Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Professor Henry L. Chambers, Jr., teaches and writes in the areas of constitutional law, criminal law, law and religion, and employment discrimination. He is active in the Virginia State Bar, including serving as chair of its Section on the Education of Lawyers from 2007-2009, and has been a member of the American Law Institute since 2002. Professor Chambers served as Special Assistant Attorney General for redistricting matters for the Commonwealth of Virginia from 2011-2013. He also frequently lectures on constitutional law through the We The People program, which provides civic education instruction to school teachers and the public; at James Madison’s Montpelier; and at the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville.
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Virginia Law Foundation Virginia Law Foundation Fellow (2024)
University of Richmond Distinguished Scholar Award (2021)
University of Richmond Distinguished Educator Award (2012)
University of Missouri-Columbia Excellence In Leadership Faculty and Staff Award for Student Development (2000)
University of Missouri-Columbia Excellence in Education Award (1996)
"“The First Amendment”," Virginia Civics, (January 2024)
"Beyond Politics: Voicing Our Ideas ," Controversy/History Conversation, The Valentine Museum (December 2023)
"The Documents that Define Us and the American Legacy," Virginia Civics Summit, (November 2023)
"How Elections are Run: Processes & Hot Topics," Richmond Bar Association Private Conversations Series, (October 2023)
"Redistricting Panels," Civil Rights Law Institute, (October 2023)
"Douglass, Lincoln, and Douglas in the Early 1850s: Slavery, Free Blacks, and Mixed-Race Status," Maryland Constitutionalism Discussion Group, (March 2023)
"Enhancing Rural Representation through Electoral System Diversity," Overlooked America: University of Richmond Law Review Symposium, (February 2023)
"“Elections Panel”," Virginia Civics Summit, Virginia Commission on Civics Education (November 2022)
"“The Constitution, Voting Rights, Individual Rights and Elections: Do We the People Matter?” ," Fall Lecture, Alexandrian Society, Virginia Commonwealth University (November 2022)
"“Voting Rights Panel” ," 60 Since the 60s: Civil Rights Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice (November 2022)
"“Regulating Federal Elections: How Far Can the States Go?” ," Teaching Constitutional Government, Kansas First Amendment Foundation (November 2022)
"“Redistricting, Voting Rights, and Election Law in the Commonwealth” ," Hill-Tucker Bar Association (October 2022)
"“National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and the Right to Vote"," Faculty Presentation, Drake University Law School (April 2022)
"“Redistricting and Gerrymandering: What’s the Fuss?”," Distinguished Lecture Series, Constitutional Law Center, Drake University Law School (April 2022)
"“Redistricting and Voting Rights in the Commonwealth” ," Norfolk-Portsmouth Bench-Bar Meeting, Norfolk-Portsmouth Bar Association (April 2022)
"“Citizenship, Voting, and the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact”," Maryland Constitutionalism Discussion Group, University of Maryland School of Law (March 2022)
"“Recent Developments in Virginia Redistricting" ," Town Hall , Senator Ghazala Hashmi (October 2021)
"Comments on Beau Breslin's A Constitution for the Living ," Author Meets Critics, Skidmore College (September 2021)
"“Looking Back, Looking Forward: The 50th Anniversary of the 1971 Virginia Constitution”," The 50th Anniversary of the 1971 Virginia Constitution, Library of Virginia (July 2021)
"“Federalist Society Debate – Racism in America”," Federalist Society Debate – Racism in America, Pepperdine University (April 2021)
"“Rights and Responsibilities in a Democracy” ," Rights and Responsibilities in a Democracy, U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Reception Rooms/Virginia Civics (February 2021)
Panelist, "Post-2020 Election Panel," Post-2020 Election Panel, University of Richmond School of Law (November 2020)
"Democracy," Voting 2020: From Movement to Action, University of Richmond Department of Athletics (October 2020)
Panelist, "History of Monument Avenue Statues," Time to Talk Town Hall: Free Speech, Removal of Statues, and Ongoing Protests, Virginia State Bar (August 2020)
Presenter, "Redistricting in Virginia: The Near Past, Present, and Future of Voting Rights in the Commonwealth," Old Dominion Bar Association 2020 Winter Meeting, Old Dominion Bar Association (February 2020)
"Dred Scott and Plessy," Dred Scott Presents Sons and Daughters of Reconciliation, Hampton Roads Community Foundation (January 2020)
Presenter, "Fairness and Criminal Justice: Emerging Appellate Issues & Hot Topics in the Law," The Judicial Conference of Virginia, Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 2019)
Presenter, "MeToo, #MeToo, and Sexual Harassment: Is There Anything New Under the Sun?," Modern Social Movements and Their Workplace Impact, Texas A&M School of Law (April 2019)
Panelist, "Reforming Redistricting: Commissions, Litigation & Gerrymandering," Elections: Where Law & Politics Meet, University of Virginia Journal of Law & Politics (March 2019)
Panelist, "Separation of Powers: Presidential Lawmaking and Executive Power," Presidential Lawmaking and Executive Power, The Administrative Law Review and the American University Program on Law and Government, American University School of Law (March 2019)
Presenter, "Technological Change and Voting Rights," The Schmooze - Maryland Constitutional Law Discussion Group, University of Maryland School of Law (March 2019)
Panelist, "Unconscious Bias in the Courtroom," Beyond Diversity: Inclusion 2.0, Greater Richmond Society for Human Resource Management (March 2019)
Moderator, "Got Voice?," Got Voice? Town Hall Meeting on Freedom of Expression, University of Richmond Faculty Senate (February 2019)
Moderator, "Lincoln, the Republicans and the Supreme Court," Foundry Series: Politics and the Supreme Court, American Civil War Museum (January 2019)
Presentations Prior to 2019
Vice Chair, Virginia State Bar (2006 - present)
Member, Virginia State Bar, Section on the Education of Lawyers (2004 - present)
Member, Section on Minority Groups Executive Committee, Association of American Law Schools (2003 - present)
Member, Members' Consultive Group Society of American Law Teachers, American Law Institute (2002 - present)
Member, Members' Consultive Group, Restatement of Employment Law, American Law Institute (2002 - present)
Member, American Bar Association (1991 - present)
Occasional Reviewer, Law and Society Review, Law and Society Association (2000 - 2005)
Member, Section on Employment Discrimination Law Executive Committee, Association of American Law Schools (2001 - 2002)
Bar Admissions
District of Columbia
Professional Experience
Austin E. Owen Research Scholar & Professor of Law (2018 - present)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAProfessor of Law (2004 - 2018)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAVisiting Professor of Law (2004 - 2004)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAJames S. Rollins Professor of Law (2002 - 2004)
University of Missouri-Columbia School of LawVisiting Professor of Law (2002 - 2002)
Washington University School of LawAssociate, Litigation Department (1991 - 1994)
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, Washington, DC -
Institutional Service
Member, Presidential Search Committee, (2006-01-01 to 2006-12-31)
Chair, University Faculty Council, (2005-01-01 to 2005-12-31)
Member, Committee on Committees, (2005-01-01 to 2005-12-31)
Chair, Law School Curriculum Committee, (2004-01-01 to 2004-12-31)
Member, Grievance Committee, (2004-01-01 to 2004-12-31)
Representative, University Faculty Council, (2004-01-01 to 2004-12-31)
Journal Articles
Protecting Minority Representation in an Era of Political Polarization and the Hollowing Out of Voting Rights Protections, 81 WASHINGTON & LEE LAW REVIEW 1047 ( ) (2024).
Douglass, Lincoln, and Douglas Before Dred Scott: A Few Thoughts on Freedom, Equality, and Affirmative Action, 83 Maryland Law Review 245 (2023).
Enhancing Rural Representation Through Electoral System Diversity, 57 University of Richmond Law Review 851 (2023).
Bostock, the CROWN Acts, and a Possible Right to Self-Expression in the Workplace, 25 Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 53 (2021).
The Fight over the Virginia Redistricting Commission, 24 Richmond Public Interest Law Review 81 (2021).
Readying Virginia for Redistricting After a Decade of Election Law Upheaval, 55 University of Richmond Law Review 227 (2020).
Curating Campus Speakers, 53 University of Richmond Law Review Online 3 (2019).
Technological Change, Voting Rights, and Strict Scrutiny, 79 Maryland Law Review 191 (2019).
The President, Prosecutorial Discretion, Obstruction of Justice, and Congress, 52 University of Richmond Law Review 609 (2018).
Neoliberalism and the Lost Promise of Title VII, 2018 Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots) 1 (2018).
Presidential Constitutional Interpretation, Signing Statements, Executive Power, and Zivotofsky, 87 University of Colorado Law Review 1183 (2016).
State and Local Officials and Voter ID, 15 Election Law Journal 234 (2016).
Reading Amendments and Expansions of Title VII Narrowly, 95 Boston University Law Review 781 (2015).
Telescoping and Collectivizing Religious Free Exercise Rights, 75 Maryland Law Review 392 (2015).
The McDonnell Case: A Clarification of Corruption Law or a Confusing Application of Corruption Law, 50 University of Richmond Law Review 237 (2015).
The Problems Inherent in Litigating Employer Free Exercise Rights, 86 University of Colorado Law Review 1141 (2015).
The Supreme Court Chipping Away at Title VII: Strengthening It or Killing It, 74 Louisiana Law Review 1161 (2014).
Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Executive Power, 73 Maryland Law Review 100 (2013).
Slavery, Free Blacks and Citizenship, 43 Rutgers Law Journal 487 (2013).
The Cost of Non-Compensable Workplace Harm, 8 FIU Law Review 317 (2013).
Much ado about Nothing Much: Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Virginia v. Truro Church, 45 University of Richmond Law Review 141 (with Isaac McBeth) (2010).
The Wild West of Supreme Court Employment Discrimination Jurisprudence, 61 South Carolina Law Review 577 (2010).
Biblical Interpretation, Constitutional Interpretation, and Ignoring Text, 69 Maryland Law Review 92 (2009).
Dred Scott: Tiered Citizenship and Tiered Personhood, 82 Chicago-Kent Law Review 209 (2007).
Recapturing Summary Adjudication Principles in Disparate Treatment Cases, 58 SMU Law Review 103 (2005).
Fear, Irrationality, and Risk Perception, 69 Missouri Law Review 1047 (2004).
Retooling the Intent Requrement under the Fourteenth Amendment, 13 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 611 (2004).
The Effect of Eliminating Distinctions among Title VII Disparate Treatment Cases, 57 SMU Law Review 83 (2004).
(Un)Welcome Conduct and the Sexually Hostile Environment, 53 Alabama Law Review 733 (2002).
Colorblindness, Race Neutrality, and Voting Rights, 51 Emory Law Journal 1397 (2002).
Discrimination, Plain and Simple, 36 Tulsa Law Journal 557 (2001).
A Unifying Theory of Sex Discrimination, 34 Georgia Law Review 1591 (2000).
Employer Prerogative and Employee Rights: The Never-Ending Tug-of-War, 65 Missouri Law Review 877 (2000).
Enclave Districting, 8 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 135 (1999).
Reasonable Certainty and Reasonable Doubt, 81 Marquette Law Review 655 (1998).
Getting It Right: Uncertainty and Error in the New Disparate Treatment Paradigm, 60 Albany Law Review 1 (1996).
Separation of Powers and the 1995-1996 Budget Impasse, 16 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 51 (with Dennis Logue) (1996).
Book ChaptersHip Hop and Traffic Stops, in Fight the Power!: Law and Policy Through Hip-Hop Songs (Cambridge University Press ) (2022).
Justice Scalia's Modest Employment Discrimination Law Legacy, in The Conservative Revolution of Antonin Scalia (Rowman & Littlefield) (David A. Schultz et al., eds.) (2018).
The President As Spiritual Leader: Pardons, Forgiveness, Mercy and Justice, in Frontiers in Spiritual Leadership (Palgrave ) (2016).
Bond v. Floyd, in Milestone Documents in African American History: A Reference Guide for Students (Schlager Group) (2010).
Plessy v. Ferguson, in Milestone Documents in African American History: A Reference Guide for Students (Schlager Group) (2010).
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, in Milestone Documents in African American History: A Reference Guide for Students (Schlager Group) (2010).
Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962), in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (Macmillan) (2008).
Civil Rights Act of 1964, in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (Macmillan) (2008).
Random Drug Testing, in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (Macmillan) (2008).
Right to an Attorney, in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (Macmillan) (2008).
Johnson v. DeGrandy, in The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (Oxford University Press) (2005).
Book ReviewsWho’s The Bigot? The Book Matters But the Question Does Not, 36 Journal of Law and Religion 334 (Cambridge University Press) (2021).
Book Review, 26 Journal of Law and Religion 635 (2011).
Blog PostsThe EEOC’s Innovative Approach to Protecting Farmworkers, (June 2023).
Magazines/Trade PublicationsOn Electing the Executive Branch, DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS (2021).
Newspaper ArticlesFaith & Values: Does Religion infringe on women’s rights?, Richmond Times-Dispatch (September 2011).
Worship only one measure of a church, Richmond-Times Dispatch (April 2011).
In the News
Trusting Our Elections (VPM News)
Mon., Nov. 18, 2024Analysis: Money wasn't deciding factor in Richmond mayoral race (VPM News)
Fri., Nov. 8, 2024Voting rights groups reporting cases of eligible voters wrongly removed from Virginia rolls (WRIC-TV)
Thu., Oct. 24, 2024Waynesboro duo suing over discredited claims about voting machines (Radio IQ / WVTF)
Tue., Oct. 22, 2024Virginia at the forefront of this year’s election security battle (WORLD)
Thu., Oct. 17, 2024Virginia punches back after Biden-Harris DOJ sues to halt purge of noncitizens from voter rolls (Blaze Media)
Tue., Oct. 15, 2024Waynesboro GOP officials sue over Va.’s voting system, threaten to block election certification (Virginia Mercury)
Tue., Oct. 15, 2024Experts: Outcome of Presidential race may not be known by Election Night (NBC12)
Tue., Nov. 3, 2020Amendment 1 and the “Representatives Picking Their Voters” Trope (Blue Virginia)
Thu., Oct. 29, 2020Voting Yes On Amendment 1 Suggests Virginia Is Not Only For Lovers, But Also For Quitters (Blue Virginia)
Tue., Oct. 27, 2020Despite Disingenuous Claims By Supporters, Amendment 1 Is *Not* a Principled Move Toward Nonpartisan Redistricting (Blue Virginia)
Thu., Oct. 8, 2020AG Herring heading to court in attempt to remove Kanye West from Nov. ballot (NBC 12)
Wed., Sep. 2, 2020Descendants of Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson landmark cases discuss white privilege (Daily Press)
Thu., Jan. 23, 2020Another View: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020 (WHRO Public Media)
Thu., Jan. 16, 2020Descendants of two famous court cases to talk racism and reconciliation at Norfolk State on Tuesday (The Virginian-Pilot)
Wed., Jan. 15, 2020Court case descendants to discuss legacy of racist laws (The Virginian-Pilot)
Mon., Jan. 6, 2020Richmonders react to President Trump's impeachment hearing (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Dec. 18, 2019Virginia looks at scrapping defunct, racist laws still on the books (The Washington Post)
Thu., Dec. 5, 2019Abraham Lincoln, Politics, and the Supreme Court (C-SPAN)
Thu., Jan. 24, 2019Trump's birthright order won't fly (Richmond's Morning News, WRVA)
Wed., Oct. 31, 2018Repealing the second amendment (Richmond's Morning News, WRVA)
Wed., Mar. 28, 2018Williams: Banning high school athletes from kneeling for the national anthem is a bad idea, and here's why (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Jan. 18, 2018Virginia determines tied house election with lottery draw (Community Idea Stations)
Mon., Jan. 8, 2018Supreme Court faces its own campaign season (US News)
Fri., Dec. 30, 2016Potentially historic Virginia redistricting case begins in the Supreme Court (WVTF)
Mon., Dec. 5, 2016Could Donald Trump really jail Hillary Clinton if he wins the election? (The Guardian)
Tue., Oct. 11, 2016McDonnell retrial decision could take months (The Roanoke Times & The Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Jun. 28, 2016Supreme Court reverses federal corruption convictions of former Gov. Bob Mcdonnell (Virginia Business)
Mon., Jun. 27, 2016U of R law professor skeptical McDonnell would get convicted in retrial (NBC12)
Mon., Jun. 27, 2016At Supreme Court, McDonnel case asks: What is corruption? (Style Weekly)
Tue., May. 3, 2016Bob McDonnell's day in court (WRVA)
Thu., Apr. 28, 20163rd District case before Supreme Court Monday (Daily Press)
Mon., Mar. 21, 2016The legal question Burfoot asks (The Virginian-Pilot)
Thu., Feb. 25, 2016Scalia's death could affect McDonnel appeal (The Roanoke Times)
Sun., Feb. 14, 2016So Virginia missed its redistricting deadline. What's next? (WAMU)
Thu., Sep. 3, 2015Court's McDonnell decision is no call for politicians to get grabby again (The Virginian-Pilot)
Wed., Sep. 2, 2015Bob McDonnell may be heading to prison (NBC12)
Thu., Aug. 20, 2015The court had to uphold McDonnell's conviction (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Jul. 18, 2015Loving v. Virginia comes to fore as court takes up gay marriage (The Roanoke Times)
Tue., May. 26, 2015Voting Rights Podcast (Your Weekly Constitutional)
Fri., May. 22, 2015Governor McAuliffe creates sub-panel to study law enforcement technology (NBC12)
Tue., Apr. 21, 2015The Challenge (Richmond.com)
Sat., Apr. 4, 2015Supreme Court sends back ruling on redistricting for Virginia's 3rd (Richmond.com)
Mon., Mar. 30, 2015Federal lawsuit seeks fix to 'racial gerymandering' (Roanoke.com)
Thu., Jan. 1, 2015Conviction of Ex-Virginia Governor Highlights US Anti-Corruption Strategies (Voice of America)
Fri., Sep. 5, 2014Jury instructions could guide McDonnell case outcome (The Virginian-Pilot, Find Law)
Wed., Sep. 3, 2014Today's top opinion: Voting - fraudities (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Aug. 27, 2014Ex-Governor's Corruption Trial Has Lurid Slideshow (Voice of America)
Mon., Aug. 25, 2014McDonnell trial tells politicians that feds are watching (The Virginian-Pilot, Find Law)
Sun., Jul. 27, 2014Panel commemorates 50 year anniversary of Civil Rights Act (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Jul. 2, 2014Civil Rights Act turns 50 this week (The Roanoke Times)
Sat., Jun. 28, 20148News Investigates: Has A Brunswick Politician Been Violating State Law? (WRIC TV 8)
Wed., May. 28, 2014Housing authority police in Richmond may have overstepped their bounds (Washington Examiner)
Wed., May. 21, 2014Lawyers argue over whether changes to Scott's district were racial, or political (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., May. 21, 2014Suit seeks to redraw Scott's congressional district (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., May. 20, 2014Proposal seeks to update Voting Rights Act (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Apr. 28, 20148News Investigates: Allegations of Delegate Ear Marking Tax Dollars to Friend's Charity (WRIC TV 8)
Mon., Mar. 24, 2014State supreme court judges reveal scant financial information (The Center for Public Integrity)
Wed., Dec. 4, 2013NSU Hosts 2nd '1619' History Conference (The New Journal and Guide)
Wed., Oct. 16, 2013Experts unsure whether McDonnell will be indicted (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Aug. 26, 201312 Investigates: Key figures disclose new gifts on public record (NBC12)
Mon., Jul. 8, 2013Faith and Values: Lent is season for self-assessment (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Mar. 16, 2013Morality Wasn't the Issue in 1787 (The New York Times)
Tue., Feb. 26, 2013Faith and Values: Inclusion, Change are Keys to Success (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Mar. 24, 2012