., Nov. 15, 2022SC Judge Benjamin praised by Clyburn, questioned by Republicans during US Senate hearing (The Post and Courier)
Tue., Nov. 15, 2022Senate committee interviews Ballou for federal judgeship in Western Virginia (The Roanoke Times)
Tue., Nov. 15, 2022With Democrats' continued control of U.S. Senate, Colorado judicial nominations appear on track (Colorado Politics)
Tue., Nov. 15, 2022Opinion/Editorial: Restrictions on abortion service legally suspect (The Daily Progress)
Sun., Nov. 13, 2022US midterm elections: Democrats retain control of Senate as House race still undecided - as it happened (The Guardian)
Sun., Nov. 13, 2022'Biden Will Have a Very Tough Time': Why Lawyers Should Care Abpit Senate Control (Law.com)
Wed., Nov. 9, 2022Senate Judiciary Schedules First Post-Midterms Nominations Hearing A Day Early (Law.com)
Tue., Nov. 8, 2022A red wave would cripple Biden's ability to reshape the judiciary (Washington Examiner)
Tue., Nov. 8, 2022How Biden's Judicial Picks Could Play Out Post-Midterms (Law.360)
Mon., Nov. 7, 2022Odds May Be In Luka Doncic's Favor To Erase Mom's TM (Law.360)
Sat., Nov. 5, 2022He is poised to open the floodgates': can Twitter survive Elon Musk - or even thrive? (The Guardian)
Thu., Nov. 3, 2022Supremer Court likely to ban affirmative action in college admissions, legal experts say (Fox News)
Tue., Nov. 1, 2022Ivy-Educated Thomas and Sotomayor Divide on Affirmative Action (Bloomberg Law)
Sat., Oct. 29, 2022Elon Musk confirms he has bought Twitter (news.com.au)
Fri., Oct. 28, 2022Biden warns Moscow using nukes would be 'serious mistake': progressives retract request for peace talks with Putin: Ukraine updates (Yahoo! News)
Wed., Oct. 26, 2022Brittney Griner Prisoner Swap Plan her 'Most Promising Chance' of Release (Newsweek)
Wed., Oct. 26, 2022Senate elections portend future of judiciary (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Sun., Oct. 23, 2022Twitter To Lay Off Nearly Three-Quarters of Staff (Money Central)
Fri., Oct. 21, 2022Big Staff Cuts Likely At Twitter: Report (AFP)
Thu., Oct. 20, 2022Elon Musk plans to cut 75% of Twitter staff if he takes over company - Report (The Guardian)
Thu., Oct. 20, 2022New questions raised over how Trump's Mar-a-Lago case ended up in the hands of Judge Aileen Cannon (The Raw Story)
Tue., Oct. 18, 2022The Incredible Myster of How Trump Got Judge Cannon in the Mar-a-Lago Case (Daily Beast)
Tue., Oct. 18, 2022What's next for Alex Jones? 'He doesn't have a billion dollars,' UConn law prof says (Hartfor Courant)
Mon., Oct. 17, 2022Pryor confirmation vote waits while U.S. senators hit campaign trail (The Indiana Lawyer)
Fri., Oct. 14, 2022Legal Challenges to Biden's Student Loan Relief (Bloomnberg Law)
Thu., Oct. 13, 2022Sen. Ben Sasse was a university president in Nebraska. How will he be at UF? (Tampa Bay Times)
Fri., Oct. 7, 2022Court Screwup Reveals Mar-a-Lago Judge's Latest Legal Absurdity in Trump Case (Daily Beast)
Thu., Oct. 6, 2022Musk-Twitter deal: a roller-coaster saga (Tech Explore)
Wed., Oct. 5, 2022Elon Musk to proceed with $44bn buyout of Twitter after U-Turn (The Guardian)
Tue., Oct. 4, 2022Case closed: Trump's CNN lawsuit 'doesn't have much of a chance,' legal expert predicts (Washington Examiner)
Tue., Oct. 4, 2022Musk offers to close Twitter buyout deal at original price (France 24)
Tue., Oct. 4, 2022Trump Defamation Lawsuit 'Doesn't Have Much Chance': Legal Expert (Newsweek)
Mon., Oct. 3, 2022Senate confirms Lisa Gomez as assistant secretary of Labor, EBSA head (InvestmentNews)
Thu., Sep. 29, 2022Arrogance and self-adulation have the former president backed in a corner and the optics don't look good (Amsterdam News)
Thu., Sep. 29, 2022Senate confirms Arianna Freeman to US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, the first woman of color to join that bench (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Thu., Sep. 29, 2022What the Biden Administration Can Do if Hurricane Ian Causes Price Gouging (Newsweek)
Wed., Sep. 28, 2022Ford Faces Obstacles Getting New Trial, After $17 Billion Verdict in Truck-Rollover Case (The Wall Street Journal)
Wed., Sep. 28, 2022Trump's 'Special Master' Delay Is Already Backfiring (Daily Beast)
Mon., Sep. 26, 2022Trump's Plan to Delay 'Special Master' is Already Backfiring on Him BIG TIME (Political flare)
Mon., Sep. 26, 2022Opinion/Editorial: State GOP declares war on trans kids (The Daily Progress)
Sun., Sep. 25, 2022Federal judge Lee, former Barrington resident appointed to 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (Chicago Tribune)
Thu., Sep. 22, 2022NY probe found potential crimes, Why isn't Trump in cuffs? (The Telegraph)
Thu., Sep. 22, 2022Trump faces mounting legal threats to political future, fortune (The Washington Times)
Thu., Sep. 22, 2022Another Day, Another Legal Disaster for Donald Trump (Vice)
Wed., Sep. 21, 2022Is it enforceable?: Youngkin's proposed trans student policy examined (npr)
Wed., Sep. 21, 2022Two professors question legality of Youngkin's transgender policies (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Sep. 19, 2022Why Some Legal Experts Think Virginia Governor's Policy Restricting Trans Students' Rights Won't Hold Up (NBC Washington)
Mon., Sep. 19, 2022Whistleblower claims may not free Elon Musk from his Twitter hook (The Guardian)
Sun., Sep. 18, 2022Virginia policy latest attempt to restrict rights of transgender students (The Washington Post)
Sat., Sep. 17, 2022This is big: Senate confirms five Biden federal appeals court judges in a week (Daily Kios)
Fri., Sep. 16, 2022Montana defies order on transgender birth certificates (NBC News)
Fri., Sep. 16, 2022Bench Report: Why These Judges Are Worried About Confirmation Hearings (Law.com)
Thu., Sep. 15, 2022Key Chauvin prosecutor Jerry Blackwell's federal judfe nomination nears full Senate vote (StarTribune)
Thu., Sep. 15, 2022U.S. Senate confirms nomination of Connecticut native Sarah Merriam to federal appeals court. What comes next? (Hartford Courant)
Thu., Sep. 15, 2022Most abortions stop in West Virginia after lawmakers pass near-total ban (The Washington Post)
Wed., Sep. 14, 2022Senate approves Rhode Island Public Defender Montecalvo for federal appeals court (The Providence Journal)
Wed., Sep. 14, 2022Trump faces new legal problem in DOJ pressure allegations (The Hill)
Wed., Sep. 14, 2022Leland charter school petitions US Supreme Court in continued dress code battle (Star News Online)
Tue., Sep. 13, 2022Legal fallout for Trump cronies persists despite his pardons (The Guardian)
Fri., Sep. 9, 2022Pressure's on Senate Democrats for Biden to break judicial confirmation record (Washington Examiner)
Fri., Sep. 9, 2022Bench Report: The Impact of a Diverse Judiciary + Biden's 'Appoint-a-Palooza' (Law.com)
Thu., Sep. 8, 2022Justice department appeals against decision to grand Donald Trump 'special master' (Financial Times)
Thu., Sep. 8, 2022Trump's Latest Mar-a-Lago Court Order 'Just Doesn't Make Any Sense' (Vice)
Tue., Sep. 6, 2022Juul to pay $439 million in settlement over marketing to teens (The Washington Post)
Tue., Sep. 6, 2022Trump allies hail judge's appointment of special master as big win (The Hill)
Tue., Sep. 6, 2022Judge cites 'reputational harm' to Trump in ordering a Mar-a-Lago special master and pause in probe (USA TODAY)
Mon., Sep. 5, 2022Biden nominates Gallagher to District Court (The Dailyt Sentenel)
Sat., Sep. 3, 2022Missoula law professor nominated to 9th Circuit Court (The Missoulian)
Fri., Sep. 2, 2022DOJ mapped out strong obstruction evidence against Trump, aides in filing, experts say (USA Today)
Wed., Aug. 31, 2022Trump 'knowingly put national security at risk' by stashing classified documents, Schiff says - live (The Guardian)
Wed., Aug. 31, 2022DOJ found that only a few items retrieved by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago were covered by attorney-client privilege, potentially undercutting a Trump defense (Business Insider)
Tue., Aug. 30, 20223M loses attempt to halt thousands of earplugs lawsuits (Financial Times)
Fri., Aug. 26, 2022Well, Look Who Just Got Dragged Into Trump's Criminal Nightmare (Vice)
Fri., Aug. 26, 2022Conn. Judge Gives Biden Latest Judicial Vacancy (Law 360)
Thu., Aug. 25, 2022DOJ Files Redacted Trump-Search Affidavit Under Court Seal (Bloomberg Law)
Thu., Aug. 25, 2022Jury in Kobe Bryant crash photos case awards his widow $16 million in civil trial (USA TODAY)
Wed., Aug. 24, 2022Ford to Appeal $1.7 Billion Verdict in Fatal Truck Rollover. The Stock Falls. (Barrons)
Mon., Aug. 22, 2022Appeals court pauses order for Graham to testify before Atlanta grand jury (The Guardian)
Sun., Aug. 21, 2022Behind Judge Hurd's Senior Status Flip; Politics, Preferences (Law 360)
Fri., Aug. 12, 2022Trump is Being Investigated for Potentially Violating the Espionage Act (Vice)
Fri., Aug. 12, 2022Investors Flee Drug Giants as Zantac Cancer Trials Approach (Bloomberg)
Thu., Aug. 11, 2022Musk Says Twitter Hiding Witnesses He Needs in Buyout Fight (Bloomberg)
Wed., Aug. 10, 2022Biden to nominate SC Judge DeAndrea Gist Benjamin to 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (The State)
Wed., Aug. 10, 2022Tight Senate calendar could complicate chances of filling district judge openings (The Daily Sentenel)
Tue., Aug. 9, 2022Landmark Opioid Opinion 'Not Persuasive,' W.Va. Panel Says (Law 360)
Fri., Aug. 5, 2022Pryor's confirmation may be just a matter of time (The Indiana Lawyer)
Fri., Aug. 5, 2022Update: Urban One CEO asks Richmond to focus on casino referendum in 2023 instead of this fall (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Aug. 5, 2022Senate Approves 9th Circ. pick In Speedy Confirmation (Law 360)
Thu., Aug. 4, 2022Attorney who defended Arizona election officials confirmed to Ninth Circuit, where she'll be its first South Asian judge (San Francisco Chronicle)
Thu., Aug. 4, 2022Biden's Pick for Norfolk judgeship would be Virginia's first openly gay federal district judge (The Virginian-Pilot)
Thu., Aug. 4, 2022Responding to Elon Musk's Countersuit, Twitter Subpoenas All His Pals (Los Angeles Magazine)
Tue., Aug. 2, 2022Senate confirms Elizabeth Hanes as U.S. District Court judge for eastern Va. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Aug. 2, 2022Senate Judiciary Committee advances Hanes as Eastern District nominee (access required) (Virginia Lawyers Weekly)
Mon., Aug. 1, 20223M is Making Big Changes. It's Still Not Time to Buy the Stock (Barrons)
Fri., Jul. 29, 2022Biden's 1st Circ. Pick. Abortion Rights Atty, Up Against Clock (Law360)
Fri., Jul. 29, 2022'Here we go': FTC's Meta case puts Lina Khan's antitrust vision to the test (Financial Times)
Thu., Jul. 28, 2022What states would ban same-sex marriage if the Supreme Court overturned Obergfell? (Tampa Bay Times)
Thu., Jul. 28, 2022Will $1 billion be enough to cover 3M earplug lawsuits? (Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal)
Wed., Jul. 27, 2022Judicial Nominee Behm sails through Senate Judiciary Committee hearing (The Detroit News)
Wed., Jul. 27, 20223M's $1 billion fund for resolving veterans' earplugs litigation not enough, says law professor (MarketWatch)
Tue., Jul. 26, 2022Same-sex marriage would be illegal in 25-32 states if the Supreme Court overturned Obergfell (Poynter.)
Thu., Jul. 21, 2022Twitter Lawyer Calls Elon Musk 'Committed Enemy' As Judge Sets October Trial (HuffPost)
Wed., Jul. 20, 2022Judge orders October trial for lawsuit between Elon Musk and Twitter (CNN)
Wed., Jul. 20, 2022U.S. Senate confirms Nina Wang as Colorado's newest federal judge (Colorado Politics)
Tue., Jul. 19, 2022Twitter-Musk takeover dispute heading for an October trial (The Seattle Times)
Tue., Jul. 19, 2022Bench Report: Are Biden's Purple State Nominations Fleeting? Plus, Finding a Middle Ground on SCOTUS Reforms. (Law.com)
Thu., Jul. 14, 2022Texas Sues to Block Biden Rule on Hospital Emergency Abortions (Bloomberg)
Thu., Jul. 14, 2022Pryor garners praise at confirmation hearing (The Indiana Lawyer)
Thu., Jul. 14, 2022Texas sues to block a Biden rule on emergency abortions (The Detroit News)
Thu., Jul. 14, 2022It's Official, Daughter of California farmworkers makes U.S. District Court history (The Fresno Bee)
Mon., Jul. 11, 2022Opinion: Confirm Hanes to the Eastern District (The Washington Post)
Mon., Jul. 11, 2022Twitter shares plunge as it braces for messy legal battle with Elon Musk (The Washington Post)
Mon., Jul. 11, 2022Biden, Schumer and Durbin sprint to fill judicial vacancies before possible GOP Senate takeover (Fox News)
Mon., Jul. 11, 2022Elon Musk may have to complete $44bn Twitter takeover, legal experts say (The Guardian)
Sun., Jul. 10, 2022Elon Musk officially tries to bail on buying Twitter (The Verge)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022Opinion: It is time for Twitter to get as much of Elon Musk's money as a court will allow (MarketWatch)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022W.Va. Opioid Verdict Widens Judge-Jury Split On Vital Theory (Law 360)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022Elon Musk files to back out of Twitter deal (The Washington Post)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022Elon Musk Twitter takeover deal in 'serious jeopardy.' (The Guardian)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022Miyares asks for closed hearing in case about Loudoun school assaults (The Washington Post)
Fri., Jul. 8, 2022West Virginia Judge Rules for Drug Distributors in opioid Case (Law.com)
Tue., Jul. 5, 2022Trump 2024 run could upend midterms - and deflect risk of prosecution (The Guardian)
Tue., Jul. 5, 2022Letter to the editor: Collins can't have it both ways on abortion (Portland Press Herald)
Sun., Jul. 3, 2022Roe v. Wade's fall is a 'turning point' for Chief Justice John Roberts' control over the Supreme Court, court watchers say (Insider)
Sat., Jul. 2, 2022Opinion/Editorial: Prosecutors agree to protect women who seek abortions (The Daily Progress)
Sat., Jul. 2, 2022Commonwealth attorneys in Richmond, Henrico pledge not to criminalize abortion if state law changes ()
Thu., Jun. 30, 2022Jackson sworn in as first black female justice on 'fractured' Supreme Court (Washington Examiner)
Thu., Jun. 30, 2022Can states punish women for traveling out of state to get an abortion (POLITIFACT)
Wed., Jun. 29, 2022Biden nominates Genesee County Judge Behm for federal bench (The Detroit News)
Wed., Jun. 29, 2022How Mitch McConnell playing 'long game' shaped the Supreme Court and led to the end of abortion landmark Roe (Fox News)
Wed., Jun. 29, 2022Juul Wins Emergency Order Blocking FDA Ban From US Market (Bloomberg Law)
Fri., Jun. 24, 2022Ana de Alba, daughter of farmworkers, will be Eastern District Court's first Latina judge (The Fresno Bee)
Wed., Jun. 22, 2022Senate confirms first Latina judge, daughter of farmworkers, to Eastern District of California bench (San Francisco Chronicle)
Wed., Jun. 22, 2022Biden to name 1st Native American US treasurer to head Mint (AP News)
Tue., Jun. 21, 2022General Assembly elects two Supreme Court Justices (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jun. 17, 2022Jane Young (finally) confirmed as U.S. Attorney for district of NH (Ink Link)
Wed., Apr. 27, 20222 of These 8 Finalists Could Become Southern Florida's Next Federal Magistrates (Law.com)
Tue., Apr. 26, 2022EU Regulator Cautions Twitter on Content Moderation (The Wall Street Journal)
Tue., Apr. 26, 2022Opinion| The Virginia General Assembly should fill vacant Supreme Court seats (The Washington Post)
Tue., Apr. 26, 2022Elon Musk's Twitter takeover sets him on a collision course with Europe (CNBC)
Tue., Apr. 26, 2022AG Miyares wants more transparency about decisions to dismiss or suspend judges (WVTF Radio)
Mon., Apr. 25, 2022Justice Dept. to appeal mask mandate ruling if CDC says it's needed (The Washington Post)
Tue., Apr. 19, 2022Limited injunction on masks could affect certain Chesterfield, Henrico schools (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Mar. 24, 2022Clark County judge, UNLV professor confirmed to federal judgeships (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Wed., Mar. 23, 2022Jackson defends sentencing record as contentious hearings continue (Las Vegas Review Journal)
Wed., Mar. 23, 2022With construction at a standstill, Mountain Valley Pipeline looks for solutions (The Roanoke Times)
Sun., Mar. 20, 2022Senate prepares for historic Supreme Court confirmation hearing (Las Vegas Review Journal)
Fri., Mar. 18, 2022GOP Heads Into Jackson's Court Hearing With Eye on Midterms (1) (Bloomberg)
Mon., Mar. 14, 2022J&J's Controversial Prison Testing on Black Men Resurfaces (Cheddar News)
Wed., Mar. 9, 2022J&J's Controversial Prison Testing Resurfaces in Baby Powder Lawsuits (Bloomberg)
Mon., Mar. 7, 2022For decades, Connecticut had two seats on prestitious U.S. Appellate Court, Here's how the state got a third (Hartford Courant)
Mon., Mar. 7, 2022Purdue and US states agree new $6bn settlement for opioid litigation (Financial Times)
Fri., Mar. 4, 2022Why Texas is a legal graveyard for Biden policies (CNN)
Fri., Mar. 4, 2022How Judge Jackson Beat Out Competition For High Court Nod (Law360)
Fri., Feb. 25, 2022Legal leaders reflect on expected Black woman SCOTUS nomination (The Indiana Lawyer)
Wed., Feb. 16, 2022Youngkin signs bill barring school mask mandates as of March 1 (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Feb. 16, 2022Sandy Hook families announce $73 million settlement with Remington Arms in landmark agreement (The Washington Post)
Tue., Feb. 15, 2022Sandy Hook families announce $73 million settlement with Remington Arms in landmark agreement (ABC Detroit)
Tue., Feb. 15, 2022Iowa must do better than Chuck Grassley (Bleeding Heartland)
Tue., Feb. 8, 2022Va. Supreme Cpirt dismisses Chesapeake parents' lawsuit over Youngkin mask mandate ban (WTOP)
Tue., Feb. 8, 2022When nominating judges gets more political, filling seats requires strategy (Courthouse News Service)
Mon., Feb. 7, 2022Supreme Court of Virginia punts on first school maks lawsuit (Virginia Mercury)
Mon., Feb. 7, 2022Virginia Supreme Court dismisses school mask lawsuit brought by Chesapeake parents (The Virginian Pilot)
Mon., Feb. 7, 2022Biden Nominates Stephanie Dawkins Davis to 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (The Root)
Fri., Feb. 4, 2022Biden Chooses Trump judge Stephanie Dawkins Davis for 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (The Detroit News)
Wed., Feb. 2, 2022Senate Confirms 3 Ohio Trial Court Picks (Law 360)
Mon., Jan. 31, 2022Virginia's public colleges and universities can't require coronavirus vaccine, new GOP attorney general finds (The Washington Post)
Sat., Jan. 29, 2022Stephen Breyer planning to retire from US Supreme Court (Bloomberg)
Wed., Jan. 26, 2022Biden to nominate Jesse Laslovich for Montana U.S. Attorney (Billings Gazette)
Wed., Jan. 26, 2022Opioid-ravaged West Virginia town awaits trial verdict (AP)
Wed., Jan. 26, 2022An opiod-ravaged West Virginia town awaits trial verdict (Associated Press)
Wed., Jan. 26, 2022Biden Gets New District Court Vacancies in California and Missouri (Law360)
Tue., Jan. 25, 2022U.S. Supreme Court will hear UNC-Chapel Hill, Harvard affirmative-action cases (The News&Observer)
Mon., Jan. 24, 2022Virginia's new Republican AG urges Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade (The Hill)
Mon., Jan. 24, 2022Biden nominates federal public defender to be the first woman of color on the appellate court based in Philadelphia (Philadelphia Inquirer - Subscription Required)
Wed., Jan. 19, 2022Miyares plans to be 'new sheriff in town' as Virginia attorney general (The Washington Post)
Wed., Jan. 19, 2022Verify: Can Gov. Youngkin strip Virginia schools of state funding to enforce his executive order on masks? (WUSA9)
Wed., Jan. 19, 2022Amid the pandemic, federal prosecutors in northern Ohio filed record number of criminal cases (cleveland.com)
Tue., Jan. 18, 2022'Tiger King' Accused of Swiping Movie Clips (Podcast) (Bloomberg Law)
Sun., Jan. 16, 2022Order to end school mask mandates gets pushback in Virginia (The Washington Post)
Sun., Jan. 16, 2022Republican Glenn Youngkin is sworn in as the governor of Virginia (NPR/VPM)
Sat., Jan. 15, 2022What the Supreme Court strike-down of Biden's vaccine mandate means for employers (Fortune)
Fri., Jan. 14, 2022How an Influx of Trump Appointees Changed the 3rd Circuit (Law.com)
Thu., Jan. 13, 2022US addresses Jan 6 security issues, but divisions seethe on anniversary (Daily Mail)
Wed., Jan. 5, 2022Will Elizabeth Holmes' conviction sober up Silicon Valley? (The Associated Press)
Tue., Jan. 4, 2022Will Elizabeth Holmes' conviction sober up Silicon Valley? (ABC News)
Tue., Jan. 4, 2022Virginia business interests see ally in Youngkin. Labor set to play defense (VPM)
Mon., Jan. 3, 20222021 Archives (http://assets.richmond.edu/files/faculty-staff-bio/law/tobias/2021-CarlTobias-InTheNews.pdf)
Fri., Dec. 31, 2021After Ghislaine Maxwell verdict, focus shifts to others in Jeffrey Epstein's orbit (Financial Times)
Thu., Dec. 30, 2021Ghislaine Maxwell verdict: Focus shifts to others in Jeffrey Epstein's orbit (The Irish Times)
Thu., Dec. 30, 2021One Year In, Joe Biden Has Confirmed More Lifetime Judges Than Decades Of Presidents (HUFFPOST)
Tue., Dec. 21, 2021Year in review: 2021 paved the way for enviro law action (E&E NEWS)
Tue., Dec. 21, 2021New 3rd Circ. Vacancy Gives Biden Chance to Flip Court (Law360)
Thu., Dec. 16, 2021Ghislaine Maxwell's Defense Begins to Present Its Case (The New York Times)
Thu., Dec. 16, 2021Nominees for US judgeships in Nevada appear headed for confirmation (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Wed., Dec. 15, 2021US wins appeal in UK court over request to extradite WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (USA Today)
Fri., Dec. 10, 2021Trump haunts Biden vaccine mandate in courts (Politico)
Sun., Dec. 5, 2021Trump haunts Biden vaccine mandate in courts (The Hill)
Sun., Dec. 5, 2021Can Johnson & Johnson put the taint of scandal behind it? (The Economist)
Sat., Dec. 4, 2021Pandemic Deepens Court Judicial Vacancies, Staffing Emergencies (Law.com)
Thu., Dec. 2, 2021Patent Expertise Will Aid Fed. Cir. Role, Stark Tells Panel (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., Dec. 1, 2021Federal jury finds US pharmacy chains liable for opioid epidemic (Financial Times)
Tue., Nov. 23, 2021American Medical Association warns halting Biden Covid vaccine mandate will cause severe and irreparable harm (CNBC)
Mon., Nov. 22, 2021When the Law Catches Up to the Science - On the Opioid Litigation (American Council on Science and Health)
Mon., Nov. 22, 2021Senators recommend candidates for federal judgeship (access required) (Virginia Lawyers Weekly)
Mon., Nov. 22, 2021Ohio House Republicans advance two gun bills: Capitol Letter (Cleveland.com)
Thu., Nov. 18, 2021Civil-rights groups, lawyers applaud nomination of Marisa Darden as U.S. attorney for northern Ohio (cleveland.com)
Wed., Nov. 17, 2021Biden Looks Beyond Big Law, Prosecutors With Judicial Picks (Law360)
Tue., Nov. 16, 2021Inflation Will Make or Break the Next Spending Bill (The New York Times)
Mon., Nov. 15, 2021Biden nominates Frierson to be next Nevada US attorney (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Fri., Nov. 12, 2021Trump wins temporary victory in effort to keep White House records secret (The Guardian)
Thu., Nov. 11, 2021In shocking ruling, Oklahoma court reverses $465 million opioid ruling (The Hill)
Wed., Nov. 10, 2021Hero or Vigilante? The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial | Podcast (Bloomberg Law)
Mon., Nov. 8, 2021The Legality of Next Year's General Assembly Session Could Be Called Into Question (WTVF Public Radio)
Mon., Nov. 8, 2021Biden selects 2 to fill 'emergency' vacancies on federal courts in Nevada (Pahrump Valley Times)
Fri., Nov. 5, 2021Senate Confirms Robert Santos as First Latino to Lead U.S. Census Bureau (The New York Times)
Thu., Nov. 4, 2021Two recommended for federal judge seat by Kaine, Warner (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Nov. 4, 2021Biden selects 2 to fill 'emergency' vacancies on federal courts in Nevada (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Wed., Nov. 3, 2021Sung Likely Still On Track For 9th Circ. Despite GOP Enmity (Law360)
Fri., Oct. 29, 2021Tough Decisions Await Prelogar With Her Confirmation As SG (Law360)
Thu., Oct. 28, 2021Johnson & Johnson 'Texas-two step' puts spotlight on US bankruptcy regime (Financial Times)
Thu., Oct. 28, 2021Senate confirms President Biden's nomination of Sarala Nagala, Omar Williams for U.S. judgeships (Hartford Courant)
Thu., Oct. 28, 2021US Senate Confirms Christine O'Hearn for Federal Bench in Vote Split Along Party Lines (Law.com)
Thu., Oct. 21, 2021What you need to know about the Supreme Court's 'shadow docket' (Poynter.)
Thu., Oct. 21, 2021Attorney who helped fight Trump travel ban appointed to federal bench in Washington state (The Seattle Times)
Thu., Oct. 21, 2021J&J spent $1.4bn on legal move to shield it from talc cancer claims (Financial Times)
Tue., Oct. 19, 2021The Supreme Court's 'shadow docket': What you need to know (POLITIFACT)
Mon., Oct. 18, 2021Jan. 6 Committee Tests Congress's Waning Power to Command Testimony (The Wall Street Journal)
Sat., Oct. 16, 2021Opinion| Fill the Eastern District of Virginia (The Hill)
Fri., Oct. 15, 2021Biden eyeing FDA veteran Robert Califf to lead the agency (Politico)
Thu., Oct. 14, 2021Redistricting Commission may give up on updating state maps (The Associated Press)
Mon., Oct. 11, 2021Redistricting commission may give up on updating state maps (The Washington Post)
Mon., Oct. 11, 2021Reinstatement of Texas abortion law may hinge on state argument challenging federal overreach (The Dallas Morning News)
Mon., Oct. 11, 2021Texas clinics cancel abortions after court reinstates ban (AP)
Sat., Oct. 9, 20214 key things to know about federal judge's finding that Texas' new abortion law is unconstitutional (The Dallas Morning News)
Fri., Oct. 8, 2021Johnson makes history as new U.S. Attorney for Northern Indiana (The Indiana Lawyer)
Thu., Oct. 7, 2021N.Y.-Based Appeals Court Gives Biden Two More Seats to Fill (1) (Bloomberg Law)
Thu., Oct. 7, 2021Pooler and Cabranes to take senior status, opening 2 seats on 2nd circuit bench (Law.com)
Thu., Oct. 7, 2021Cruz Campaign Finance Challenge Heads to Supreme Court (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Wed., Oct. 6, 2021Career prosecutor Chris Kavanaugh appointed U.S. Attorney for Western Virginia (The Roanoke Times)
Wed., Oct. 6, 2021Senate confirms Sarah Merrian as U.S. Judge for Connecticut, First of three picks by President Biden for federal bench in state (Hartford Courant)
Wed., Oct. 6, 2021Senate confirms 4th Native American judge on the entire federal bench (Huffington Post)
Tue., Oct. 5, 2021Attorney for Lake, Trumbull counties says pharmacy chains 'failed at the job' in handling opiods (cleveland.com)
Mon., Oct. 4, 2021Erek Barron is confirmed by Senate without dissent to be Maryland's U.S. attorney (The Baltimore Sun)
Mon., Oct. 4, 2021Family of Henrietta Lacks files suit against biotech company for using famous 'HeLa' cells without permission (The Baltimore Sun)
Mon., Oct. 4, 2021SC's 4th circuit judge Floyd signals intent to semi-retire, leaving vacancy for Biden (The State)
Mon., Oct. 4, 2021Someone on this list could become a south Florida federal Magistrate Judge (Law.com)
Fri., Oct. 1, 2021Chopra in charge (The New York Times)
Fri., Oct. 1, 2021Dylann Roof appeal in limbo after Richmond-based court of appeals judges recuse themselves (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Oct. 1, 2021Rohit Chopra, Biden's pick to head CFPB, finally gets Senate nod (barely) (column) (Los Angeles Times)
Fri., Oct. 1, 2021Senate confirms Rohit Chopra to lead Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (The Washington Post)
Thu., Sep. 30, 2021Senate Judiciary Committee approves Erek Barron to be Maryland's next U.S. Attorney (The Baltimore Sun)
Thu., Sep. 23, 2021Biden's rush to appoint judges (podcast) (Bloomberg)
Tue., Sep. 14, 2021Texas abortion ban spawns look-alike laws but could be short-lived (Politico)
Thu., Sep. 2, 2021Virginia Supreme Court clears path for removal of Robert E. Lee statue (The New York Times)
Thu., Sep. 2, 2021Ex-Nissan exec. Kelly wants boardroom, not criminal trial (AP News)
Thu., Aug. 19, 2021Mexico sues gun companies in U.S., accusing them of fueling violence (The New York Times)
Wed., Aug. 4, 2021Nancy Pelosi's dubious claim about who can extend the eviction moratorium (politifact)
Sun., Aug. 1, 2021How Democrats are handling openings on the Virginia Court of Appeals (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Jul. 31, 2021Progressives Split in Boston Mayor's Race - Mask Up and Vax Up - Lelling Talks Rollins (Politico)
Wed., Jul. 28, 2021Elon Musk and Twitter Each Face Challenge to Define What Makes an Account Fake (The Wall Street Journal)
Wed., Jul. 28, 2021Senate Likely To Confirm Rollins As Massachusetts U.S. Attorney (WBUR)
Tue., Jul. 27, 2021COURT CRAWL | A judicial vacancy dilemma, Denver judge receives an honor (Colorado Politics)
Mon., Jul. 26, 2021Evidence in Jan. 6 riot mounts against 2 with Las Vegas ties (Las Vegas Review Journal)
Fri., Jul. 23, 2021NRA skips Youngkin endorsement, backs other GOP statewide candidates (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Jul. 22, 2021RI senators seeking `highly-qualified' applicants for 1st Circuit opening (The Providence Journal)
Thu., Jul. 22, 2021New York reaches opioid settlement (BBC News)
Tue., Jul. 20, 2021Sacha Baron Cohen Wins Again Over Prank Interview (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Tue., Jul. 20, 2021Confirmed: Cunningham Will Be Federal Circuit's First Black Judge (Law.com)
Mon., Jul. 19, 2021Perkins Coie IP Atty Confirmed As Fed. Circ.'s 1st Black Judge ( Law 360)
Mon., Jul. 19, 2021These Associates Are About to Get Poached: The Morning Minute (Law.com)
Mon., Jul. 19, 2021'It's a very delicate issue with the constituents,' Pittsylvania County School Board member says of transgender vote (Martinsville Bulletin)
Sat., Jul. 17, 2021Are Judicial Picks With Defender Pasts Unfairly Criticized? Yes, and It's Not New, Experts Say (Law.com)
Fri., Jul. 16, 2021Federal Appeals Court Strikes Law Banning Handgun Sales To 18-20 Year Olds (VPM)
Fri., Jul. 16, 2021For Youngkin, skipped debate prompts questions about policy ideas and views (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jul. 16, 2021Schapiro: Campaign as crash course in Va. government (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jul. 16, 2021Tiffany Cunningham Advances in 63-34 Cloture Vote (IP Watchdog)
Fri., Jul. 16, 2021Sarah Merriam, the first of the state’s three U.S. judicial nominees, breezes though an initial Senate hearing (Hartford Courant)
Wed., Jul. 14, 2021Federal appeals court shoots down laws barring handgun sales to 18- to 20-year-olds (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Jul. 13, 2021Policing, race heating up the pages of opinions in Richmond-based federal appeals court (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jul. 9, 2021Key Vacancies Remain at DOJ as Biden Administration Pushes Forward With Its Agenda (Law.com)
Thu., Jul. 8, 2021Trump is suing Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. Here’s why they shouldn’t worry (CNN Business)
Wed., Jul. 7, 2021Judicial Selection (WOSU)
Wed., Jun. 30, 2021Biden's Court Vacancies By The Numbers (Law360)
Thu., Apr. 1, 2021This is why it’s so hard to get Tokyo Olympic ticket refunds (Los Angeles Times)
Thu., Apr. 1, 2021Bergen administrator Julien Neals nominated to be a federal judge (again) (NorthJersey.com)
Tue., Mar. 30, 2021President Biden picks ex-federal public defender Candace Jackson-Akiwumi for Chicago appeals court seat (Chicago Sun Times)
Tue., Mar. 30, 2021Who is Judget Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s nominee to replace AG Garland on powerful DC Circuit Court (Fox News)
Tue., Mar. 30, 2021‘Best and brightest’: Biden announces ‘trailblazing’ slate of judicial nominees (The Guardian)
Tue., Mar. 30, 2021Diverse panel recommends US judge candidates in Washington (The Telegraph)
Mon., Mar. 29, 2021Senators form panels to vet judicial nominees (The Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Fri., Mar. 26, 2021Federal court goes virtual, wheels of justice turn through pandemic (The Roanoke Times)
Thu., Mar. 25, 2021Florida A Warning For Biden As He Picks Red-State Judges (Law360)
Thu., Mar. 25, 2021Expansion in federal judgeships likely going nowhere because of Rep. Issa’s demands (San Francisco Chronicle)
Sun., Mar. 21, 2021New judgeship to be filled on Western Virginia’s all-white federal bench (The Roanoke Times)
Thu., Mar. 18, 2021Judges Juggle Over 2,700 Cases Each as Families Wait for Day in Court (The New York Times)
Wed., Mar. 17, 2021Longtime Nevada lawyer, appeals judge Wallach takes senior status (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Wed., Mar. 17, 2021Unhappy AGs Have Options In Latest Purdue Ch. 11 Plan (Law360)
Tue., Mar. 16, 2021GOP critics unlikely to let up on Haaland after confirmation (Roll Call)
Mon., Mar. 15, 2021Nada Culver draws attention as Biden’s possible BLM director (E&E News)
Thu., Mar. 11, 2021Venue sues over Virginia’s crowd limit for outdoor weddings (The Washington Post)
Thu., Mar. 11, 2021Supreme Court May Weaken Voting Rights Act (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Mon., Mar. 8, 2021Powerful Group of 7 Forms Florida’s Federal JNC. But They Might Face a Roadblock (Law.com)
Fri., Mar. 5, 2021Togliatti may get second nod for federal bench (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Fri., Mar. 5, 2021Biden Can Flip Second Circuit After Judge Hall Goes Senior (Bloomberg Law)
Thu., Mar. 4, 2021Committee advances Haland nomination for Interior (CQ News)
Thu., Mar. 4, 2021Haaland gets favorable recommendation from Senate committee (Albuquerque Journal)
Thu., Mar. 4, 2021Biden budget pick Neera Tanden drops out of nomination process after confirmation process unravels (USA Today)
Tue., Mar. 2, 2021Biden’s interior secretary pick makes inroads with the oil sector (Financial Times)
Thu., Feb. 25, 2021Jennifer Granholm confirmed as energy secretary in bipartisan Senate vote (Detroit Free Press)
Thu., Feb. 25, 2021Powhatan County vaccinated 1,000+ people in first community clinic (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Feb. 25, 2021Biden, Minding Pledge to Build Diversity, Likely to Eye NY Federal Judges in Shaping 2nd Circuit, Court-Watchers Say (New York Law Journal)
Wed., Feb. 24, 2021Senate sets up vote on Granholm nomination for energy secretary (The Detroit News)
Wed., Feb. 24, 2021New Judgeships A Tall Order Despite Lawmakers' Interest (Law360)
Tue., Feb. 23, 2021Application period begins for future opening on Roanoke-based federal courts (The Roanoke Times)
Mon., Feb. 22, 2021Supreme Court of Virginia agrees to hear appeals aimed at keeping Robert E. Lee statue in place (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Feb. 12, 2021Biden asks Trump-nominated U.S. attorneys to step down amid calls to keep Larry Keefe (Tallahassee Democrat)
Tue., Feb. 9, 2021Critics of SC abortion ban prepare for legal fight as bill nears final passage (The Post and Courier)
Tue., Feb. 9, 2021Biden Yanks Trump-Backed Hispanic Nominee to Federal Appeals Court (The Washington Free Beacon)
Fri., Feb. 5, 2021Second federal vacancy arises on Denver-based appeals court (Colorado Politics)
Fri., Feb. 5, 2021Second federal vacancy arises on Denver-based appeals court (Colorado Politics)
Fri., Feb. 5, 2021Bayer’s $2B Deal May Not Spell The End For Roundup (Law360)
Thu., Feb. 4, 2021Why the Biden Presidency Could Spawn New Era for California’s Federal Courts (Law.com)
Tue., Feb. 2, 2021Sen. Amanda Chase files suit against VA. Senate to remove censure, restore seniority (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Feb. 1, 2021Three Post-Trump Vacancies Will Allow Biden To Place His Stamp On Maryland’s Federal Trial Court (The Baltimore Sun)
Fri., Jan. 29, 2021Federal judges from both sides of the aisle are retiring now that Biden Can appoint their replacements (Alternet)
Thu., Jan. 28, 2021More Judges Take Senior Status In The Week After Inauguration (Reason)
Thu., Jan. 28, 2021Rare Sedition Charge Gains Interest After Capitol Attack (The Omaha Daily Record)
Thu., Jan. 28, 2021Cleveland judge handling nationwide opioid litigation shifts to senior status, enabling President Biden to choose appointee (Clevand.com)
Wed., Jan. 27, 2021Federal Judges Are Retiring Now That Joe Biden Will Pick Their Replacements (The Huffington Post)
Wed., Jan. 27, 2021Flurry Of Judicial Retirements Opens Seats For Biden to Fill (Law360)
Wed., Jan. 27, 2021Purdue Talks Stall on Demand for More Cash From Sacklers (Bloomberg)
Wed., Jan. 27, 2021Janet Yellen becomes the first female Treasury chief; may be a calming influence in a divided Washington (USA Today)
Mon., Jan. 25, 2021Biden White House atmosphere is transformed (France24)
Sat., Jan. 23, 2021Chaos of Trump’s last days in office reverberates with flesh ‘plot’ report (The Guardian)
Sat., Jan. 23, 2021Stat Of The Week: Biden’s Outlook For Naming Judges (Above the law)
Fri., Jan. 22, 2021Biden administration expected to replace U.S. attorney overseeing House Bill 6 investigation (Cleveland.com)
Thu., Jan. 21, 2021Rare sedition charge gains interest after Capitol attack (The Associated Press)
Thu., Jan. 21, 2021After the Senate failed to approve a Connecticut judge for federal court vacancy, President-elect Biden wants new nominees ‘who look like America’ (Hartford Courant)
Wed., Jan. 20, 2021Biden Takes Office With Fewest Court Openings Since 1989 (Law360)
Wed., Jan. 20, 2021Trump Didn’t Pardon Himself. Now His Legal Nightmare Begins (Vice News)
Wed., Jan. 20, 2021How Biden could make his mark on the courts (E&E News)
Fri., Jan. 15, 2021President Trump permanently banned from Twitter over risk he could incite violence (USA Today)
Wed., Jan. 13, 2021Trump’s nightmare scenario of being impeached, convicted, then barred from public office for life is looking more and more likely (Business Insider)
Wed., Jan. 13, 2021Cheney says she will vote to impeach Trump (Casper Star Tribune)
Tue., Jan. 12, 2021Boeing To Pay $2.5 Billion Settlement Over Deadly 737 Max Crashes (NPR)
Fri., Jan. 8, 2021Boeing Settles 737 Max Criminal Charge With $2.5 Billion Deal (Investor’s Business Daily)
Thu., Jan. 7, 2021Coca-Cola Hires Star Lawyer, Signals Aggressive Tax Fight (Bloomberg Tax)
Thu., Jan. 7, 2021The 26 Trump Judicial Picks Getting Left Behind (Law360)
Thu., Jan. 7, 2021Biden’s Judicial Impact In Limbo As. Ga. Count Runoff Votes (Law360)
Wed., Jan. 6, 2021Doubts emerge in US over future of Assange extradition case (The Guardian)
Tue., Jan. 5, 2021U.S. Attorney Terwilliger leaving post for private firm (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Jan. 5, 2021Trump Pushes 1st Circ. Nominee But Drops Bipartisan Picks (Law360)
Mon., Jan. 4, 2021Trump, on tape, presses Ga. Official to ‘find’ him votes (The National Herald)
Mon., Jan. 4, 2021Assange Faces Ruling on Extradition to United States (The Seattle Times)
Sun., Jan. 3, 2021Trump's phone call to Brad Raffensperger: six key points (The Guardian)
Sun., Jan. 3, 2021As Democratic president arrives, Maryland’s Republican U.S. attorney has a decision to make (Baltimore Sun)
Sat., Jan. 2, 2021Gohmert Suggests Street Violence After Court Tosses Electoral Suit (Bloomberg)
Fri., Jan. 1, 2021Retiring Rep. Phil Roe reflects on how personal experience helped veterans (The Knoxville News Sentinel)
Sun., Dec. 27, 2020Trump’s Presidency Is Over. His Judges Will Be Here for Decades (The Huffington Post)
Sat., Dec. 26, 2020The Justice (The Washington Post)
Wed., Dec. 23, 2020UPDATE: Trump’s FCC IG Pick Gets Another Senate Try (Radio+Television Business Report)
Tue., Dec. 22, 2020ETSU president, former Tennessee House speaker to join TVA board (Chattanooga Times Free Press - Premium)
Mon., Dec. 21, 2020This New Jersey Lawyer Just Became a Federal Judge (New Jersey Law Journal)
Mon., Dec. 21, 2020Hope is fading for U.S. Senate vote on Connecticut judge’s nomination to the federal bench; Jongbloed has been waiting for more than a year (Hartford Courant)
Fri., Dec. 18, 2020Detroit Is Trying To Punish Sidney Powell for ‘Kraken’ Lawsuit—Legal Experts Say It Could Work (Forbes)
Wed., Dec. 16, 2020Senate votes to confirm longtime Charleston County attorney as U.S. district court judge (The Post and Courier)
Wed., Dec. 16, 2020Senate prepares to vote on Kirsch nomination to 7th Circuit (The Indiana Lawyer)
Mon., Dec. 14, 2020A century after pandemic, lawsuits seek to erase the powers of state and local health departments (Cleveland.com)
Sun., Dec. 13, 2020Texas files reply brief in election suit at Scotus, final step before justices issue order in blockbuster case (Fox News)
Fri., Dec. 11, 2020White House threatens FDA chief’s job over vaccine approval (The Associated Press)
Fri., Dec. 11, 2020Charleston attorney’s nomination to be federal judge heads to Senate on tight deadline (The Post and Courier)
Thu., Dec. 10, 2020Legal expert: Mitch’s rush to confirm FEC commissioners is aimed at undermining election watchdog (Salon)
Thu., Dec. 10, 2020Lawyer says U.S. Rep. Kelly will pursue voting case even after loss in U.S. Supreme Court (Erie Times-News)
Wed., Dec. 9, 2020Texas AG sues Michigan over election results, asks Supreme Court to disqualify electors (Detroit Free Press)
Tue., Dec. 8, 2020Govt accuses Facebook of discriminating against US workers (Associated Press)
Thu., Dec. 3, 2020In close vote, Senate makes first lame-duck Fed confirmation (Roll Call)
Thu., Dec. 3, 2020Senate Confirms Fed Economist Christopher Waller to Board (The Wall Street Journal - Premium)
Thu., Dec. 3, 2020U.S. judiciary, shaped by Trump, thwarts his election challenges (Reuters)
Tue., Dec. 1, 2020Some federal judges plan to retire when Trump exits. Will Biden be able to replace them? (Los Angeles Times)
Mon., Nov. 30, 2020Trump reportedly wants to hold a 2024 campaign event during Biden’s inauguration (Business Insider)
Sat., Nov. 28, 2020As Treasury chief, Yellen may be a calming influence in a Washington split over stimulus and everything else (USA Today)
Tue., Nov. 24, 2020Durbin Likely To Become Top Dem On Judiciary Committee (Law360)
Tue., Nov. 24, 2020Kirsch pressed on originalism at 7th Circuit confirmation hearing (The Indiana Lawyer)
Mon., Nov. 23, 2020Trump nominee’s long road to Fed may be dead end (The Hill)
Sat., Nov. 21, 2020Trump Rushes to Sell Drilling in Alaska Refuge (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Thu., Nov. 19, 2020Senate confirms Trump’s youngest federal judge to serve in Tampa (Tampa Bay Times)
Wed., Nov. 18, 2020Why Trump Is Losing His Lawyers (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Wed., Nov. 18, 2020John Podesta: Democrats will have to ‘pick their shots’ on energy (Financial Times)
Tue., Nov. 17, 2020John Podesta: Democrats will have to ‘pick their shots’ on energy (Financial Times)
Tue., Nov. 17, 2020Senate Republicans Fail to Advance Judy Shelton’s Confirmation to Fed Board (The Wall Street Journal)
Tue., Nov. 17, 2020Federal Law Clerk Hiring Plan Gets 2-Year Extension (Law360)
Fri., Nov. 13, 2020Nevada judge Togliatti still awaiting Senate confirmation (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Fri., Nov. 13, 2020This South Florida Lawyer Just Got US Senate Confirmation to Become a District Court Judge (Law.com)
Thu., Nov. 12, 2020TikTok sale deadline pushed back (Fortune)
Thu., Nov. 12, 2020TikTok's day of reckoning arrives, but marketers appear to hold fast on the platform (Marketing Dive)
Thu., Nov. 12, 2020TikTok Sale Deadline Hits With ByteDance Desperate for Time (Bloomberg)
Wed., Nov. 11, 2020Biden, Trump, the Senate and lower court selection (The Hill)
Tue., Nov. 3, 2020'Election week not election day': Unprecedented number of early ballots could delay election results (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Oct. 31, 2020First guilty pleas in Householder probe lack cooperation agreements with prosecutors (Cleveland.com)
Thu., Oct. 29, 2020Richmond judge sides with governor on order to take down Lee Monument; plaintiffs will appeal ruling (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Oct. 27, 2020What Barrett’s Pro-Business Track Record May Mean for You (The Balance)
Tue., Oct. 27, 2020Presidential Election Could Bring Relief to New Jersey's Shorthanded Federal Courts (New Jersey Law Journal)
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020Without Senate-confirmed leaders, Interior rules may be at risk (Roll Call)
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020Without Senate-confirmed leaders, Interior rules may be at risk (Roll Call)
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020'Sue if you must': Lincoln Project rejects threat over Kushner and Ivanka billboards (The Guardian)
Sun., Oct. 25, 2020Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump threaten to sue Lincoln Project (The Guardian)
Sat., Oct. 24, 2020Obama campaigns for Biden in Florida as Trump heads to battleground Ohio – as it happened (The Guardian)
Sat., Oct. 24, 2020With eight years experience, she’s set to be Tampa’s next federal judge (Tampa Bay Times)
Sat., Oct. 24, 2020Acting Officials Gave Trump ‘Flexibility.’ Now They Could Sink His Terrible Policies. (The Huffington Post)
Fri., Oct. 9, 2020Political parties, outside groups pour resources into preelection legal fights (Marketplace)
Thu., Oct. 8, 2020Amy Coney Barrett could influence workers' rights, other economic issues if she joins Supreme Court (USA Today)
Mon., Oct. 5, 2020Amy Coney Barrett could influence workers’ rights, other economic issues on Supreme Court (USA Today)
Mon., Oct. 5, 2020J&J to Pay More Than $100 Million to End Over 1,000 Talc Suits (Bloomberg)
Mon., Oct. 5, 2020Senate Bill Would Add 65 Fed. Judges, But Time Is Short (Law360)
Mon., Oct. 5, 2020Jongbloed nomination to federal bench In Hartford is delayed as U.S. Senate prepares to recess (Hartford Courant)
Thu., Oct. 1, 2020Nothing to see here: DOI attorney says Pendley order common (E&E News)
Wed., Sep. 30, 2020The U.S. Court Issues A Temporary Injunction Order For TikTok To Escape And Block (ElectroDealPro)
Wed., Sep. 30, 2020Donald Trump probably broke the law with the TikTok ban: judge (Ex Bulletin)
Tue., Sep. 29, 2020Welcome to debate day (Politico)
Tue., Sep. 29, 2020Pendley court ruling could unravel Trump’s public lands decisions (The Hill)
Mon., Sep. 28, 2020Post-court order: New title for Pendley, questions for BLM (E&E News)
Mon., Sep. 28, 2020TikTok gets a breather till November 12 as judge halts Trump’s download ban (Deccan Chronicle)
Mon., Sep. 28, 2020Water case offers a window into Barrett’s jurisprudence (E&E News)
Mon., Sep. 28, 2020Trump isn’t just picking conservatives for the courts. He’s picking young conservatives like Amy Coney Barrett (Boston Globe)
Sun., Sep. 27, 20207 Barrett Employment Rulings That Lawyers Should Know (Law360)
Sat., Sep. 26, 2020Judge Amy Coney Barrett: 7th Circ. Decisions To Know (Law360)
Sat., Sep. 26, 2020McConnell Rule? Biden Rule? The politics behind this Supreme Court pick (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Sat., Sep. 26, 2020Trump taps Barrett, launching brawl over Supreme Court’s future (Politico)
Sat., Sep. 26, 2020Judge made ‘numerous reversible errors’ in SC absentee witness case, Republicans say (The State)
Thu., Sep. 24, 2020Roderick C. Young, a magistrate judge and former prosecutor, appointed to federal judgeship (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Sep. 24, 2020U.S. Senate votes overwhelmingly to confirm Hampton Roads’ newest federal judge (Daily Press)
Thu., Sep. 24, 2020Florida judge on Trump short list helped give GOP key legal win. Should she have recused? (Miami Herald)
Wed., Sep. 23, 2020The GOP is now the party of looters and moochers (The Washington Post)
Wed., Sep. 23, 2020‘Rock star’ appeals judge Allison Rushing in high court mix (Associated Press)
Wed., Sep. 23, 2020Lagoa’s Resume Recalls Conservative Regret Over O’Connor, Souter (Bloomberg Law)
Tue., Sep. 22, 2020In Miami, buzz over Cuban American judge Barbara Lagoa as potential Trump Supreme Court pick (NBC News)
Mon., Sep. 21, 2020Michigan's Joan Larsen getting buzz to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Supreme Court (Detroit Free Press)
Mon., Sep. 21, 2020Richmond Circuit Court appoints Augusta prosecutor to investigate mayor's handling of statue removal contract (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Sep. 21, 2020The Energy 202: An extra Trump Supreme Court justice could help cement his environmental rollbacks (The Washington Post)
Mon., Sep. 21, 2020Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have your data. Why not China-owned ByteDance’s TikTok? (USA Today)
Sun., Sep. 20, 2020There’s No There There’: What the TikTok Deal Achieved (The New York Times)
Sun., Sep. 20, 2020Trump’s WeChat Curbs Halted by Judge on Free Speech Concerns (Bloomberg)
Sun., Sep. 20, 2020Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Puts Obamacare in Jeopardy (Vice)
Sat., Sep. 19, 2020Ruth Bader Ginsburg: death of liberal justice gives Trump chance to reshape the US for generations (The Guardian)
Sat., Sep. 19, 2020Trump considering this Florida justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Tampa Bay Times)
Sat., Sep. 19, 2020US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg dies at 87 (New Vision)
Sat., Sep. 19, 2020‘It Only Takes 4’: Durbin Hopes Some Republicans Break Ranks To Block a Trump Nominee (NPR)
Sat., Sep. 19, 2020Dayton federal judge nominee approved by Senate committee (Dayton Daily News)
Fri., Sep. 18, 2020Christian Art Fight Fueled by Litigation Finance (Podcast) (Bloomberg (Podcast))
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020How Trump’s Payroll Holiday Tax Works (Forbes)
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020How Trump’s Payroll Tax Holiday Might Work (Forbes)
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020How Trump’s Payroll Tax Holiday Will Work (Forbes)
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020Trump’s First U.S. District Judges in California Confirmed (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020US Senate confirms two new federal judges for southern Illinois (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Wed., Sep. 16, 2020The Eastern District of Virginia needs all its judges (The Washington Post)
Tue., Sep. 15, 2020US government receives Oracle bid for TikTok (France 24)
Tue., Sep. 15, 2020GOP Leader Makes Late Drive To Leave ‘No Vacancy Behind’ (Law360)
Mon., Sep. 14, 2020Oracle submits bid for TikTok, US govt confirms receipt (Vanguard)
Mon., Sep. 14, 2020New Additions To Trump Supreme Court List Show Changing Reelection Politics (The Washington Free Beacon)
Sun., Sep. 13, 2020Oracle will partner with TikTok, but will this satisfy Trump? (Yahoo! News)
Sun., Sep. 13, 2020COD, Sept. 12, 2020: Oversight boards needed to monitor politicians (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Sep. 12, 2020In Key 2020 Election Decision, Judges Rule Florida Felons Can’t Vote Until They’ve Paid Fines (Forbes)
Fri., Sep. 11, 2020Cullen confirmed as U.S. judge (Virginia Lawyers Weekly - Premium)
Thu., Sep. 10, 2020Inside the enviro records of Trump's Supreme Court picks (E&E News)
Thu., Sep. 10, 2020Senate confirms Cullen as federal judge (The Roanoke Times)
Thu., Sep. 10, 2020Senate approves Ludwig for federal court seat in Milwaukee (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Wed., Sep. 9, 2020Gray asks Richmond prosecutor to appoint special investigator to probe Stoney's handling of contract for Confederate statue removal (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Sep. 3, 2020Court shields Trump tax returns, likely until after election (Associated Press)
Tue., Sep. 1, 2020Trump’s success filling the courts could limit efforts to remake them (CNBC)
Tue., Sep. 1, 2020After CEO Kevin Mayer's abrupt exit what’s TikTok’s future (Los Angeles Times)
Thu., Aug. 27, 2020Robert E. Lee statue will stand in Richmond until at least October as judge sets trial date (The Hill)
Wed., Aug. 26, 2020After judge's ruling, Richmond's Robert E. Lee statue will stay in place until at least October (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Aug. 25, 2020Why Trump’s WeChat ban could hurt Hollywood’s ties to China (Los Angeles Times)
Mon., Aug. 24, 2020The Energy 202: Trump team up against the clock to sell Arctic drilling rights by Inauguration Day (The Washington Post)
Thu., Aug. 20, 2020The ICE directive is gone, but international students still fear deportation (The Verge)
Tue., Aug. 18, 2020TikTok employees ready legal challenge in response to Trump order (The Hill)
Tue., Aug. 18, 2020Trump opens verified Triller account amid TikTok crackdown (Fox Business)
Sun., Aug. 16, 20209th Circuit Strikes Down Calif. “High Capacity” Magazine Ban (InfoWars)
Fri., Aug. 14, 2020GAO says Wolf, Cuccinelli appointments at DHS invalid (Roll Call)
Fri., Aug. 14, 2020Trump Ratchets Up Fight With TikTok’s Chinese Owner (Bloomberg)
Fri., Aug. 14, 2020Latest Trump Judicial Nominee Clerked Last Year (Above the Law)
Thu., Aug. 13, 2020Trump tests power, outpaces Obama on executive orders (The Washington Times)
Tue., Aug. 11, 2020TikTok to sue Trump administration over U.S. ban (Yahoo! Finance)
Mon., Aug. 10, 2020Trump signs executive order on coronavirus relief without $1,200 checks after rambling attack on Democrats (NY Daily News)
Sat., Aug. 8, 2020New Concerns About Accuracy of the Census (Bloomberg Podcast)
Thu., Aug. 6, 2020Facebook, Twitter remove Trump coronavirus posts of Fox interview about kids being ‘almost immune’ (USA Today)
Wed., Aug. 5, 2020Trump’s call for a cut of Microsoft-TikTok deal faces legal challenges (CGTN)
Wed., Aug. 5, 2020Will Washington reach a deal on a new stimulus spending package? The markets are pricing it in (Fortune)
Wed., Aug. 5, 2020Microsoft’s TikTok pursuit could lure interest from other US bidders (Fox Business)
Tue., Aug. 4, 2020Trump Says U.S. Should Get Slice of TikTok Sales Price (The Wall Street Journal)
Mon., Aug. 3, 2020Boston Marathon Bomber’s Death Sentence Is Thrown Out by Court (The New York Times)
Fri., Jul. 31, 2020Michael Flynn Dismissal to Be Heard By Full Appeals Court (Bloomberg)
Thu., Jul. 30, 2020Senate committee advances federal judicial nominations of two Metro East judges (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Thu., Jul. 30, 2020U.S. Senate approves Pittsburgh attorney for federal bench (The Pittsburg Post-Gazette)
Mon., Jul. 27, 2020Judge tosses Princess Cruise passenger lawsuit over coronavirus-related distress – how that affects similar court battles (MarketWatch)
Sun., Jul. 26, 2020Lee statue will continue to stand for now as Richmond judge prepares written ruling (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Jul. 23, 2020Sens. Advance Picks For Federal Courts In Calif., Wis., Pa. (Law360)
Thu., Jul. 23, 2020Monument Avenue residents refile lawsuit challenging removal of Lee statue (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Jul. 22, 2020Mont. Governor sues to block Pendley’s ‘unlawful’ tenure (E&E News)
Tue., Jul. 21, 2020Sens. Moving Forward On Bill With 65 New Fed. Judgeships (Law360)
Mon., Jul. 20, 2020Given a chance, Trump would push court pick before election (Associated Press)
Sat., Jul. 18, 2020Trump’s ‘unforced error’ puts Western Senate Republicans in an election jam (Politico)
Fri., Jul. 17, 2020US Supreme Court’s Ginsburg again being treated for cancer (Yahoo! News)
Fri., Jul. 17, 2020Controversial Richmond judge no longer presiding over Lee statue case (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Jul. 16, 2020For Trump’s Trial Court Picks, It May Be Now or Never (Law360)
Thu., Jul. 16, 2020The cost and benefits of filling the federal appeals court vacancies (The Hill)
Thu., Jul. 16, 2020Full federal appeals court upholds Richmond judge in contentious search and seizure case (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Jul. 15, 2020Trump Says ‘Antifa’ Will Be Designated A Terrorist Organization (Forbes)
Mon., Jun. 1, 2020Twitter Calls Trump’s Executive Order Against Social Media ‘Reactionary and Politicized’ (DNYUZ)
Fri., May. 29, 2020Twitter Calls Trump’s Executive Order Against Social Media ‘Reactionary and Politicized’ (Newsweek)
Fri., May. 29, 2020Here’s Who Joe Biden Could Pick for the Supreme Court (USSA News)
Thu., May. 28, 2020Legal and tech policy experts say Trump’s draft executive order cracking down on social-media companies is dead on arrival (Business Insider)
Thu., May. 28, 2020Federal Judge Rolls Back Voting Restrictions for release Florida Prisoners (Nonprofit Quarterly)
Wed., May. 27, 2020Bayer’s Progress on Roundup Woes Won’t End Monsanto Headache (Bloomberg)
Tue., May. 26, 2020Bayer Reaches Deals on Big Share of 125,000 Roundup Weedkiller Suits (Bloomberg)
Mon., May. 25, 2020Federal judge: Florida can’t stop poor felons from voting (Tampa Bay Times)
Sun., May. 24, 2020Mike Flynn Just Might Walk Free After All (Vice)
Fri., May. 22, 2020Supreme Court Keeps Mueller Material From the House (Bloomberg Podcast)
Thu., May. 21, 2020J&J’s Baby Powder Switch Sets an End Date for Legal Liability (Bloomberg)
Wed., May. 20, 2020Flynn Asks DC Circ. To Toss Case, Reassign 'Biased' Judge (Law 360)
Tue., May. 19, 2020Judgeship for Cullen advances to Senate floor vote as soon as next month (The Roanoke Times)
Mon., May. 18, 2020Federal judge dismisses NAACP lawsuit challenging Confederate school names in Hanover (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., May. 14, 2020Senate panel Oks Togliatti’s nomination to federal bench (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Thu., May. 14, 2020GOP Judicial Nominations Race Clock Amid Campaign, Virus Demands (Bloomberg Law)
Wed., May. 13, 2020Judge Appoints Lawyer to Argue Against Dismissal of Charges in Michael Flynn Case (The Wall Street Journal)
Wed., May. 13, 2020Judge Appoints Outsider to Take On Justice Dept. in Flynn Case (The New York Times)
Wed., May. 13, 2020Judge in Flynn case eyeing possible contempt charge for perjury (The Hill)
Wed., May. 13, 2020With 10 Appointees on the Ninth Circuit, Trump Seeks to Tame His Nemesis (Inside Climate News)
Wed., May. 13, 2020The Epic Supreme Court Battle Over Trump's Tax Returns Is Finally Here (Vice)
Mon., May. 11, 2020McConnell focuses Senate on conservative judge appointments rather than coronavirus (Fortune)
Thu., May. 7, 2020Trump nominates Richmond magistrate for Hampton Roads federal judgeship (The Virginian-Pilot)
Thu., May. 7, 2020Young picked for Eastern District judgeship (Virginia Lawyer’s Weekly (Premium))
Thu., May. 7, 2020Chief Judge Asks for Investigation Into Judicial Vacancy (Bloomberg Podcast)
Wed., May. 6, 2020Churches and COVID-19 (WVTF)
Wed., May. 6, 2020Kirkland Alum Among Picks For Va., Military Courts (Law360)
Wed., May. 6, 2020Trump loyalist set to become national intelligence director on second attempt (The Guardian)
Tue., May. 5, 2020Coronavirus live updates: Daily death toll could hit 3,000 on June 1; California moves toward reopening; J.Crew files for bankruptcy (USA Today)
Mon., May. 4, 2020How Trump has tipped the scales in America's most powerful courts (The Guardian)
Fri., May. 1, 2020Trump's judges: a revolution to create a new conservative America (The Guardian)
Tue., Apr. 28, 2020Employee survivor sued Wal-Mart’s coronal lawsuit in the US (Nikkei Business (Japanese))
Wed., Apr. 22, 2020Trump’s Judicial Picks on Ice As Pandemic Ties Up Senate (Law360)
Mon., Apr. 20, 2020Federal Trial Courts Face Post-Pandemic Crisis (Bloomberg Podcast)
Thu., Apr. 16, 2020Donald Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress Unilaterally in What Would Be Unprecedented Power Grab (Slate)
Wed., Apr. 15, 2020What Pandemic? Trump, Mitch McConnell Still Eager to Confirm More Judges (Medium)
Sat., Apr. 11, 2020Trump-Appointed Judges Give President Execution to Win (Bloomberg Podcast)
Fri., Apr. 10, 2020What Pandemic? Trump, Mitch McConnell Still Eager To Confirm More Judges (The Huffington Post)
Tue., Apr. 7, 2020Trump Judicial Pick Might Undermine Obamacare (Bloomberg Podcast)
Sat., Apr. 4, 2020Newport News federal courthouse shut down amid coronavirus, reduced caseloads (Daily Press)
Thu., Apr. 2, 2020Senators recommend two – including one from Hampton for federal judgeship (Daily Press)
Mon., Mar. 23, 2020Senators recommend two for ED judgeship (Virginia Lawyers Weekly - Premium)
Fri., Mar. 20, 2020COVID-19 Leads to Rare Judicial Emergency in Virginia (WVTF)
Thu., Mar. 19, 2020A year later, prosecutors are winning historic college admissions case, but fight isn't over (USA Today)
Fri., Mar. 13, 2020General Assembly divide means Court of Appeals, SCC judge picks will fall to Northam (Virginia Mercury)
Fri., Mar. 13, 2020Williams: On Confederate school names in Hanover, there should be no statute of limitations on doing the right thing (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Mar. 10, 2020Trump Has 'Effectively Flipped' the 9th Circuit from Liberal to Conservative (ChristianHeadlines.com)
Mon., Mar. 9, 2020Coronavirus threatens to unleash lawsuits against businesses, governments (Omaha World-Herald)
Sun., Mar. 8, 2020Statute of limitations argument threatens to derail Hanover NAACP lawsuit against Confederate school names (Richmond Times-Dispatch - Premium)
Sun., Mar. 8, 2020Chief Justice Chastises Senator Schumer (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
Fri., Mar. 6, 2020Bush Appointee Thomas Griffith Retiring From DC Circ. In Fall (Law360)
Thu., Mar. 5, 2020Judge enmeshed in Clean Power Plan battle to retire (E&E News)
Thu., Mar. 5, 2020Fredericksburg prosecutor caught in the middle of General Assembly judge fight (Culpeper Star-Exponent)
Wed., Mar. 4, 2020Jennifer Togliatti sails through federal court confirmation hearing (Law Vegas Review-Journal)
Wed., Mar. 4, 2020Lingering grudges, obscure protocol and a classic General Assembly judge fight (Virginia Mercury)
Wed., Mar. 4, 2020Virus Threatens to Unleash Lawsuits Against Global Business (Bloomberg)
Wed., Mar. 4, 2020Judge Who Sentenced Roger Stone Is Feeling Heat from Trump (Voice of America)
Thu., Feb. 27, 2020Looking At Changes Happening Within The Nation's Largest Federal Appeals Court (WBUR On Point)
Wed., Feb. 26, 2020Arizona's Senators Seek 5 New US District Judgeships (Law360)
Mon., Feb. 24, 2020In extradition bid, U.S. accuses Assange of endangering sources (The Hindu)
Mon., Feb. 24, 2020Julian Assange: He infuriated Washington. Now he's facing life in prison. (USA Today)
Sun., Feb. 23, 2020Trump has flipped the 9th Circuit - and some new judges are causing a 'shock wave' (Los Angeles Times)
Sat., Feb. 22, 2020For Dicamba, the Future Is Lawsuits (CropLife)
Thu., Feb. 20, 2020Trump Boosts Conservative Lean of Key Circuit (Podcast)
Thu., Feb. 20, 2020Roger Stone expected to challenge federal judge's sentencing, drag out case (The Washington Times)
Wed., Feb. 19, 2020US Farmers Against BASF and Bayer (Bioplastics News)
Wed., Feb. 19, 2020Dicamba Verdict Could Be A Precedent For Other Farmers' Suits (NPR: St. Louis Public Radio)
Tue., Feb. 18, 2020Ban on Assault-Style Weapons Blocked in Virginia Senate (The Wall Street Journal)
Mon., Feb. 17, 2020Bayer is facing a new wave of herbicide lawsuits - and this time it's not over Monsanto's Roundup (Fortune)
Mon., Feb. 17, 2020Tesla Berlin Factory Risks Months-Long Legal Delay Over Wildlife (Investors.com)
Mon., Feb. 17, 2020Trump makes mark on Texas judiciary (Austin American-Statesman)
Fri., Feb. 14, 2020Bayer Strives to End Lawsuits Over Roundup - While Still Selling It (The Wall Street Journal)
Wed., Feb. 12, 2020Senate confirms former prosecutor as newest St. Louis federal judge (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Wed., Feb. 12, 2020Blue States Create Hurdle for Trump's 2020 Judicial Appointments (Bloomberg Law)
Tue., Feb. 11, 2020GOP senators want to confirm more judges. That could mean working with Democrats (Roll Call)
Tue., Feb. 11, 2020Senate confirms Alabama Judge Andrew Brasher for federal appeals court post (Alabama.com)
Tue., Feb. 11, 2020Democrats offer their vision for remaking the courts (E&E News)
Mon., Feb. 10, 2020Herring, other state AGs file lawsuit demanding addition of ERA to Constitution (The Washington Post)
Thu., Jan. 30, 2020Virginia's Mark Herring, other state AGs, sue to have ERA recognized in U.S. Constitution (Richmond-Times Dispatch)
Thu., Jan. 30, 2020A police search in Creighton Court leads to unusual hearing of full federal appeals court (Richmond-Times Dispatch)
Wed., Jan. 29, 2020Trump legal team begins second day of arguments under Bolton furor (The Hill)
Mon., Jan. 27, 20202 Lawyers on Trump Defense Team Shared Epstein as a Client (U.S. News & World Report)
Fri., Jan. 24, 2020Impeachment and 'Red Flag' Due Process (WRVA)
Fri., Jan. 24, 2020The Senate won't vote to remove President Trump. But what happens if it did? (The Salt Lake Tribune)
Wed., Jan. 22, 2020Heather Heyer's mom owns guns and says Democrats in Richmond, Virginia, are going too far (USA Today)
Mon., Jan. 20, 2020Critics, lawyers agree: Chris Collins got lucky with 2-month sentence (The Buffalo News)
Sat., Jan. 18, 2020Trump chooses high-profile but controversial legal team (The Hill)
Fri., Jan. 17, 2020UPDATE: Virginia Supreme Court rejects gun groups' bid to overturn Northam's gun ban at Capitol Square (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Jan. 17, 2020Appeal filed after motion denied to overturn Northam's temporary weapons ban (CBS 6)
Thu., Jan. 16, 2020UPDATE: Gun activists appeal to Virginia Supreme Court after judge rejects bid to halt gun ban in Capitol Square (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Jan. 16, 2020Virginia Votes to Ratify ERA, Setting Up Likely Legal Battle (The Wall Street Journal)
Thu., Jan. 16, 2020With Trials Looming, Monsanto Looks to Settle Some Roundup Cases (Law.com)
Thu., Jan. 16, 2020Alabama NAACP among groups calling for halt to federal judgeship confirmation (Al.com)
Wed., Jan. 15, 2020In bipartisan vote, Senate approves former R.I. official to lead FEMA (Providence Journal)
Tue., Jan. 14, 2020Collins' record consistent on judicial confirmations (Press Herald)
Mon., Jan. 13, 2020Roundup mediator is 'optimistic' about a 'comprehensive settlement' (St. Louis Business Journal)
Mon., Jan. 13, 2020What�s at stake for Iran after admitting it downed the Ukraine airliner (The Washington Post)
Sat., Jan. 11, 2020Bayer Roundup Mediator Is 'Optimistic' With Talks Heating Up (Bloomberg)
Fri., Jan. 10, 2020Bayer Roundup Mediator Is 'Optimistic' With Talks Heating Up (Claims Journal)
Fri., Jan. 10, 2020Why Mike Lee is mad about the Iran briefing (The Salt Lake Tribune)
Thu., Jan. 9, 2020Divisive 5th Circ. Pick Snubbed On 2020 Renominations List (Law360)
Mon., Jan. 6, 2020When Carlos Ghosn fled Japan, he left an old colleague behind (The Financial Times)
Mon., Jan. 6, 2020Turkey Questions Pilots About Carlos Ghosn�s Escape From Japan (The New York Times)
Thu., Jan. 2, 20202020 Archives ()
Wed., Jan. 1, 2020How Trump Will Continue To Change The Courts In 2020 (Law360)
Wed., Jan. 1, 2020The Peninsula hasn't had its own federal judge for nearly 200 years. That could soon end. (Daily Press)
Tue., Dec. 31, 2019Will President Trump finally fill a long-open seat on Milwaukee federal court? (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Tue., Dec. 31, 2019'Unconstitutional, Period': UVA legal scholar challenges legislative appointments to state executive boards (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Fri., Dec. 27, 2019Virginia's Menhaden tug-of-war may end in the General Assembly (The Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star)
Wed., Dec. 25, 2019Boeing ousts chief executive Dennis Muilenburg (The Guardian)
Mon., Dec. 23, 2019Charlottesville Lawsuit Drawn Out By Lack Of Compliance (VPM)
Mon., Dec. 23, 2019Trump Appellate Pick Ozerden in Limbo With Senate Adjourned (Bloomberg Law)
Mon., Dec. 23, 2019Trump Passes Judicial Confirmation Goal (Podcast)
Fri., Dec. 20, 2019Trump's transformation of the courts barrels onward (The Associated Press)
Fri., Dec. 20, 2019Trump presidency's most lasting impact? A transformed judiciary. (The Christian Science Monitor)
Thu., Dec. 19, 20192019 Archives ()
Tue., Jan. 1, 20192017 - 2018 Archives ()
Mon., Dec. 31, 20182017 Archives ()
Sun., Dec. 31, 20172016 Archives ()
Sat., Dec. 31, 20162015 Archives ()
Thu., Dec. 31, 20152013 - 2014 Archives ()
Wed., Dec. 31, 2014