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An Accessible Approach to Renewable Energy Policies

July 23, 2021

Eisen’s new book offers fresh insight into revolutionary transformations in the world’s energy system

Professor Joel Eisen’s new book offers a fresh and comprehensive overview of the laws that regulate – and accelerate – the growth of renewable energy. Advanced Introduction to Law and Renewable Energy (Edward Elgar 2021) explains and analyzes the ways in which laws and policies are guiding countries in their transitions to renewable energy. The book is targeted as much at students and academics as it is at policymakers – as well as citizens interested in learning more about this topical issue. “This is a first in the field,” said Eisen, who set out to create a guide that was both in depth and accessible in its approach. “It’s a clear, concise, soup-to-nuts reference about renewable energy, with something for everyone,” Eisen added.

The book’s chapters delve into the regulatory, financial, and technological aspects of renewable energy development. Throughout, Eisen offers critical insights to spotlight ongoing changes, spark discussions about policy development, and prompt readers to inquire further into details of specific laws.

The book’s concise, accessible nature and global focus have attracted plaudits from scholars in the US and around the world. “This is a unique and highly impressive overview on contemporary problems of renewable energy,” said Professor Michael Fehling, an energy law expert at Bucerius Law School in Germany. “It strikes a very good balance between highlighting general questions and developments in a clear and systematic manner and giving concrete examples from all over the world.”

Watch as Eisen unpacks the book’s insights in this video.