
Meet Professor Marissa Jackson Sow

November 1, 2022
Richmond Law welcomed Prof. Jackson Sow to the faculty this fall.

How would you describe your career path to this point?

Adventurous, circuitous, and incredibly fulfilling. I've had the opportunity to work on Wall Street, to clerk within the federal government, to serveas a senior leader in local government, and to work abroad. Each professional experience has made me a better lawyer and a better teacher and scholar.

What has surprised you about Richmond Law?

I have been delighted by the genuinely warm environment fostered on campus. People have time for each other! It’s beautiful.

What advice would you give to current students?

Bet on yourself! Take that seminar. Apply for that internship. Explore that career path. A Richmond Law education has the potential to offer you the world; search for and seize the opportunities you’re dreaming of.

What career advice would you give to graduating students?

Keep betting on yourself! You are talented and capable, and you’ll do great things so long as you tap into your sense of purpose.

What would you recommend that studentsdo outside of law school?

To the extent that such opportunities present themselves, I always encourage people to travel internationally. Travel expands the mind and gives the traveler a more nuanced view of themselves and the vast world in which we live.It’s also fun, and even lawyers and future lawyers deserve fun.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I’m really glad to be here and excited to invest in the Richmond Law community.