Headshot of ProfessorJulie  Ellen  McConnell

Julie Ellen McConnell

Director, Jeanette Lipman Children's Defense Clinic
Professor of Law, Legal Practice
  • Profile
    JULIE E. McCONNELL is a Professor of Law, Legal Practice and Director of the Children’s Defense Clinic. In addition, she teaches Advanced Clinical Practice and has taught Youth Delinquency Law and Procedure and the Science of False Confessions. She has worked in youth justice for more than 25 years and is a frequent speaker, writer, and trainer on best practices in holistic representation, trauma-informed, client-centered practice, the impact of child abuse on children, child mental health, and clinical education. She and her students primarily represent indigent youth on a pro bono basis, handling motions, trials, sentencings, custody proceedings, school-based proceedings, and post-conviction hearings. Clinic students have avoided felonies for almost all their trial clients and gained early release for many adults sentenced as children who have rehabilitated themselves during their incarceration.

    During the summer of 2020, she worked with the University of Richmond Racial Justice Criminal Defense Project to assist Black Lives Matter protestors, resulting in the dismissal of charges against numerous nonviolent protestors. McConnell and her students also recently began representing adults seeking resentencing, compassionate release, or parole on lengthy sentences they received as minors. She and her students have already gained early release for five of those clients. Additionally, in the last few years, she and her students have successfully assisted more than 20 Central American children seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) predicate orders to assist in their path to citizenship. Clinic students have also advocated for the best interests of numerous children as guardian ad litem in education or mental-health related cases.

    She and her students also handle pro bono cases involving parents who have been charged with failing to send their children to school regularly, through a special holistic, prevention-based docket in Richmond called the Parents+Attendance=School Success or PASS docket. She and her students have helped more than 100 elementary-aged students attend school more regularly. Additionally, McConnell testifies and otherwise advocates in the legislature for progressive child legal system and SIJS reform.

    McConnell served as co-counsel on the Azeem Majeed Miller v. Alabama re-sentencing case, in which the court reduced Majeed’s two life sentences to 25 years. More recently, she and her students represented him before the parole board and won his release. She also collaborated on the Philip Friend Miller resentencing in U.S. District Court, resulting in a significant reduction in his sentence. Additionally, McConnell and her students assisted on a First Step Act petition for another individual, resulting in his release from federal prison after 25 years. The trial court had sentenced Sims to a mandatory life sentence for a crime for which he turned down a plea offer of a maximum three-year sentence. The case is a classic example of the trial penalty in criminal cases.

    McConnell has also served as a youth justice system expert in several cases, including a Virginia capital murder case that was ultimately dismissed; a case in which her testimony helped convince a juvenile court judge to keep a murder case involving a 15-year-old defendant, in juvenile court; and is an expert consultant for the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law in Valetta, Malta, where she wrote a practice manual on the topic and helped execute five international trainings involving over 60 countries on best practices in handling juvenile terrorism cases.

    Previously, she served as a prosecutor in the Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, where she was a supervisor in the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. In that office, she specialized in the prosecution of violent youth crimes, domestic violence, elder abuse, child physical and sexual abuse, and domestic homicide cases. She was part of a multi-year, multi-disciplinary team funded by the Office on Violence Against Women, which conducted trainings on the successful prosecution of elder abuse for law-enforcement and prosecutors throughout the Commonwealth. She also started Richmond’s Elder Abuse Multi-Disciplinary Team to better address these cases and helped draft legislation to highlight the role of undue influence in elder financial exploitation cases. McConnell also served as an assistant public defender in the City of Richmond, where she handled hundreds of criminal case from trespassing to murder. Prior to that, she served as a law clerk for Virginia Court of Appeals Judge the James W. Benton. Before law school, she served as Associate Director of the Virginia ACLU and as a community organizer and lobbyist for several not-for-profits in the Virginia General Assembly. She also worked as a counselor and special education teacher at a group home for delinquent youth, where she deepened her understanding of the role of trauma in delinquent behavior.

    Currently, she serves as Chair of the Virginia Advisory Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Prevention, Chair of the Annual Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Youth Law and Education Conference, and Chair of the Virginia Bar Association’s Commission on the Needs of Children. She is also a board member of the Mid-Atlantic Gault Center and Housing Opportunities Made Equal. She is a member of the planning committee for the Annual Leroy Rountree Hassell Sr. Indigent Criminal Defense Seminar--Advanced Skills for the Experienced Practitioner and the Advisory Committee on Child Dependency Legal Representation Workgroup for the Virginia Office of the Children’s Ombudsman. McConnell is also co-editor of the Virginia CLE Manual Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia, published every three years. She earned her law degree with honors from the University of Richmond School of Law and her undergraduate degree from Agnes Scott Women’s College. She has received a number of awards, including the University of Richmond Distinguished Educator Award in 2022; The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities Humanitarian Award in 2022; the Richmond Criminal Bar Association’s Craig S. Cooley Award for Excellence in 2019; the Virginia Lawyer’s Weekly Influential Women in the Law Award in 2019; the Virginia State Bar and Committee on Access to Legal Services Recognition for Significant and Noteworthy Contributions to Legal Service for Low-Income and Underserved Virginians in 2019; the Metropolitan Richmond Women’s Bar Association Woman of Achievement Award in 2018; the Richmond YWCA Outstanding Woman Award in Education in 2017, and the Oliver Hill Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court’s “Unsung Hero” Award in 2011.
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    • Awards

      Monique Yesenia Virginia Re-Entry Awards 2023 Attorney of the Year—Monique Yesenia Re-Entry Awards. (2023)

      Supreme Court of Virginia 2023 Supreme Court of Virginia Access to Legal Services Pro Bono Service Champion for the 2021-2022 Bar Year. (2023)

      Metropolitan Richmond Women’s Bar Association 2023 Metropolitan Richmond Women’s Bar Association Phoebe P. Hall Mentorship Award (2023)

      State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) 2023 State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Outstanding Faculty Award (2023)

      Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. Humanitarian Award (2022)

      University of Richmond Distinguished Educator Award (2022)

      Richmond Criminal Bar Association Craig S. Cooley Professionalism Award (2019)

      Virginia Lawyer's Weekly Influential Women in the Law Award (2019)

      Virginia State Bar and Committee on Access to Legal Services Recognition for Significant and Noteworthy Contributions to Legal Service for Low-Income and Underserved Virginians (2019)

      Metropolitan Richmond Women's Bar Association Woman of Achievement (2018)

      Richmond YWCA Outstanding Woman Award in Education (2017)

      Oliver Hill Juvenile Justice and Domestic Relations Court "Unsung Hero" Award (2011)

    • Presentations

      "2023-2024 Caselaw Update," Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Youth Law and Education Conference, University of Richmond and Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (May 2024)

      "Best Practices in Juvenile Parole Representation," 2nd Annual Juvenile Parole Summit, Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (April 2024)

      "Moderator," University of Richmond National Day of Empathy event, University of Richmond School of Law (March 2024)

      "What the SCHEV Award Meant to Me," Annual SCHEV Awards, State Council on Higher Education (March 2024)

      panel member, "Unshackled: Stories of Redemption and Hope in Post-Conviction Work in Parole & Clemency Cases," AALS 2024 Annual Meeting, AALS (January 2024)

      Moderator, "Best Practices for Guardians ad litem in Special Education Advocacy," Not Just for Learning: A Comprehensive Look at How IEP and 504 Plans Affect Youth, University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review (October 2023)

      presenter, "“How the University of Richmond School of Law Children’s Defense Clinic Has Successfully Gained Early Release for Children Sentenced as Adults to Extreme Sentences,” ," UR Faculty and Staff Symposium, University of Richmond (September 2023)

      Presenter, "Unshackled: Righting the Wrongs of the Past- -Stories of Redemption and Second Chances for Youthful Offenders," 9th Biennial Applied Legal Storytelling Conference, Legal Writing Institute and Clinical Legal Education Association (July 2023)

      Presenter, "RECENT VA CASELAW DEVELOPMENTS," 27th Annual Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Youth Law and Education Conference, University of Richmond School of Law (May 2023)

      Moderator/Planner, "Effective Use of Science and Research While Advocating for Your Child Client," Leroy Rountree Hassell, Sr.Indigent Criminal Defense Seminar, Supreme Court of Virginia and Virginia State Bar (May 2023)

      Co-presenter with Mary Tate, "Unshackled: Stories of How We Can Both Hold Individuals Facing Serious Charges in the Criminal Legal System Accountable and Foster Their Rehabilitation," Annual Clinical Conference of the Association of American Law Schools, Association of American Law Schools (April 2023)

      Panelist, "Virginia Juvenile Parole Summit: Perspectives from Stakeholders," Virginia Juvenile Parole Summit, TroutmanPepper, University of Richmond School of Law, & Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (April 2023)

      Keynote speaker, "What Mentorship Means to Me," Metropolitan RIchmond Women's Bar Association Mentorship Luncheon, Metropolitan RIchmond Women's Bar Association (March 2023)

      Co-presenter, "Faculty/Student Panel on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging," Presentation for the University of Richmond Board of Trustees, University of Richmond (February 2023)

      Speaker, "Second Chances: Balancing Accountability and Rehabilitation in the Juvenile Justice System," SpringHouse School Just Mercy class, SpringHouse School (February 2023)

      Moderator, "Judicial Perspective on Domestic Violence in Virginia," University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review Fall Symposium, University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review (February 2023)

      "“Bridging the Justice Gap Through the University of Richmond Children’s Defense Clinic” ," Faculty Hub Talk, University of Richmond (October 2022)

      "“Unshackled: Stories of How We Can Both Hold Children Facing Serious Charges in the Criminal Legal System Accountable and Foster Their Rehabilitation.”," National Symposium on Juvenile Services, (September 2022)

      "“Has Virginia Embraced Second Chances?” ," VBA Fall Symposium, (September 2022)

      "“Plenary--2021-2022 Virginia Caselaw and Legislative Update.” ," CLE presentation with Amy Woolard, at the Robert E. Shepherd Jr. 26th Annual Juvenile Law and Education Conference, (May 2022)

      "“Plenary—How Do We Use Experts in Our Cases.”," “Plenary—How Do We Use Experts in Our Cases.” CLE presentation with Dr. Norm Geller at the 2022 Robert E. Shepherd Jr. 26th Annual Juvenile Law and Education Conference, (May 2022)

      Presenter, "Racial Disparities in the Child Welfare-to-Prison Pipeline," National Association of Counsel for CHildren National Webinar Series, National Association of Counsel for Children (March 2022)

      Juvenile Justice Expert, "Launch of the Juvenile Practitioners' Note on Best Practices in Juvenile Defense Representation in a Counterterrorism Context," IIJ Launch of Juvenile Justice Practitioners' Notes, International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law (February 2022)

      Presenter, "Juvenile Sentencing in the Circuit Court," 2021 Pre-Bench Orientation for New Circuit Court Judges, Supreme Court of Virginia (June 2021)

      Presenter, "Recent Caselaw and Legislative Updates," 25th Annual Robert El Shepherd Jr. Juvenile Law and Education Conference, University of Richmond School of Law and Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (May 2021)

      Panelist, "YWCA 6th Annual Women's Courageous Leadership Forum," YWCA Leadership Forum, YWCA of Richmond (May 2021)

      Moderator, "Major Changes in the Trial and Sentencing of Minors in Virginia," Leroy Rountree Hassell Sr. Indigent Criminal Defense Seminar--Advanced Skills for the Experienced Practioner, Virginia State Bar (May 2021)

      Presenter, "Race and the Criminal Legal System--A Recipe for Reform," Carrico Center Law over Lunch, Carrico Center (April 2021)

      Presenter, "Race and the Juvenile Justicel System ," Defining the School to Prison Pipeline: Education, Housing, and the Criminal Legal System, University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review (March 2021)

      Panelist, "Juvenile Justice: Re-examing How We Incarcerate Juvenile Offenders," National Day of Empathy Event, Dream Corps Justice (March 2021)

      Presenter, "University of Richmond School of Law Racial Justice Criminal Defense Project," AALS Annual Meeting, American Association of Law Schools Law Library Section (January 2021)

      Presenter, "Major Changes in the Sentencing of Minors: Recent Legal Updates in the Sentencing of Youth in Virginia," Webinar, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Co-Sponsored by Human Rights for Kids and the Legal Aid Justice Center (November 2020)

      Presenter, "The Role of Education for the Incarcerated and those Reentering Society," Germanna Community College Forum on Education and Incarceration, Germanna Community College (October 2020)

      Presenter, "2019-2020 Juvenile Legislative & Case Law Update," 2019-2020 Juvenile Legislative & Case Law Update, Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (July 2020)

      Presenter, "Get Informed About Police Reform: Felony Assault on a Police Officer and School Resource Officers," Get Informed About Police Reform Facebook Live Event, Justice Forward Virginia (July 2020)

      Panelist, "Dismantling The School to Prison Pipeline: A Community Dialogue on Equity and Justice in Education," Dismantling The School to Prison Pipeline, Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney's Office (March 2020)

      Presenter, "Understanding the Juvenile Justice System," Criminal Sentencing Course, University of New Mexico School of Law (March 2020)

      Presenter, "Developing a Holistic Understanding of the Juvenile Justice System and the Trauma to Prison Pipeline," University of Richmond First Year Seminar, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (February 2020)

      Presenter and Organizer of Three-Day Training, "Good Practices for Juvenile Justice Cases in a Counter-Terrorism Context," IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Defense Counsel, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (January 2020)

      Presenter, "Simulated Interview of a Juvenile Terrorism Suspect," IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Defense Counsel, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (January 2020)

      Moderator, "Three Breakout sessions to work through hypothetical juvenile terrorism cases," International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Defense Counsel, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (January 2020)

      Moderator, "Best Practices in Juvenile Defense under International Law in a Counterterrorism Context," International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Judges, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (October 2019)

      Moderator, "First Case Presentation on Juvenile-Specific Procedures for Terrorism Cases," International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Judges, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (October 2019)

      Moderator, "Implementing Restorative Justice Practices in the Criminal Justice System," University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review Symposium--Restorative Justice, Public Interest Law Review (October 2019)

      Moderator, "Juvenile Diversion Programs as an Alternative to Prosecution," International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Judges, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (October 2019)

      Presenter, "Mastering Juvenile Court Practice: challenging competency, creative motions, challenging confessions, and what to do when the prosecution wants to try your client as an adult," VACDL Fall CLE--Conquering the Mountains: New Paths to Win Your Case, Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (October 2019)

      Moderator, "Three Breakout sessions to work through hypothetical juvenile terrorism cases," International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law Juvenile Justice Initiative: Sectoral Workshop for Judges, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (October 2019)

      Presenter, "Using a Robust Motions Practice in Juvenile Court," 2019 Juvenile Defender Leadership Summit, National Juvenile Defender Center (October 2019)

      Panelist, "Best Practices from a Defense Perspective on International Juvenile Terrorism Cases," Juvenile Justice Initiate Sectoral Workshop for Prosecutors and Investigating Magistrates, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (July 2019)

      Moderator, "Case Presentation by a Regional Prosecutor from Morocco," Juvenile Justice Initiate Sectoral Workshop for Prosecutors and Investigating Magistrates, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (July 2019)

      Presenter, "2018-2019 Caselaw Update," Robert E. Shepherd, Jr. Juvenile Law and Education Conference, University of Richmond School of Law (May 2019)

      Moderator, "Creative Motions Practice in Juvenile Court," 2019 Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. Advanced Skills for the Experienced Practitioner Criminal Defense Seminar, Virginia State Bar (May 2019)

      Presenter, "Juvenile Law Explained - It Really is Easier than Talking to your Teenager," Virginia State Bar Annual Criminal Law Seminar, Virginia State Bar (February 2019)

      Presenter, "Juvenile Law Explained - It Really is Easier than Talking to your Teenager," Virginia State Bar Annual Criminal Law Seminar, Virginia State Bar (February 2019)

      "Children as Witnesses," Together We Win, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association's 2016 Annual Convention, (April 2016)

      Presentations Prior to 2019

    • Bar Admissions


    • Professional Experience

      Director of the Children's Defense Clinic, Clinical Professor of Law (2017 - present)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Director of the Children's Defense Clinic, Associate Clinical Professor of Law (2014 - 2017)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Director of the Children's Defense Clinic, Assistant Professor of Law (2011 - 2014)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Supervising Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court (2006 - 2011)
      University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA

      Assistant Public Defender (2000 - 2005)
      Richmond Public Defender's Office, Richmond, VA

      Law Clerk, the Hon. James W. Benton, Jr. (1999 - 2000)
      Virginia Court of Appeals, Richmond, VA

      Associate Director and Lobbyist (1992 - 1996)
      American Civil Liberties Union, Richmond, VA

      Teaching Assistant (1991 - 1992)
      Cathedral Home for Children, Laramie, WY

      Executive Director (1989 - 1991)
      Virginia Association to Abolish the Death Penalty, Richmond, VA

    • Institutional Service

      Virginia State Bar 3rd District Disciplinary Committee (2023)

      Housing Opportunities Made Equal (2022)

      Office of Children’s Ombudsman, Legal Representation Workgroup (2022)

      AALS COmmittee on Children and the Law (2021)

      VBA Commission on the Needs of Children (2020)

      Access to Justice Consortium, Virginia State Bar (2020)

      Mid-Atlantic Gault Center (2019)

      Virginia State Bar Advanced Indigent Defense Conference (2015)

      Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention (2018 - 2018)

    • Community Service

      Housing Opportunities Made Equal, (2022)

      Office of Children’s Ombudsman, Child Dependency Legal Representation Workgroup, (2022)

      VBA Commission on the Needs of Children, (2021)

      Virginia Bar Association Commission on the Needs of Children, (2021)

      AALS Committee on Children and the Law, (2017)

      VBA Commission on the Needs of Children, (2016)

      Planning Committee, Virginia State Bar Advanced Indigent Defense Conference, (2015)

      Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice, (2015)

      Annual Virginia State Bar Advanced Indigent Defense Conference, (2015)

      Legal Advisory Network, (2014)

      Juvenile Training Immersion Program, (2014)

      Jazz for Justice Planning Committee for the Greater Richmond Bar Foundation, (2014)

      Housing Opportunities Made Equal, (2014)

      Annual Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Juvenile Law and Education Conference, (2011)

      Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention, (2021 - 2021)

      American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Committee on Children and the Law, (2020 - 2020)

      Governor's Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention, (2018 - 2018)

      Legal and Courts Committee, Richmond Trauma-Informed Care Network, (2016 - 2016)

      Oliver Hill Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court's Juvenile Justice Collaborative, (2016 - 2016)

      RISE Coalition on Juvenile Justice Reform, (2015 - 2015)

      Metropolitan Richmond Women's Bar Association, (2012 - 2012)

      Housing Opportunities Made Equal, (1992 - 1992)

  • Publications

    Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia Virginia CLE (Crystal Shin) (September 2021).

    Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE 5th Ed.) (Angela Ciolfi) (April 2018).

    Journal Articles

    Unshackled: Stories of Redemption Among Serious Youthful Offenders, 25 University of Richmond Public Interest Law Review 67 (2022).

    Virginia Renews its Faith in Second Chances, Juvenile Justice Update (Civic Research Institute) (with Jerrauld Jones) (2021).

    Criminal Law and Procedure, 37 University of Richmond Law Review 45 (with Gregory Franklin et al.) (2002).

    Book Chapters

    An Introduction to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (VA CLE) (September 2021).

    Post-Disposition and Appeals, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (VA CLE) (September 2021).

    Transfer of Juveniles from the Juvenile Court and Handling Juvenile Cases in the Circuit Court, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (VA CLE) (September 2021).

    An Introduction to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (with Angela Ciolfi) (March 2018).

    Dispositional Alternatives, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (with Mary Langer) (March 2018).

    Post-Disposition Proceedings and Appeals, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (March 2018).

    Psychiatric Commitment of Minors, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (with Jeffrey Aaron) (March 2018).

    The Children's Services Act, Petitions for Service, and Other Proceedings, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (with Angela Ciolfi) (March 2018).

    The Disposition Hearing, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (Virginia CLE) (with Frank Somerville) (March 2018).

    The Disposition Hearing, in Juvenile Law and Practice in Virginia (2014).

    Instructional Materials

    (IIJ) Juvenile Justice Practitioners’ Note on Best Practices for Juvenile Defense in a Counter-terrorism Context, International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative ) (February 2022).

    Magazines/Trade Publications

    30 Tips for Excellence in Juvenile Defense, Winter 2018 Virginia Champion 12 (Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers) (2018).

    Newspaper Articles

    Making Juvenile Justice More Humane and Effective, The Virginian-Pilot A11 (with Sue Kennon) (February 2016).

  • In the News

    Expert Witness Wednesday with Julie McConnell (Accessory to Justice Podcast)
    Wed., Jun. 22, 2022

    Transfers to adult court have serious implications for juvenile defendants (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Fri., Sep. 24, 2021

    Juvenile Justice in the Children's Defense Clinic (Richmond Law Feature Stories)
    Sun., Aug. 1, 2021

    Practice Advisory: Strategies for Obtaining SIJS Factual Findings in Virginia After the 2021 Amendment to Code of Virginia § 16.1-241 (Legal Aid Justice Center)
    Wed., Jul. 28, 2021

    Future of Policing (Richmond Law Magazine)
    Fri., Jul. 16, 2021

    Policing Post-2020 (Richmond Law Feature Stories)
    Wed., May. 19, 2021

    Panel calls for paradigm shift in school-to-prison pipeline (The Associated Press)
    Fri., Mar. 19, 2021

    Major Changes in the Sentencing of Minors: Recent Legal Updates in the Sentencing of Youth in VA (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers)
    Fri., Nov. 13, 2020

    Parents of autistic children push for reduced penalty for assaulting police (ABC 8 News)
    Wed., Sep. 23, 2020

    State of Education: Children’s Defense with Professor Julie McConnell, Esq. (State of Education Podcast)
    Fri., Sep. 11, 2020

    Look for the Helpers (Style Weekly)
    Tue., Aug. 25, 2020

    Richmond Law’s Children’s Defense Clinic selects iCONECT for protest video review (iCONECT Press Release)
    Mon., Aug. 24, 2020

    Virginia Sen. L. Louise Lucas served with arrest warrant over Confederate statue protest as some decry charges (The Washington Post)
    Tue., Aug. 18, 2020

    In Richmond, Records Show How Scuffles Become Arrests (VPM)
    Tue., Jul. 28, 2020

    Virginia man sentenced as teen to life without parole in 1998 hopes for release under new law (Richmond Times-Dispatch - Premium)
    Thu., Mar. 5, 2020

    Virginia Makes All Children Eligible For Parole, A Major Shift For This Punitive State (The Appeal)
    Mon., Feb. 24, 2020

    International Influence (Richmond Law Magazine)
    Wed., Feb. 19, 2020

    Rethinking mandatory life sentences (Richmond Law Magazine)
    Wed., Feb. 27, 2019

    Influential Women of Law 2019 (Virginia Lawyers Weekly)
    Mon., Feb. 18, 2019

    If not you, who? (Richmond Law Alumni Magazine)
    Sat., Feb. 2, 2019

    Personality: Julie E. McConnell | Spotlight on the MRWBA’s 2018 Women of Achievement Award winner (Richmond Free Press)
    Fri., Jan. 11, 2019

    Julie McConnell Honored with MRWBA's Women of Achievement Award (Metropolitan Richmond Women's Bar Association)
    Tue., Jan. 1, 2019

    A Q&A with Julie McConnell (University of Richmond Newsroom)
    Wed., Dec. 5, 2018

    UR Law Professor Julie McConnell Named Woman of Achievement (University of Richmond Newsroom)
    Wed., Dec. 5, 2018

    Ruling in Beltway Sniper case could lead to other juvenile re-sentencings (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Fri., Jun. 29, 2018

    #SpidersWeLove: Julie McConnell (University of Richmond Spider Pride)
    Sat., Apr. 28, 2018

    A Portsmouth teen is standing trial as an adult. Can his mother join him at the defense table? (The Virginian-Pilot)
    Mon., Apr. 9, 2018

    Richmond region schools once again flagged for disparity in treatment of African-American students with disabilities (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Sat., Feb. 17, 2018

    Mullin bill would allow pretrial appeals in juvenile cases (Daily Press)
    Tue., Feb. 6, 2018

    Teens sentenced to life without parole may have chance to walk free (ABC13 News Now)
    Thu., Nov. 16, 2017

    Inmates locked up for life as teens seek relief in Virginia (Los Angeles Times)
    Mon., Jul. 31, 2017

    'These are babies': Experts weigh in on implications of three children involved in Richmond-area shooting (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Sat., Jun. 10, 2017

    Suspensions and identification of certain students in Chesterfield, Henrico, Richmond raise red flag for state (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Sun., Mar. 26, 2017

    YWCA Richmond announces eight Outstanding Women honorees (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
    Tue., Jan. 17, 2017

    In Virginia, juveniles sentenced to life without parole wait in limbo (WVTF Public Radio)
    Fri., Oct. 21, 2016

    'One of the worst': The school-to-prison pipeline in Richmond, Virginia (RVAGov.com)
    Mon., Mar. 14, 2016

    Making Juvenile Justice More Humane and Effective (with Sue Kennon)
    Mon., Feb. 15, 2016

    UPDATE: How kicking a trash can became criminal for a 6th grader (The World)
    Thu., Sep. 3, 2015

    How kicking a trash can became criminal for a 6th-grader (Reveal News)
    Sat., Apr. 11, 2015

    Law and disorder: From detention to detainment in Virginia (Reveal News Podcast)
    Sat., Apr. 11, 2015

    Virginia tops nation in sending students to cops, courts: Where does your state rank? (The Center for Public Integrity)
    Thu., Apr. 9, 2015

    Castlewood teens accused of sexual assault likely to be tried as adults (Bristol Herald Courier)
    Tue., Dec. 11, 2012

    Bill to try more Va juveniles as adults rejected (San Francisco Chronicle, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and New England Cable News)
    Mon., Jan. 30, 2012

    Stanley's bill to try more juveniles as adults rejected by Senate panel (The Roanoke Times)
    Mon., Jan. 30, 2012

  • Links