Jonathan K. Stubbs
Professor Jonathan Stubbs writes at the intersection of race and human rights, and teaches a variety of courses, including constitutional law, human rights law, race, religion and the law, and professional responsibility. Professor Stubbs has authored and edited several books, including serving as editor of the autobiography of Oliver Hill, The Big Bang and Beyond: The Life Story of Oliver W. Hill, Sr., now in its second edition (2007) as well as co-editor of the Memoirs of the Honorable Henry L. Marsh, III: Civil Rights Champion, Lawyer, Public Servant (with Professor Danielle Wingfield, 2018). Stubbs has also authored a first-hand account of his challenges in overcoming prostate cancer: Out of the Boat: Trusting God in the Midst of Life’s Storms, (2013). With the late Oliver W. Hill, Esq., Jonathan Stubbs has written a book presenting an historical overview of race and the law in the United States beginning in colonial Virginia: No Clue: White American Affirmative Action Exists and Demands a Moral Revival Now! (2024). In 2012, Professor Stubbs organized and accompanied students on a trip to Ghana to experience first-hand Ghanaian culture and connections between culture and human rights. Professor Stubbs has authored law review articles on human rights in the United States and internationally, as well as lawyer professionalism.Expand All
Presenter, "Protecting Freedom of Press against Twenty First American Autocracts," First Amendment: Marketplace Morass: Free Speech Jurisprudence and Its Interactions with Social Justice, William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice (February 2020)
"Professionalism in Action: Lessons learned from the lives of Oliver W. Hill, Esq. and Hon. Henry L. Marsh, III, Esq. ," From the Schoolhouse to the Courthouse: Lessons from the Professors, Old Dominion Bar Association and the University of Richmond School of Law (February 2020)
Presenter, "The Ripple Effects of Gideon: Recognizing the Human Right to Legal Counsel in Civil Adversarial Proceedings," Conversations on the Warren Court's Impact on Criminal Law after 50 Years, Stetson Law Review (April 2019)
Panelist, "URVA is for Lovers: A Conversation about Law, Love, Desire, and Consent," University of Richmond (November 2016)
Panelist, "Community Engagement in Building Trust in the Criminal Justice System," National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, Williamsburg, Va., (May 2016)
Member, Life-Line Minsitries, Inc., Old Dominion Bar Association
Professional Experience
Professor of Law (1995 - present)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAAssociate Professor of Law (1992 - 1995)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAAssistant Professor of Law (1989 - 1992)
University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VAAttorney (1988 - 1989)
(Solo Practitioner), Gloucester, VAAttorney (1986 - 1988)
Blayton, Allen & Associates, Hampton, VAVisiting Professor of Law (1986 - 1986)
Howard University School of Law, Washington, DCAssistant Solicitor (1981 - 1984)
City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PALaw Clerk to the Honorable James T. Giles (1980 - 1981)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
No Clue: White American Affirmative Action Exists and Demands a Moral Revival Now (Twelve Tables Press) (2024).
Denial or Rebirth: Essays on Racial (In)Justice in America (Twelve Tables Press) (with Oliver Hill) (2019).
The Memoirs of Hon. Henry L. Marsh, III: Civil Rights Champion, Public Servant, Lawyer (GrantHouse Publishers) (Danielle Wingfield-Smith) (with Hon. Henry Marsh III) (2018).
The Memoirs of Hon Henry L. Marsh, III: Civil Rights Champion, Public Servant, Lawyer (GrantHouse Publishers) (Danielle Wingfield) (February 2018).
Out of the Boat: Trusting God in the Midst of Life's Storms (Empire Publishers) (2013).
White (Mostly Male) Affirmative Action: From Denial to Redemption and Reconciliation (Oliver Hill) (2011).
Journal ArticlesThe Ripple Effects of Gideon: Recognizing the Human Right to Counsel in Civil Adversarial Proceedings, 49 Stetson Law Review 457 (2020) (Symposium Contribution).
Reflections on a Law Teaching Career as the Curtain Closes Only to Open Again, AALS Contributions 43 Journal of the Legal Profession 357 (2019).
A Demographic History of Federal Judicial Appointments by Gender and Race: 1789-2016, A, 26 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 92 (2016).
Modern "Sappers and Miners": The Rehnquist and Roberts Courts and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 18 Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest 461 (2015).
Implications of a Uniracial Worldview: Race and Rights in a New Era, 5 Barry Law Review 1 (2005).
The Bottom Rung of America's Race Ladder: After the September 11 Catastrophe Are American Muslims Becoming America's New N....S, 19 Journal of Law and Religion 115 (2004).
The Secret Journal of Sister Jess: A True Story in Honor of Oliver W. Hill, Sr., Esq., 6 Widener Law Symposium Journal 1 (2000).
Perceptual Prisms and Racial Realism: The Good News about a Bad Situation, 45 Mercer Law Review 773 (1994).
Persuading Thy Neighbor to Be as Thyself: Constitutional Limits on Evangelism in the United States and India, 12 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 360 (1994).
"Brother", 27 University of Richmond Law Review 425 (1993).
Lawyer Competence: Perceptual Prisms, Self-Scrutiny, and the Looking Glass, 18 Journal of the Legal Profession 233 (1993).
Protecting the Right to Live in Isaiah's Brave New World, 18 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 415 (1992).
Magazines/Trade PublicationsA Demographic Snapshot of America's Federal Judiciary: A Prima Facie Case for Change, National Association of Appellate Court Attorneys (NAACA) News 4 (February 2011).
Why America Still Needs Affirmative Action, 57 Virginia Lawyer 18 (October 2008).
America's Enduring Legacy: Segregated Housing and Segregated Schools, 6 Minority Trial Lawyer (American Bar Association) (Winter 2008).
Tribute in Honor of Oliver W. Hill, Esq., National Association of Appellate Court Attorneys 18 (October 2007).
Newspaper ArticlesWashington Walks a Tightrope in Uganda, The Bay State Banner (with Charles Oggletree) (July 2011).