David Frisch
Professor David Frisch teaches and writes in the areas of commercial law and contracts. He has authored or co-authored six books on commercial law topics, and his scholarship has appeared in the Vanderbilt Law Review, Southern California Law Review, Minnesota Law Review, Fordham Law Review, UC Davis Law Review, and Iowa Law Review, among other venues. Professor Frisch served as Co-reporter for the Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code, Commentary No. 10, Section 1-203, and has served as a member, advisor, or chair of numerous working groups, committees, and subcommittees at the national level in their review of various provisions of the UCC. Professor Frisch is also an elected member of the prestigious American Law Institute.
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"International Commercial Law Developments," Antwerp University School of Law, Antwerp University (May 2023)
"International Commercial Law," Antwerp School of Law Course, Antwerp School of Law (May 2022)
Presenter, "International Issues in Commercial Law and the Sources of Commercial Law in the US," Visiting Lecturer, University of Antwerp (May 2020)
Presenter, "The Internet of Things," Adam Mickiewicz University (April 2019)
Presenter, "Commercial Law Developments in the Electronic Age," University of Szeged,, Szeged, Hungary (May 2018)
Presenter, "Selected Topics in U.S. Commercial Law," University of Lausanne, Switzerland (February 2017)
Elected Member, American Law Institute: Consultative Group for the Uniform Commercial Code - Revisions to Articles 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 4A, 5, and 9; Consultative Group for the Restatement of Suretyship and the Transnational Insolvency Project
Co-reporter, Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code, Commentary No. 10, Section 1-203
Advisor, Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 Study Committee (appointed by Permanent Editorial Board to review Article 9 and make recommendations about possible amendments)
A.B.A. Advisor, National Confernce of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Committee to Revise Uniform Commercial Code Article 2 - Sales (1991 - 1999)
Member, U.C.C. Working Group to Assist in the Development of the Commercial Law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (a Commercial Law Development Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce) (1996 - 1998)
Member, Uniform Commercial Code Article 1 Study Group (appointed by the A.B.A. to review Article 1 and make recommendations about possible amendments) (1991 - 1996)
Advisor, Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners (1984 - 1994)
Faculty, Annual Forum of Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Conference (1991 - 1993)
Chair, Subcommittee on Articles 1, 2, 6 and 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code Committee of the A.B.A. (1987 - 1992)
Member, Chrysler Corporation Arbitration Board for the State of Delaware (1987 - 1990)
Member, Delaware Uniform Commercial Code Commentary Committee (1987 - 1989)
Professional Experience
Professor of Law (2001 - present)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAVisiting Professor of Law (2008 - 2008)
University of Miami School of Law, Miami, FLVisiting Professor (2000 - 2001)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAProfessor of Law (1988 - 2001)
Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DEVisiting Professor (1999 - 2000)
Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VAVisiting Professor (1998 - 1999)
University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, ILVisiting Professor (1994 - 1995)
Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VAVisiting Professor (1994 - 1994)
Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, PAAssociate Professor of Law (1983 - 1988)
Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DEAssistant Professor of Law (1980 - 1983)
Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DEAssociate Attorney, Commercial Litigation (1976 - 1979)
Zietz, Mittleman & Webster, Providence, RIAssociate Attorney, Commercial Litigation (1975 - 1976)
Britton, Cohen, Kaufman & Schantz, Miami, FL -
Institutional Service
Federal Reserve Bank Richmond Business and Consumer Payments Advisory Council (2022)
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code Multiple Volumes Treatise (Thomson Reuters) (2024).
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code Multiple Volumes Treatise (Thomson Reuters) (2023).
Annual Supplement Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code (Thomson Reuters)
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 7B (Thomson Reuters)
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 2A (Thomson Reuters)
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 7A (Thomson Reuters) (2020).
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 4B (Thomson Reuters) (2020).
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 5 (Thomson Reuters) (2020).
Lawrence's Anderson on the Uniform Commercial Code 2 (Thomson Reuters) (2020).
Lawrence's Anderson on the UCC (ed.) (Thomson Reuters 3d) (2018) (vols. 3, 3A (2013), 3A, 4 (2014), 4A, & 4B (2015), 6B Part 1, 6B, Part 1, and 11 (2016), Volume 8; Volume 8A Part 1; Volume 8A Part 2 (2017); 1A (2018); 1A, 4B, 5 (2019) (ed.).).
A Students' Guide to Article 9 and Related Statutes 2009-2017 (ed.) (West) (2017) (David Epstein et al. eds.).
The Commercial Law of Intellectual Property, Annual Supplements (with Peter Alces et al.) (2015) (Aspen 2003-2015).
Commercial Contracting: Sales, Leases, and Computer Information (LexisNexis 3d) (with Francis Mootz III et al.) (2013).
Documents Supplement for Global Business Law: Principles and Practices (Carolina Academic Press) (with Raj Bhala) (2011).
Students Guide to UCC Article 9, Statutory Supplement (West 2d) (2009) (co-authored).
Statutory Supplement, Students' Guide to UCC Article 9 (West) (2008) (with David Epstein et al.).
Commercial Contracting: An Integration of Sales, Leases, and Computer Information Transactions Law (Lexis 2d) (with P. Alces et al.) (2007).
Global Business Law: Principles and Practices (Carolina Academic Press) (with Raj Bhala) (1999).
Journal ArticlesSummary of Recent Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code, Virginia Lawyer 20 (Virginia Bar) (2024).
Oops! The Unfortunate (But Basic) Error in New UCC Article 12, Texas A&M Law Review (with Nicole Dalyrimple)
An Iconoclastic View of Market Price, 21 Gazdasagi Tendenciak Es Jogi Kihivasok A 21. Szazadban 55 (2018).
The Compensation Myth and U.C.C. Section 2-713, 90 Brooklyn Law Review 173 (2014).
It's About Time, 79 Tennessee Law Review 757 (2012).
Commercial Law's Complexity, 18 George Mason Law Review 245 (2011).
The 2010 Amendments to U.C.C. Article 9: Problems and Solutions, 45 University of Richmond Law Review 1009 (2011).
Amended U.C.C. Article 2 as Code Commentary, 11 Duquesne Business Law Journal 175 (2009).
Chattel Paper, Shakespeare, and the Insoluble Question of Stripping, 40 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 3 (2007).
Rational Retroactivity in a Commercial Context, 58 Alabama Law Review 765 (2007).
Contractual Choice of Law and the Prudential Foundations of Appellate Review, 56 Vanderbilt Law Review 57 (2003).
Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Revised Article 9: A Primer for the General Practitioner, 35 University of Richmond Law Review 813 (2001).
Commercial Common Law, the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, and the Inertia of Habit, 74 Tulane Law Review 495 (1999).
Commercial Codification as Negotiation, 32 U.C. Davis Law Review 17 (with Peter Alces) (1998).
Commenting on "Purpose" in the Uniform Commercial Code, 58 Ohio State Law Journal 419 (with Peter Alces) (1997).
On the UCC Revision Process: A Reply to Dean Scott, 37 William and Mary Law Review 1217 (with Peter Alces) (1996).
Much Ado about Nothing: Achieving "Essential" Negotiability in an Electronic Environment, 31 Idaho Law Review 747 (with Henry Gabriel) (1995) (invitational symposium).
The Implicit "Takings" Jurisprudence of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, 64 Fordham Law Review 11 (1995).
Remedies as Property: A Different Perspective on Specific Performance Clauses, 35 William and Mary Law Review 1691 (1994).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 47 Business Lawyer 1517 (with john Wladis) (1992).
An Appraisal of the March 1, 1990 Preliminary Report of the Uniform Commercial Code Article 2 Study Group, 16 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 981 (1991) (an ABA Task Force Report; chair and principle author).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Sales, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 46 Business Lawyer 1455 (with John Wladis) (1991).
Buyer's Remedies and Warrenty Disclaimers: The Case for Mistake and the Indeterminacy of U.C.C. Section 1-103, 43 Arkansas Law Review 291 (1990).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 45 Business Lawyer 2289 (with John Wladis) (1990).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 44 Business Lawyer 1445 (with John Wladis) (1989).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 43 Business Lawyer 1259 (with John Wladis) (1988).
Buyer Status under the U.C.C.: A Suggested Temporal Definition, 72 Iowa Law Review 531 (1987) (excerpted in Basic Concepts in Commercial Law: Cases and Materials, Dolan & Ponoroff, 1998).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Sales, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 42 Business Lawyer 1213 (with John Wladis et al.) (1987).
Is Revision Due for Article 2?, 31 Villanova Law Review 399 (with Fairfax Leary) (1986).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 41 Business Lawyer 1363 (with Fairfax Leary, Jr.) (1986).
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 40 Business Lawyer 1457 (with Fairfax Leary, Jr.) (1985).
UCC Section 9-315: A Historical and Modern Perspective, 70 Minnesota Law Review 1 (1985).
The Priority Secured Party/Subordinate Lien Creditor Conflict: Is "Lien-Two" Out in the Cold, 33 Buffalo Law Review 149 (1984).
Uniform Commercial Code Annual Survey: General Provisions, Sales, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, 39 Business Lawyer (ABA) 1851 (with Fairfax Leary, Jr.) (1984).
U.C.C. Filings: Changing Circumstances Can Make a Right Filing Wrong. But Can They Make a Wrong Filing Right, 56 Southern California Law Review 1247 (1983).
The Perfect Tender Rule - An Acceptable Interpretation, 13 University of Toledo Law Review 1375 (with Michael Schmitt) (1982).
Criminal Law and Procedure Eleventh Survey of Florida Law - Part Four, 28 University of Miami Law Review 814 (with Peter Chatilovicz et al.) (1974).
Note: Workmen's Compensation Benefits Recoverable on the Existence of a Quasi Contract, 28 University of Miami Law Review 715 (1974).
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